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Darkness Surrounding

High Priority

Jimmy’s POV

The night had been mostly quiet, way too quiet if you asked me, and just when I thought I could go back on home, I ran into the Berry’s. Where they after me? Had they followed me?

I eyed them suspiciously and they looked like they didn’t know, that I knew, but they couldn’t fool me. I knew they knew, and if they didn’t know I would soon know. I narrowed my eyes walking around them, they turned and turned to look at me, but I was in Knife Master mode, no one could fucking see me if I didn’t want them to, right?!

“Damn it, Rev! Stop it, I’m getting a whiplash!” Jason groaned and I just ran faster. “What are you doing here, what do you know?!” I demanded jumping from out of nowhere onto his brothers back who stumbled forward but caught balance last chance to just brush me off, making me land flat on my ass. I sprung back up from my lying position down into a crouch, looking up to the brother who eyed me warily.

“So you sneak around here, without much of a reason? Does Shads know?” I asked while slowly rising up to my full hight. Jason rolled his eyes, he really dared roll his eyes on me, fool! FOOL THAT IS! “Goddamn it Rev, of course he does. He sends us out to looking for clues. Now get out of our way and let us do you job, we let you do yours too.”

They brushed past me, and I let them. I did follow them though, unnoticed of course, when they really were just checking the parameters of the territory and nothing more arises, I finally decide to head home.

I knew I was supposed to watch Emery when Brian leaves for his patrol so I was kinda looking forward to spending some time with her, even though I also knew that something between those two was off.
And with off I mean, I knew that there were feelings involved that shouldn’t be, or well after the boss man’s confession, it wasn’t maybe as bad as we thought it could be, but knowing Brian and his stubborn ass, it probably would be hard to admit for him.

And Emery, as stubborn as I got to know her too, was mostly the same, weren’t they the most fitting combination ever, the only problem was, they didn’t want to see it, or did they?

At least Brian would be making a huge deal out of it. I have seen him with women before, many… but only for a short amount of time, mostly just a few hours of fun… but never in our home and especially never in the small beach bungalow he think no one knows about, but puh-lease of course I know… did he really think I am that stupid?

I arrived back home and found Jo and Matt in the kitchen, I watched them from the corner and wanted to see for real if this was something good that was going on, I mean, they could say a lot of things, but how they acted around each other was something totally different.

They were laughing together, and cooking, I cringed at the way they mistreated my cooking equipment and the food they spread all over the kitchen island but for once I would let them get away with it.

A small smile formed on my lips seeing how carefree Matt acted around Jo, his hands on her hips, moving down kissing her at every opportunity. This seemed to be real, and he even admitted he is in love, I mean… he never said the L word before and definitely not related to a woman in his life. He was the one telling us not to think about going permanent with someone, so this was meaning something big and as it seemed it was doing him good.

I was happy, he finally found something for him, and maybe one day we all would? I glanced at them a last time and saw how Matt pulled Jo even closer, when they started a full making out session, I turned my back on them, okay maybe one finally glance, uh gross.. alright enough of that.

I walked towards Brian’s room and was on my search for Emery, she must be around here somewhere, right? Where had he left her?

The room as empty so I skipped further, kitchen was only the happy couple, living room empty, Zack and Brian gone, Johnny?!

I checked his room, her was having headphones on listening in on Pagano’s guards so I walk out again, for once I’m not on a mission to make his working day harder, now I was on a mission of finding the little blonde sister.

I rounded the corner and heard a movement, I stilled and tried to find where the sound had come from, I moved slowly further and further, until I find Emery crouched in a sitting position, something on her lap, her hand moving fast.

I frowned looking at her and trying to figure out what she was doing. I leaned further in trying to see over her shoulder, without her seeing or noticing me. She seems to be completely lost in herself. I saw a silhouette of a woman, standing behind bars, the woman cried, at a cemetery, a vividly dark scenery playing in front of me on the page, but looking so real, I wanted to comfort the woman, my heart weeping for her.

‘Much has changed since the last time’ Isaw the neatly looking woman hand writing on the side of the page and frowned. More writing was added and I leaned back to let her finish, when I saw her finishing up I leaned further and read along the lines, my heart squeezing in my chest painfully and at the same time excitement raced through me.

And I feel a little less certain now.’
‘You know I jumped at the first sign’
Tell me only if it's real,’
‘While it seems sick, sober up quick. Psycho lunatic,’
Crushing you with hands of fate. Shamed to find out when it’s too late.’
‘But you’re all the same… trapped inside inferno waits.’
‘This is now your life. Strike you from the light. This is now your life. Die buried alive…”

“Em?” I said softly and saw Emery’s shocked and wide gaze that swung to me. Her eyes were watery and tears had run down her cheeks, the downside of the drawing was splattered with wet dots of her tears making it look even more realistic, like the woman on the page had actually cried and it wavered down in the ground of the cemetery.

Emery looked away, turning the page around away from me and brushing her tears away with her hands.

I crouched down before her, making her look at me. “What you doing here? All alone?!” I asked not getting to the most important part right away.

“Where else should I be? With your boss and my so called sister?” Em spat and I sighed, hmm.. time was too short to heal the wounds, was it?

“Come on, I’ll take you to my room, we can hang out there… you can show me your work” I said winking and Emery narrowed here eyes, pushing the drawing more firmly against her chest and I sighed, though cookie, wasn’t she?!

I helped her stand up and laid my hand on her lower back guiding her away from the study and past the living room where we saw Matt and Jo sitting beside each other feeding the other food from their plates and I had to suppress a chuckle, he was going all out the boss man, huh? Cute.. kind of!?
While I heard a vile curse from Emery who stomped past the couple who didn’t even pay us any attention.

I opened the door with the key and let Emery inside, and winced when I realized my room looked like a disaster, shit… Emery turned to me with a lifted eyebrow and I shot her an apologetic look “We can go to Brian’s-”

“It’s fine…” She cut me off and started picking up my clothes and I frowned, what the hell was she doing now?
“Leave it be, I’ll do that later, or have short shit do it.” I try to take the clothes from her hands, but she turns away busying herself with my room.

I sit on my bed and watch her for a few minutes, she seems to relax while working, probably getting her mind of things.
“You saw your sister and Shads?” I ask and she whirls around with narrowed eyes, the relaxed posture completely forgotten.

“You know I did, why?” She snaps while I shake my head, she didn’t get what I mean “Did you really see them, Em? Come here” I held my hand out and even if it took her a moment she grabbed it and I could finally pull her next to me.

“What do you mean?” She sounded still angry but I sighed pulling her a little closer, she leaned into me and I gave her a small smile “I mean did you see that they were happy? I know you are upset about it, well its more than fucking obvious you are, but… don’t you want your sister to be happy? And even though you can’t grabs it, she seems to be happy with Shads.” I say trying to make her see the meaning behind it, she only saw the hurt, that her sister didn’t speak to her, but… wasn’t Em doing exactly the same? And that was the next point on my agenda, making her talk.

Em kept quiet, I saw the wheels turning inside her head, she wouldn’t admit I was right, but she also wouldn’t deny it, she must have seen the two in the kitchen before, that’s why she searched for a place to lick her wounds… to draw out her misery, but now it’s Jimmy’s confession time.

I would let the topic of her sister and Matt rest, let her think about it on her own, maybe she will come around if she really realizes its not some trick, that its real between them.. Like I told Matt, one look and I knew there was more than meets the eye.

I took the drawing from beside me and had a look at it, when Emery woke from her trance, she tried to grab it from me, but I held it out of range “This is a masterpiece” I said and let my fingers trace the lines.
Emery’s cheeks turned pink and she held her hands out “Give it to me” I shook my head “Can I keep it?”

She sighed, “You will do so anyway?” She asked without much hope making me chuckle, “I plan to yes.. but at least I asked” I grinned and she rolled her eyes a small smile on her face, but that washed away when I spoke next. “Tell me why you cried? Tell me what’s going on, little princess” I said and her blue eyes narrowed at me “Don’t call me that!”

“Em, tell me!” I said and she shook her head, turning from me. “Who makes you feel buried alive? Who is confusing you that way?” I asked even though I already knew the answer.
“Don’t Jimmy!” She turned away again, her eyes beginning to water.
“Come on, Em…” I pulled her closer, her head leaning on my shoulder, while I brushed hair from her face.

After her staying silent for longer that I felt comfortable with, I took the lead “I know what’s going on Em. I know about you and Brian” I say and her spine stiffened but she didn’t pull away.
“Is that why you feel so extremely about your sister? Because you want the same?” I asked and the way Em twists away from me, I must have hit the nail on the head.

“I just don’t want to be treated from him, like my father… It’s all the same Jimmy… I get to be used and send away, if its my father or him… It’s no difference, he doesn’t understand, he doesn’t see… I’m just a game for him… I just want to be valued as a person, not as something you can take and throw away however you want… I want to be looked at like my sister, I want to be held like she is, I want that, too, you know!” It burst out of Emery, tears streaming down her cheeks and I gathered her close.

Damn, Brian had fucked up big time! If he really wants Emery like I think he does, he just is a fool to think otherwise and not admit it, he is about to lose her completely.
Fuck, maybe I should take a lead in this…

“Sshhh… hey… We will find a way to get this right, okay?! You won’t be doing anything you don’t feel good with. If you rather stay here with me, that’s fine… If you think-” I started but Em cut me off “He is confusing me so much, one minute I think he is feeling the same way, the next he acts like a big ass and treats me like nothing, what is his deal? Am I worth nothing? What’s all about it?” She asks me looking at me with those big blue eyes and I have a hard time answering that particular question.

“Maybe he doesn’t know how to handle it, too Em… I never saw him so overprotective, never saw him be so all jealous, never saw him do the things he did for you before for any woman. I think he hasn’t realized what he really wants, Em.” I said my honest opinion, there was no way I would lie to her or give her false hope, I just hoped Brian would get his head out of his ass before it’s too late.

Brian’s POV

I hated to feel helpless and this whole situation was making me feel exactly that. I didn’t want to deal with any of it and now, and yet here I was in the middle of the disaster.
I wanted to be left alone with emotional shit, and again here I sat and asked the little princess about the way she felt.

I wanted to punch Matt for the situation, for the distrust, for the betrayal I felt. I wanted to strangle Em’s sister Jolie for making Em feel bad. That she was crying, that she was hurt from her own sister, feeling like no one was on her side…

I wanted to fucking kill someone for all the mess I was in, but even more I wanted to hold Emery and make her feel better. That was something new and I had no idea how to handle the situation… And that was yet another problem I hated not to know how to handle a situation, I didn’t even know what to do.

But the worst of it all, I wasn’t as mad for myself as I should be about Matt’s betrayal, I felt even more furious for Emery. Fuck, how should I react and how could I make Emery feel better?!

“What did she say?” I asked her and waited for her answer, that wouldn’t come “Come on, Em. Talk to me… please?”
“She’s all I had left,” Em finally whispered. “And now I cant even trust her…” She admitted and my arms tighten around her when she continues “She’ll get the life she’s always wanted and I’ll-I’ll just be thrown to the fishes.”

“That’s not true,” I shook my head, and continued without thinking “You’ve got—”

“I’ve got what?” Em snapped, turning around to face me, fuck what did I want to say?! What was I thinking?! “You? So you can sell me off just like my father when the time comes? Don’t think I don’t know how this whole kidnapping things works, Brian,” She hissed, getting off the bed and glaring at me.

“Don’t fucking compare me to your bastard of a father!” I shook my head, anger and hurt driving me to say “I’m not the sick and twisted bastard trying to sell his daughters off to the highest bidder!” I couldn’t believe she was comparing me to that asshole, how dare she think I was anything like him?!

“You’re not?” She countered, crossing her arms over her chest. “Well what the hell is holding me for a high ransom for my father to pay? Sounds like the same thing with a different name but still the same damn thing!”

I clenched my fist and stared at her “It’s. Not. The. Same. Thing,” I hissed, I wouldn’t be selling her to the highest bidder. I wouldn’t fucking give her away to any piece of shit, not even her own father…
“I would never sell you…” I tell her, and it was only the truth.

“Then what are you doing with me?” She whispered, turning away from me but then her eyes met mine again, they were demanding answers, answers I couldn’t give her, not yet, not now… maybe not ever?!

“You know I’m right,” She muttered, hurt and disappointment so evident in her eyes they made my heart squeeze painfully in my chest. “You have to give me away…” A tear rolled down her cheek making me close my eyes, fuck!

“No,” I snapped, taking a step towards her. “I don’t know what’s going to happen with you but I refuse to trade you in like a fucking prize. I promise, Em. I wont let that happen.” I tried to make her see that I was honest. I would talk to Matt about the situation, I bet he didn’t even know the whole story. I had to tell him all I knew about the situation, I know he wouldn’t sell Em back to her father knowing what he planned for the girls, or would he?

“Yo Haner it’s time to go out for patrol! Get your ass moving!” Vengeance yelled through the door, making me groan, fuck he really had the worst timing!

“Yeah, right,” Em sighed, shaking her head. “Just go and leave me locked up here like you normally do. I should get used to it anyway…” She sounded so hurt and without energy, it was breaking my heart, it wasn’t at all the woman I got to know through all those months since she stayed with me, how was I able to let her go? Did I have to let her go?

“Em,” I grabbed her arm and spun her around, my eyes instantly meeting hers. “Where is all this coming from?” I asked her but before she could answer we were interrupted again.

“Gate lets go! Shads is going to be pissed if we’re late again!” I honestly didn’t give a fuck what Shads wanted at this moment, he gave a fuck about me, so why should I give a fuck about him?!

“You heard him, you better go,” Em said “Don’t want to make your boss mad.”

“Em—” I started again but I couldn’t get a sentence out before we were interrupted again.

“I’m coming in there in five seconds if you don’t open the damn door!” Vengeance yelled before I slammed my fist on the door.

“I’m fucking coming, hold your god damn horses,” I snapped, ripping the door open, “Is Jimmy back?” I had to make sure that Em wouldn’t be alone, I didn’t want her to feel even worse, fuck, I wished to stay here and comfort her.

Vengeance looked between me and Em back and forth. “No but he just texted saying he was on his way. He should be here any minute. Why?”

“Just go wait in the car and I’ll be there in a minute,” I replied before turning back to face Em, “Go wait for Jimmy in the living room and get yourself a glass of wine,” I whispered to her, I knew that wasn’t a good solution, but at least maybe that would help ease her mind a little. “I’ll be back in a few hours so don’t do anything stupid, Princess.” I didn’t want to leave her, really I didn’t, but I couldn’t let Zack leave alone either, shit!

I hurried out the garage, my thoughts always returning to Emery. I was even that distracted that I let Zack drive. He didn’t question me slipping into the passenger seat and not saying a word. My thoughts a storm of different emotions that I had no idea how to sort through…

“You calmed down?” Zack’s voice brought me back to the task at hand and I snapped my head towards him.
“What you think?” I shot back my tone giving away my anger still and Zack rolled his eyes sighing.

“Sorry, that I wasn’t the one knowing that Shads was betraying us all the time, sorry that I had to fucking find out last that the asshole is telling us to keep the rules while he is fucking away his off time how he wants it, while playing the big boss man in front of us, sorry that I cant fucking act like nothing happened and all if fucking fine!” I hissed and Zack runs a hand over his eyes, groaning frustrated.

“I wasn’t a fan of the situation either when I found out, okay?” Zack said and I turned to the side, “How did you find out anyway?” I asked and narrowed my eyes, had Shads told him, and only confided in him? While he always told me I was his fucking right hand, was he lying to me in everything not just this case?

“I found out from Jo…” Zack said slowly and I frowned, I did know Zack had liked the girl, liked to fuck her, but I didn’t know they were this close… “I made a move on her, pretty directly, and she had to come out of the closet to brush me off.” He admitted, his cheeks blushing slightly and I rolled my eyes, what the fuck.

“She told you she is with Shads?” I said in disbelief, while we rounded the corner to the next territory, “Well, she told me she couldn’t be with me, cause she is with someone else… So go figure, she wanted me back before we kidnapped them, and in the meantime she got a boyfriend, please, could only be one of us… so yeah… I was pissed off, went to Shads we had a little head to head, but… Damn Gates, he is honest about it, they really seem to… you know, want it all. Don’t be too hard on him… I think it’s the first time he really wants something for himself and loves her.” Zack said and I looked back out the window thinking about what he said.

Even if it was the case and Shads really was feeling something for Em’s sister, he should have told us and not go behind our backs, that was fucked up and a dick move, even for him.

Would I have reacted differently then? Probably not?! What can I say I was a fucking hothead and I didn’t like things that went on behind my back, I wasn’t the right hand of Shads when he didn’t involve me into his damn decisions.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t try things with the blonde sister, huh? Come on, we both know… and now you are feeling like Shads? That’s why you making an even bigger deal out of this?” Zack asked while we climbed out of the car, and I slammed my door shut harder than I should.

“Fuck off, Vee” I muttered while we headed into different directions, my hand on the gun in my holster, always being ready for an attack.

My mind whirled back to Emery, how hurt she looked and her comparing me to her father, how dare she say something like that… but was she that wrong?
We did plan on handing her back over, wasn’t that what the meeting with Pagano was about? We “find” the girls and hand them over, therefore we get more land and money from Pagano… Fuck, wasn’t that the same?!

But she wasn’t my daughter, she wasn’t family to me… damn it, what was she?! Could I watch her walk away from me? Send her back to her father, who would sell her off to the highest bidder?
Was it someone from the party her father had already picked out?

I tried to think back to the day of the mask ball we attended at her fathers, was her potential husband on that party, waiting for her, deflowering her?! Was that what this was all about? About might and money… It was disgusting and even thinking about another guy touching my woman, or daring only to think she would be his was making me ball my fists at my sides.

I felt a gun at my head, the point directly above my neck, I stilled and breathed evenly, what the fuck. Who had sneaked up on me, I tried to slowly turn around, but the gun was held in place.
“I could have been anybody and your head would be blown away, bro” Zack’s voice sounded behind me the gun pulled away and my heart began to beat normal again, while I turned around and glared at him.

“Fuck, whats wrong with you?” I demanded and Zack put his gun away. “You are completely off today, we better head home before one or we both get gunned down, because of your lack of concentration, man. I checked the parameters and all is quiet. We should head out again tomorrow for the rest of the territory, but for today its better we leave it at this.” Zack turned and motioned me back to the car, and I couldn’t blame him, he was right… I was fucking distracted, couldn’t sort through all the wild thoughts inside my head, but one thing was clear.

I wouldn’t let Emery go back to her father, I wouldn’t let her be sold off to some guy, paying Pagano for his beautiful daughter. Emery deserved more, deserved so much better than that.

Can you be what she deserves? Did she even want you? Or is she just here because she has to be, if she has a choice do you think she would stay with you? Would you want to stay, being in her shoes?! Are you enough for her? Could you give her the life she really deserves? No… you can’t, you couldn’t…
The voice in my head taunted me and I shook my head, I grabbed a handful of hair and pulled on it, trying to get rid of the voice.

Would I be honest with myself, for once… then Jimmy was right, I did want her. I wanted her more than I ever wanted anybody. I wanted her only for myself, I wanted her day and night, I wanted her around me freely, wanted her to stay with me because she wanted it, wanted to see her smile, wanted to make her smile… Damn it, what was wrong with me!

I never been like this, she was doing things to me that I didn’t understand myself and that was scaring the shit out of me!

I didn’t want to depending on someone, I didn’t want to be responsible for someone, fuck… I wanted my fun… but then the thought of Emery waking away from me never to be seen again, god that thought was ripping my insides to shreds… but why?!

“Don’t you want to get out?” Zack’s voice asked, the door to my side of the car held open and I frowned, when had we gotten home and when had he opened the door without me noticing, shit I was so deep in thoughts I wasn’t getting anything that happened around me.

“Yeah…” I climbed out of the car, and checked my watch, wasn’t that late yet, Emery would still be up, if she hadn’t fallen back into an exhausted sleep from all the trouble before, but even more important, I could try and talk to Shads.

I had to see if he knew about the selling the girls part, and I had to find out if he was still willing to give away Emery, while keeping the brunette sister for himself. I wouldn’t accept that, not now not ever. Emery wouldn’t be handed over to some prick to manhandle her, she was mine, and even if I- I- Fuck I had no idea what I should do, but I knew I wouldn’t let her leave like that!

“Damn Gates, you are so far gone… What’s the matter, man?” Zack walked beside me through the garage and I just shook my head “I need to talk to Shads” I stated and Zack lifted an eyebrow at me “You think that’s a good idea, with the mood you were in last time, why don’t you calm down a little first…” Zack suggested but I cut him off, “I won’t fucking rip his head off, alright? I’m still not happy and all is great with us but.. I have something important to talk to him about, can’t wait!” I told Zack who opened the door to the compound.

“Should I call in the other guys, Team meeting?” Zack asked and seemed to get my urgency, I had to clear the thing with Emery not being sold off. I promised her I would find a solution and I would, and if that would mean her staying here with me, wasn’t that a double win for the situation, or would she want to go? What if she really was just playing me?

Damn it, I only knew I had to find a way to keep her away from her bastard of a father. She had to stay safe and I knew I could keep her safe, I just had to talk to Shads about the situation, even though we weren’t on the best terms right now, I knew we were still brothers, no matter what.

“We let you guys know if we need a complete meeting, alright?” I told Zack who nodded his head. “Okay, I’ll report with Johnny, seeing if he got any new lead for tomorrow patrol” And with that Zack disappeared around the corner.

I looked around the kitchen seeing it looked like hell, someone had tried to make food, maybe Emery had tried to distract herself? I saw two plates so I sure hoped Jimmy hadn’t tried a romantic dinner with her, or I would sadly have to rip his head off.

I walked to Shads room, knocking, not getting any reply “SHADS! WE NEED TO TALK!” I yelled loudly and then punched in the code to open the door. I peaked inside almost afraid seeing too much of the boss man, but only finding the room empty.

I turned around and headed for the office, I heard muffled voices from inside, he must be there with Jolie. I breathed deeply in and out and knocked, waiting for a reply.

“GOD DAMN IT! WHAT?!” Matt yelled and I sighed, I guess I didn’t wanna know what he was doing in there.
“We need to talk” I yelled back and heard more muffled voices. “Come in” Matt replied after a moment and I opened the door, finding Matt on his chair behind the desk with Jolie placed in his lap, he stroked her hair and seemed completely at ease, I haven’t seen Matt like that in… fuck ever?!

“Our relationship is not up for discussion, Gates” Matt said before I could even open my mouth again. He must have seen how I had eyed them both sitting there.

How is the best way to start this off? Was there even a best way? I frowned and looked again at Jolie, same blue eyes as Emery but everything else looked different… she was beautiful no question, I could understand to a certain level why Shads had fallen for her, but she was missing this little extra something… she just wasn’t Em, my little feisty princess.

“Gates?” Matt’s voice roused my from my thoughts and I tried to concentrate back on the task. “I’m not here to discuss your sex life” My mouth replied before I had even finished the thought, great Gates… fucking great beginning.

I saw how Matt righted himself in his chair and how he softly pushed Jo to the side to lean forward “Listen and listen closely.” He looked at me with narrowed eyes and putting on his big boss attitude.

“I know I fucked up with the rule and not telling you, alright?! I get that! But we both didn’t plan any of it… It fucking happened. I won’t allow any of you to question Jo and myself in this, she is now part of me, so whatever you meant to say, safe it or we get in deep trouble” Matt growled and I saw how Jo shivered, was she afraid of him, but when Matt then turned her eyes on her, she gave him a warm smile and Matt smiled back, it was sickening to see, but I had to admit, they really did seem to be in this deeply.

“I wasn’t going to talk about that” I shot back, and turned my eyes on Jolie “Will you leave us alone for a moment?” I asked and found Matt placing a hand on her shoulder “She stays, whatever you have to say, say it” I chewed on the inside of my cheek, debating if he would really want me to say it before her but decided against it.

“It’s important, and I suggest we talk about it alone first… I mean it Shads, it’s better” I said again and if he would still insist I would talk, but then he shouldn’t blame me for freaking her out, or maybe she knew… I wasn’t too sure.

Matt stared at me for a moment longer and then whispered into Jo’s ear, he patted her ass when she left around the corner “I’ll be right there, babe” Matt said before the door closed behind Jo.

“What?!” Matt snapped and I sat down opposite of him. “We need to find a solution for Emery, I won’t allow her to go back. She can’t be sold back to her father and then send off to the highest bidder… I won’t fucking allow that. And I count on you to see it the same way, Jolie would have the same faith, so we should fucking think about a solution for this” I blabbed it all out and Matt stared at me, not blinking not saying anything.

“Rewind for me… What?” He finally asked and I sighed, so I guess he didn’t know “Well…”
I told him what I knew from Emery and the meeting at the day we kidnapped her, what her father had planned for her and Matt looked at me mouth open, his head getting redder and redder, the angry vein in his neck pulsating dangerously, at least he reacted as I had when Emery first told me.

“He planned to sell his daughter to some douchebag as a fucking item?!” Matt demanded rage evident in his voice.

“No, his daughterS… I don’t know if Jolie didn’t tell you, but it sounded like both of them, he just found an interest first for Em and Jolie would be next” I clarified and Matt slammed his fist on the desk, cracking the wood.

“That fucking bastard, I’m gonna fucking rip his head off when I see him next! No one is touching what is mine! NO ONE!” He raged and I nodded “We cannot hand them back to that asshole!” I said and I meant them, I knew Matt was thinking about Jolie first but I wouldn’t let any of that happen to Em either. I meant it, she was mine to protect and even if it was from her own father!

“Of fuck no, he won’t get a hand on the girls. I’m not handing them over to an even worse fate… now this all makes sense… The tests, the implant… the maintaining the innocence, all making sense now!” Matt looked absent, and I didn’t get what he was saying, what did all that mean?

“What are you talking about, Shads?” I leaned forward and Matt’s eyes met mine, they were full of anger and I steeled myself for what was coming next “Jolie told me her father did extra test and took measurements to keep them away from men, as well as checking if they are still innocent, probably to sell them to a higher price… Fuck! This all makes sense! That goddamn prick!” I heard what he said but it didn’t really register, he was doing what to his daughters? Emery has’t told me any of that?! What was she thinking, not to let me know those details!

She hadn’t been a virgin when we met, so what had happened before all that, she had been willing in the club, but how did she escape before all that, had her guard took his job way too far, or who else was responsible for this, and why the fuck did their father think he had a right to decide about anything like that for the girls?!

“I’m not letting Emery go back to that prick!” I stated and got up from my sitting position I met Matt’s troubled gaze and he narrowed his eyes “We won’t… we will have to find a way, we need to think about a way to get out of this, to get them out of this mess…” Matt muttered.

“I gotta talk to Jo about this, she hasn’t told me about the plans of her father, about her being sold! I can’t believe she was keeping something like that from me!” He muttered even more what I couldn’t make out angrily, still deep in thoughts as I believed “Go get the guys and Emery, meeting here in 30, its high priority, if they sleep, wake them, if they got other things to do, I don’t fucking care, get them here!” He yelled the last part and pushed himself out of the chair, storming from the room and heading to his room, while I went on my hunt for Emery, we had some talking to do before the meeting would start.


Soooo who missed some Jimmy POV?

And some important talks going on here !!

Did u like it?!

Let us knowww!


Oh thank his he’s okay! But now Em is not okay. When will this group get a chance to breathe?? Loving it as always ladies!

These cliffhangers are killing me here! Love this story!

Hnybdgr Hnybdgr

Oh god, what’s Matt trying to do now? I support him though, Pagano needs to be punished for treating his daughters like shit.

Holly Holly

Yay!!! They are FINALLY reunited! I’m so happy! But wonder what trouble Matt just got himself into with Pagano. I hope we get to see Jo kick ass and rescue him! As always, I loved the update and i can’t wait for more!

Gah! They still have to get out! Ya killin' me, smalls!!! ;) thx for the update! If Jimmy is hurt I will find you.

violetvictoria violetvictoria