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Darkness Surrounding

Red Alert

Matt’s POV

“GET. THE. FUCK. OUT!!!” I bellowed at Vengeance, slamming my fist on the desk. What part didn’t he understand? Did he not hear a damn word that came out of my fucking mouth?! I wasn’t changing guard duties and I didn’t need his fucking help! Jolie was mine and I wasn’t going to let him anywhere near her, not after the last escape attempt. No fucking way! Call me a possessive bastard but Jo was NOT leaving my side, not when there was a potential threat hanging over our heads.

I mean, how fucking stupid could Gates be? Openly admitting that we were the Pagano kidnappers in an unsecure location right after a potentially dangerous client left?! I wanted nothing more than to ring his scrawny little neck and squeeze until his eyeballs popped. That’s how pissed off I was about he whole situation! Gates’ slipup could cost us the whole Pagano operation and not to mention put both the girls and the gang in danger. And there Vengeance had to go rubbing that fact in my face again! FUCK!

I would never forgive myself if anything happen to Jolie under my watch. She was my responsibility and the thought of losing her made me feel sick to my stomach. I hadn’t known her for very long but I couldn’t deny the attraction that we had or undeniable connection we shared. And now that she was unofficially mine, she was quickly becoming a part of my everyday routine and I didn’t want to lose that. Jolie Pagano was fucking mine and no one was going to take her away from me. No one.

“But Shads—“

“NOW!!” I screamed, the sheer volume of my voice ringing in the room. Why could none of my men take a fucking hint? I wanted to be left alone!

“Fucking hell!” I roared, aggressively slamming my fists on the desk as the door crashed shut behind Zack. I was seeing red and I couldn’t take it anymore. God fucking help the next person that walked through my door because they wouldn’t make it out alive. “If the door is shut, stay the fuck out!”

With a deep growl, I flunked back down in the plush leather chair, massaging my temples. I could feel the anger pulsing through my veins, resulting in the worst headache knowing to man. Fuck hell, what was I going to do? What happened if that little punk went and ran his mouth to someone about what he heard? Our warehouse would undoubtedly be swarming with Pagano men before I even had a chance to relocate the girls. And let me tell you something right now, that wasn’t fucking happening. I wouldn’t let the girls out of my fucking sight. They were on full guard until I was certain that there was no threat.

“Fuck!” I hissed again, turning to look at my computer screen, my hands running over my face in frustration. I had to make a move to throw Pagano off our tracks, but what? He had men watching everything in this goddamned city and one slipup could cost us our lives. What the hell was I going to do? I needed a plan and I didn’t know if I was more pissed off because I knew we could lose the girls or because my men were rubbing that fact in my face! “Fuck Vengeance, I swear if he thinks he’s getting guard duty after that little stunt he’s got another thing coming,” I mutter inaudibly under my breath.

With another groan, I dropped my hands to my desk and pinched the bridge of my nose, having no idea where to start. How would we know if that little bastard ran his mouth? That’s right, we wouldn’t until it was too goddamn late! How could we be losing control of this situation so quickly?

Suddenly a cool set of hands landed on my shoulders, messaging the taut muscles. The motion instantly relaxed me and I let out a light sigh. Damn, I had forgotten that Jolie was still in the room. It was amazing how just her touch made the anger and tension I was holding start to dissolve. She had some kind of mysterious effect on me and I couldn’t deny the emotions that were starting to surface as I looked at her now. It was almost like she was made for me—she fit perfectly with my body, she calmed me, and she grounded me. Nothing in my life had ever felt like this, especially not after two short weeks.

“Are you okay?” her sweet voice sounded in my ear, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine. Shit, this girl was making me lose control and I didn’t know how to handle that.

I mean, of course I liked the girl but there was just something about her that drew me toward her. It was almost like I needed to be around her, to protect her, to comfort her, to feel her, but what unnerved me was the fact that I had no control of myself when I was around her. The girl made me weak and that was the last thing I needed in my position. I was a leader of a successful gang that was wanted by the law and I couldn’t afford to be soft and slip up. It could cost us everything…

“I’m fine,” I sighed, trying to push those disturbing thoughts from my head. The truth was that even though I knew she made me soft, I couldn’t distance myself from her. Jolie was like a drug that I couldn’t get enough of and I couldn’t even stand the thought of her looking at another man. She was mine, and I would just have to find a way to not let anyone else see how she affected me.

Jo chuckled lightly in my ear and placed her cheek to mine. Her skin felt unnaturally warm but I quickly push that thought away when her skillful hands moved down my back and then to my chest from behind. I sucked in a breath, my dick instantly springing to life in my pants. Fuck, she really did have some kind of hold on me.

“That’s funny because your body is telling a different story,” her melodic voice whispered as she cuddled against my cheek. “Though, I must say that you do make a good boss.”

“Tell that to my men,” I half huffed and half chuckled as I leaned back in my chair, my anger now nothing but a distant memory. It was really amazing how quickly she could calm me down. “If they would just fucking listen, keep their mouths shut, and follow direct orders, we wouldn’t have half the problems that we do,” I let out before I could stop myself.

It probably wasn’t the best idea to tell Jo about our gang’s problems, but I couldn’t help myself. I felt like I could really trust her, even if she was our biggest enemy’s daughter.

“Hmmm,” Jo hummed, her hands moving up and down my chest and abs. If she was going to keep that up, we were going to have a very hard problem that would need immediate attention, but I still had so much work to do. “Well…Mr. Boss Man, I think you could find a solution,” Jo purred in my ear, causing me to suppress a moan. Was it just me or was she trying to get a rise out of me on purpose?

“Oh yeah?” I smiled, turning around and pulling her onto my lap in one swift motion. I had to find out what was going on in that beautiful mind of hers.

Jo let out a light gasp, undoubtedly responding to the raging boner in my pants, as I met those beautiful blue eyes that seemed to haunt my every thought. But something about the way she looked at me just now was off. Why did she look so pale? Did I scare her before?

“Yeah-yeah …” Jo blushed with a cute little smile, looking away from my intense gaze. Why was this woman so beautiful?

“Jo,” I said, cupping her face in my hands. Now her skin felt really warm to the touch. Was she getting sick? That thought made my heart start to race as I looked over her face, trying to read her expression. I couldn’t let anything happen to her. “Are you okay?”

Jo cuddled into my chest as a shiver ran through her small body. “Yeah and even better now.” she said, her stunning blue eyes meeting mine. She smiled lightly and I relaxed a little bit. Maybe I was just imagining things and she was fine, or maybe I had scared her after all. She had to know that I would never hurt her, right? “Why do you ask?”

“You look a little pale,” I started. “And I hope I didn’t frighten you with the whole Vengeance situation,” I sighed, resting my chin on top of her head, taking in her mouth-watering aroma. Jo smelled like she had recently gotten out of the shower and the smell of her honey vanilla shampoo was making my mouth water. I knew that the rest of her tasted just as good as she smelled. “He just pisses me off when he tried to act like he knows better than I do,” I huffed, trying not to let my blood pressure rise again. You have nothing to be afraid of when it comes to me or any of my men. You know that, right?”

“Of course and you didn’t scare me, Matt” her high lofty voice sounded, a smirk playing on her lips. What was she thinking? “Quite the opposite actually….I-I found it…” Jo blushed deeply and bit down one her bottom lip and that right there was the sexiest fucking thing I had ever seen. It was almost like she was embarrassed to say the rest.

“Found it what?” I coaxed, now really confused. What did she mean the opposite? What could she be thinking about that would make her blush? Did I miss something?

Jo cuddled even more into me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my ear down to her lips. “I actually found it kind of hot…Mr. Boss Man Shadows,” she purred and I couldn’t help but throw my head back and laugh. She was just too fucking adorable for her own good. God, why did I have such a soft spot for this woman? She was making me lose my edge and that fucking terrified me.

“So first you like my stubble and now you like when I yell at my men?” I chuckled, shaking my head at her blushed intensified. “You Miss Pagano are a woman after my own heart.” I gently leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. The kiss quickly intensified and by the time we broke apart we were both breathless.

“You are really something else,” I muttered, pressing my forehead to Jo’s feeling the heat radiating off of her. She said she was fine so maybe she was just worked up from the kiss and the touching—I knew I certainly was.

“This sounds weird to say to someone who kidnapped me, but I’m glad you found me,” and that smile right made my stomach do a flip. What the hell was that? Never in my life had anything or anyone made me feel like this. Was I really losing my edge.

“Me too, Jo,” I admitted, looking into her eyes. In all honesty, I was terrified of what we had together but there was no turning back now. I was already invested in her but I knew for professional and safety reasons, not even my best friends could know. She had me wrapped around her little finger but I would never openly admit it. “But as much as I love this,” I sighed after kissing her warm forehead. “I have to get some work done and have to find some way to do some damage control.”

“What happened exactly?” Jo asked cautiously and I sighed. I know it was selfish, but I didn’t want to tell her. What if she wanted to go home? To leave me? Fuck, that thought made me feel sick. No, that wasn’t going to happen, not when Pagano still owed us so much. I would do what was best for our group, if not what was best for both Jo and I. What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.

I sighed and gently moved her off my lap. “All I can say is that Gates has a big mouth that could put our side business in jeopardy.” Well, that was partially the truth. If the kid ran his mouth, there would be no business at all because Pagano would have a price on all of our heads.

“What-what did he say?”

I pinched my eyes shut as I faced the back wall, my back to Jo. She was just like my men, she couldn’t take my first answer and go with it. What was with these people? Was I losing my edge? “I doesn’t matter what he said. I just have to make sure that no one overheard that privileged information,” I snapped, realizing that my tone was a lot harsher than I meant it to be. “Sorry…I’m just on edge and talking about it isn’t going to help…” I added afterwards, looking back to see a frown spread over Jolie’s oddly pale face as he leaned against my desk.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Jo asked before letting out a light cough. Now I didn’t like the sounds of that and if she was here all night with me, I surely wouldn’t get any work done.

I shook my head and ran my hands over my face, trying to push my worry for her away. “No and I think you should head to bed. You look like you don’t feel well and besides I think I’ll be up for a while,” I sighed, mentally kicking myself when I saw the look on her face. I turned back around only to feel as small hand pull roughly on my shoulder to spin me back around.

“Wha—“ I gasped, in surprise, finding myself face to face with those beautiful blues.

“I feel fine. It’s just a little chilly in here,” Jo snapped, suddenly standing in front of me with her hands on her hips. Just the way she was standing was showing off her every curve and slightly pulling down her top to reveal more of her cleavage. I licked lips and then shook my head. What was I doing? I was supposed to send her to bed so I could get some work done. The last thing I wanted was for to find out that her father might be onto us.

“Jo you—“ I started looking away, but being oddly turned on by her new demanding demeanor. Why was it so fucking sexy to see her stand up to me?

“No!” Her small hands moved up to touch my face, forcing me to look at her. Now this side of her definitely turned me on and my dick throbbed painfully in response to her closeness. There was nothing hotter than a woman that challenged me and Jolie was definably doing that now.

“I’m staying with you,” she insisted, her blue eyes staring into mine as her hand landed on my chest, grabbing my t-shirt. I had to suppress the urge to moan. If she was going to keep this up, I would bend her over the desk and fuck her senseless. “I don’t want to go back to that cold room all alone. I understand that you’re stressed but don’t push me away. I am here for you,” she said, practically whispering the last part, her eyes burning into mine. Her small hands gently moved down my chest and stopped at my waist. “I want to be with you…”

“I want you too, Jo,” I practically growled, her words igniting the beast inside of me. That was it, I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to show her just how she was making me feel. So I quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her into me as Jo’s arms slung around my neck.

My lips were hungrily attacked Jo’s as I pulled her firmly into my body, letting her feel my need. Damn her little act of defiance was hot and I wanted her, no I needed her. I need to show her just how much I wanted her with me too.

Our lips wrestled for a few second before I won in the battle for dominance and scoped her up into my arms. I could feel my heart racing as our tongues wrestled, my legs moving us back to the desk on their own accord. All I could concentrate on right now was the throbbing cock in my pants and the way her warm core screamed for freedom through her denim short. Damn, I wanted her and I would make sure this was a time she wouldn’t forget.

The next thing I knew, I had Jo pinned to the desk she moaned my name. My lips traveled up and down he neck and arms, nibbling and biting her all over. Her long red nails dug into my flesh and causing me to bit her harder as my hands worked on her breasts. Damn, she was fucking perfect in my eyes. Nice ass, awesome tits, and a freak in the bed…or should I say the office. I leaned over her as her little fingers moved to release the screaming demon in my pants, my lips now firmly plastered to hers.

Seconds later, I held my throbbing dick at her entrance, teasing her as I rubbed it up and down her clit. “Stop playing games and just do it, please,” She begged, her head back in pure pleasure Damn, she was fucking hot. Without warning I shoved my huge member deep inside her without warning, causing a scream to fill the small space. “Oh fuck yes, Mr. Boss man!” she hissed, clawing at my shoulders with her nails.

Without further ado, I started pummeling her with fast, hard, and deep thrusts, feeling her little walls clamp down around me. She felt so good, and she was so damn tight that I could barely stand it. What was hotter than fucking a forbidden fruit in your office while your men where down the hall? I just hoped they couldn’t hear.

“Harder!” she yelled, her ass squeaking against the wood with each thrust. I smiled down at her and pumped harder and faster, pushing her over the edge. Jolie released and loud scream and her walls vice gripped my dick. God I was so fucking close that I couldn’t stand it.

“FUCK!” I screamed as an orgasm ripped through my body, leaving me in hormone-induced euphoria. God, she was some of the best fucking sex of my life. Hands down.

“Damn it, Jo…What are you doing to me?” I breathed, the silence in the room now almost defining as I pulled her into my arms. It was like this little beautiful woman had come into my life and broke down all of my walls and resolves in a matter of seconds. Was she making me weak?

“I was about to ask you the same question,” she replied softly. Jo looked exhausted and I felt the same way after that exhausting meeting and that amazing romp. “And I meant what I said. I want to help you and I want to be with you,” she assured me as she stood up and pulled her clothes back on.

“I know,” I nodded before letting out a yawn. “But I really need to do this work alone. It could be dangerous if someone found out you knew our secrets,” I tried to explain. I couldn’t even imagine what her father would do to get information from her if he found out I had her working in my office. Would she tell him or would she protect the Avenged secrets? I didn’t know and I would have to keep her at a little bit of distance from our business dealings until I knew for sure.

“And it looks like I’m not the only one who needs to go to bed,” Jo teased, moving back over and wrapping her hands around my waist. She put her head on my chest and looked up at me with a smile, her eyes just shinning. She looked so happy. How could I say no to that? “Besides, I still want to know what it feels like to be cuddled up with this stubble.” She ran her hand over my cheek and I couldn’t help but laugh. This girl was something else.

Sometime before dawn I awoke to the sound of my phone blaring on the nightstand next to me. Fuck, what time was it? It was still dark outside, or at least that’s what it seemed from the inside of my eyelids. Who in their right fucking mind was up at this hour. Not to mention that it seemed like I had only fallen asleep minute before. This better be fucking good!

With a groan I rolled over and picked up the phone. “Shadows,” I barked, my brain and body still very much asleep. You see, I had spent most of the evening buried balls deep in the beautiful creature next to me. Damn my name never sounded as good as when it was screamed from those lips.

I looked down to her side of the bed so see her shivering even with the covers on, her teeth chattering loudly. “Shads, this is JB,” a whispering voice sounded from the other end of the line as I put another blanket on top of Jolie. I didn’t like that she was this cold, especially when it seemed to be rather warm in my room.

“You’re going to have to speak up, Jason, I cant hear you,” I grumbled, running my hands over my face in attempt to stay away. “And this better be fucking good.”
“I can’t speak up but I need to check in with you,” Jason said as I went to brush a lock of Jolie’s hair out of her face. Only when I touched her face, her skin felt like a raging wildfire. Fuck! Was she sick? “I am currently at a business meeting with the Pagano’s for the bank,” he started, but I was only half listening. I was more concerned with Jo’s well-being at the moment. “And he just got a call from a captor stating that they wanted a ransom for the girls…did you send that?”

What? What did he mean that he got a ransom call? I hadn’t done shit to notify Pagano that we had his girls. No, I wanted him to sweat it out and then secretly ask for the ransom for them. So who the hell was taking credit for our work?! In a matter of seconds my temper had gone from zero to sixty and I was seeing red.

“What?!” I hissed hoping that I misunderstood him. Jo moved in her sleep as a light moan escaped her lips.

“All I know is that someone made a ransom call saying they wanted a million for the girls safe return,” JB hissed and I let out a growl. Now I really was pissed. “But I’ve got to go. Someone’s coming…” and with that the phone line went dead.

“FUCK!” I hissed, quickly climbing out of bed and pacing my room. The sun was just starting to come up and I had no idea where to even start. What JB had heard wrong and the caller wanted a million for information about who had the girls? I need some more information before I knew how to respond to this kind of news, but where was I going to get it?

I quickly pulled on a pair of athletic shorts and head toward the door just as Jo started to cough. My eyes snapped over to her small frame, now illuminated by the morning sun. She looked paler than ever and extremely frail balled up in the fetal position. “Shit…Jo…” I muttered under my breath, turning back toward the bed.

I knew I had to take care of the Pagano situation but I had to make sure Jo okay first. Maybe she was just having a nightmare? That could cause night sweats, moaning, and potential coughing, right? I knew I was stretching it and with each step I took toward the bed, the harder my heart pounded in my chest. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her. She was mine to take care of and I wouldn’t leave her side until I knew that she was safe, or in this case well.

“Jo? Babe?” I asked, carefully cradling her body against me as I tried to wake her up. She moaned and coughed before her clouded blue eyes opened to look at me. “Are you okay?” I continued, my heart banging against my ribcage. Just the thought of her not feeling well was making me very unease and on edge.

Jo coughed again before she answered me in a groggy voice. “I’m fine…just,” she coughed again. “So cold…” she shivered and I held her tighter against me.

“Jo, I think you’re sick…” I said softly, pushing her long dark locks out of her face. She looked both pale and flushed at the same time and I knew just by looking at her that she had a pretty substantial fever.

“No…I’m okay. I just need some Tylenol and some more sleep…could I get some?” she asked, her eyes drooping shut again. “I’m just really sleepy right now…and-and will you stay with me?” she muttered.

“Of course I’ll stay with you babe,” I said, hoping that she was right about just needing some medicine and some more sleep. Maybe I was just blowing this whole thing out of proportion, but something about this just wasn’t siting well with me. The idea of Jo being sick or hurt was driving me to the edge. “I’ll go get you some meds and water and be right back,” I said before quickly kissing her head and headed out the door.

Emery’s POV

Really? Was that moaning I was waking up to? Damn, and I though that I made a lot of noise but this was at a whole new level. My head throbbed painfully from the lack of sleep and the angle I was currently laying in, and if I were being honest I really wasn’t sure where I was. All I knew was that I felt like I was floating on cloud nine and that the sun was burning a hole through my eyelids.

Why did I feel so good right now even though my head was screaming? Wait, that moaning is coming from me! My eyes shot open and I looked down over my completely naked to see Brain giving me a mischievous smirk from down under.

I bit my bottom lip and gripped the sheets as he added in two fingers with his naughty tongue. My back arched and a wild cry left my mouth as he bent his fingers into that oh-so sensitive spot. Suddenly the pain of my headache was gone and replaced by the pleasure that Brian was supplying me with.

“Oh god,” I cried, feeling like my body was soaring through the clouds. Now if this wasn’t the best way to wake up in the morning, then I had no idea what was. Brian’s tongue swirled over my clit, making me whimper as his fingers pounded in and out in the oh-so tender spot.

Oh, I was so close to reaching that sweet darkness of my release when a knock sounded at the door. I instantly shot up into a sitting position and looked at the door, hearing someone calling Brian’s name, only he wasn’t stopping. My blues shot back over to Brain, my jaw agape in complete horror. What if they came in here and saw what we were doing…what we had been doing all night? What would happen? “Wh-what if they come in?” I hissed, my heart pounding in my chest as I pulled the sheets around me.

I knew what I was doing with Brian was wrong on so many levels, but I just couldn’t help myself. He made me feel things that I had never felt before, and every time he touched me, I felt alive. I just couldn’t deny myself that feeling anymore, so I gave into my body natural desire, even though my brain told me otherwise. It was like Brian had broken all of my resolves last night, causing me to give into my body’s needs. But now it seemed as if I should have listened to my brain all along….

“Relax, Princess, It’s just short shit,” Brian chuckled as he crawled back up to me, planting kisses on my shoulder. He was only wearing a pair of boxers and yet I was still butt naked. “He’ll just go away if I don’t answer.”

“And what if he doesn’t?” I hissed back as Brian continued to kiss up and down my body, making me even more confused then I already was. I mean, why did I give into him? Now Brian had all the control and he knew it….but was that such a bad thing when I knew how talented his little demon from down under was? Hands down, Mr. Gates was the best sex of my life…but that’s all it could be. Just sex.


“GATES! I swear if you don’t get your ass out of bed and open the fucking door, I will go tell both Rev and Shads about—“ the voice I didn’t recognize called from outside of the door, seeming to get a rise out of Brian for the first time.

“I’m fucking coming, god damn it, Christ!” Brian hissed pulling away from me but not before giving me one more spank. And as if my ass wasn’t sore enough. I had no idea how I was going to sit down today when he had been pretty rough with the crop last night. But I loved every second of it… “Don’t say a fucking word and don’t move, Princess…I’m not done with you yet,” he warned and I rolled my eyes. That had been his motto of the night and I just seemed to receive one punishment after the next, though I didn’t mind. Actually, I rather enjoyed myself.

Brian quickly pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of boxers before he typed in the code and stepped outside of the room. It honestly looked like a warzone in here—clothes and bedding were thrown everywhere. I knew Brian told me to stay put, but when was the last time I actually followed an order that he gave me? Hadn’t he learned by now that I wasn’t the type to follow directions?

I quickly moved and pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before I started to pick up the room. The closer I got to the door, the more sound I could hear from Brian’s conversation. Now this would be interesting, now wouldn’t it? I smirked to myself as I pressed my ear to the door, thinking maybe I could use some of this information to my advantage.

“So what did you get Jimbo to do last night then, Christ?” I heard Brian ask. What did me mean? I thought Jimmy had to go on an assignment….

“I had to fucking thing really long and hard to find something believable so you could get your precious time with blondie there,” the other man huffed and my eyes grew wide. Did he really just say what I thought he said? Brian went out of his way to get me away from Jimmy last night? Huh? Well that was interesting wasn’t it? “She better have been worth it.”

“It’s none of your fucking business how she was, though if I was going to say anything, it would be fucking amazing….not that you know what that’s like short shit. Oh, that little princess is a nice little toy to play with…let me tell you that,” Brian laughed, his words pissing me off more and more by the second. “So what did you end up doing?”

“Christ?! Where the fuck are you?” another voice bellowed as I stood shaking my head.

I couldn’t believe Brian would send Jimmy out on a false mission just so he could get me back. What was he afraid of anyway? That I would like my time with Jimmy better then I did with him? Well, news-fucking-flash, I did enjoy my time with Jimmy more. And you know why? Because I didn’t feel like a fucking toy or a piece of property! That’s it! I was done being Brian’s personal plaything.

“Let’s just say the Pagano situation has been taken care of.”

What the fuck did that mean? Had they done something to hurt father? That was it, I needed to get out of here and talk to Jolie and I wouldn’t rest until I did. We needed to find a way to get out of here.


I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas! Here is a new chapter to get you through your day! Mei and I hope you enjoy it! Please let us know what you think?


Oh thank his he’s okay! But now Em is not okay. When will this group get a chance to breathe?? Loving it as always ladies!

These cliffhangers are killing me here! Love this story!

Hnybdgr Hnybdgr

Oh god, what’s Matt trying to do now? I support him though, Pagano needs to be punished for treating his daughters like shit.

Holly Holly

Yay!!! They are FINALLY reunited! I’m so happy! But wonder what trouble Matt just got himself into with Pagano. I hope we get to see Jo kick ass and rescue him! As always, I loved the update and i can’t wait for more!

Gah! They still have to get out! Ya killin' me, smalls!!! ;) thx for the update! If Jimmy is hurt I will find you.

violetvictoria violetvictoria