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Opening with side effects

Brian’s POV

When Matt and I walked down the steps wanting to prepare a quick breakfast for our ladies I was shocked to say the least to hear a loud shattering sound coming from downstairs and even more to see how my kitchen looked like.
It was a damn mess… more than a mess… What the hell had happened here?!
And who was in my kitchen!?
I could only see parts of it while almost running down the corridor with Matt by my side.

We heard the loud sound emerge again from the kitchen and both Matt and I made our way over towards the doorway. I knew my baseball bat was standing near the main entrance but it would take too long to go and grab it.
And it was me and Matt, I mean whoever thought breaking into my home was a grant idea would think better of it seeing me and the big one beside me.

“What the hell is going on here?” I yelled when I arrived into the kitchen and was not happily surprised at what I saw.

“Surprise” I look dumbfounded at Jimmy and Jess who stood sheepishly in my kitchen and the mess they made around them.
I looked around even more, thinking some thief had made their way in as well but, I was only greeted by my annoying best friend and his better half.

My kitchen was fucked up and now it made sense seeing Jimmy here. His shirt and face smeared with probably everything that once had been in my fridge and now was either in Jimmy’s belly or on Jimmy’s shirt.

“Hold me back Matt, or I can’t guarantee what I am doing with him” I held my hands behind my back for Matt to grab onto, so he could hold me away from smashing my best friends head in.

Cause I really didn’t know what I was doing with him, the whole night with the intoxicated Ave was coming back to my mind, the chaos in my kitchen only playing a small part in the rage that was building up inside of me.
Ave had hurt herself and Ave and Maya could have landed god knows where, if Jason and Matt Berry hadn’t found them!

“I won’t hold you back, I might help you” Matt growled, oh right, he also had a word to say in this one, Maya wasn’t on her top game either yesterday and whose fault was it?!

“Wh-what? You are not happy to see me… about that-” Jimmy motioned around my kitchen with a guilty expression but then turned to Jess as if looking for help but she shrugged.
“I don’t really… I mean I do remember, I just didn’t think it was this bad, right my queen?” Jimmy asked uncertain and Jess seemed to think about her answer carefully “We at least didn’t meant to leave this mess behind, if that helps with the situation” She added and I took a menacing step towards Jimmy, making him step back.

“I mean, I can clean that up… You know with my Knife Master skills this mess will be gone in no time” Jimmy took another step away from the approaching Matt and me, until his back hit the fridge.

“Come on, why are you so mad?! Don’t look like that Gatesypoo, you and I… hell we all know I didn’t meant to create-” I pushed against Jimmy’s chest, making my fridge and the bottles in it rattle loudly.

“You think I am still talking about this mess? You really think that?!” I demanded, my good mood from the morning long gone.
“And quit the Knife Master bullshit, Rev” Matt stood beside me caging Jimmy in who looked between us back and forth and as soon as Matt’s words left his mouth, Jimmy gripped his heart, looking shocked.

“BULLSHIT? KNIFE MASTER BULLSHIT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” Jimmy looked like he was about to faint.
“HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!“ Jimmy shrieked and both Matt and I rolled our eyes, he couldn’t be serious just for a second could he?!

“Because it’s the truth, do you even know in which condition I found Avery in last night? And that I wouldn’t even have found her, if Jason wouldn’t have called us? She was at a freaking doctor, had to be patched up! Asshole! What were you thinking? You lost our girls?! The most precious persons in our lives, and then you show up here, ruin my kitchen and think everything is fine and I am happy to fucking see you?” I yelled at him not able to keep my anger inside of me any longer.

“And don’t get me started on Maya! How could you freaking give her those drugs?! She was going fucking insane last night?! I never saw her cry like this before! You made her feel miserable!” Matt added taking another step forward and Jimmy looked defeated, and Jess stepped forward putting a hand on Jimmy’s cheek so his eyes met hers.

“It’s not Jimmy’s fault, we were all in this, I didn’t think about it either… We didn’t mean to lose the girls…” Jess started but I shook my head. “No Jess, that is his fault… He is making this stupid missions, so its his responsibility to keep our girls save. But guess what… No more secret adventures, no more Knife girls, no more nothing! I won’t allow any of that to happen again, you got me?” I asked and Jimmy’s eyes were staring into mine “You don’t mean that… you can’t control the Knife society.” He whispered and both Matt and I shook our heads.

“It’s over.” Matt agreed “We won’t let anything happen to the girls, we know you don’t want to mean them any harm, Jimmy… But you can’t fucking control your actions on those missions.” Matt sounded softer now, but the pissed of note was still in the mix.

“But-but” Jimmy began again, he was holding on to Jess in a death grip and I shook my head “No buts” Jimmy looked at me, his eyes begging. I knew he wouldn’t accept this, but seeing Ave hurt and out of her mind last night, was enough of a shock for me to last for a lifetime.

“We had fun… I didn’t know it wasn’t Body’s home… So it technically wasn’t my fault… And the drugs, we were having fun… come on, you tried them as well some time ago, don’t act all-” Jimmy started again, he never knew when to just let it end, he had to make it worse.

“God damn it Jimmy! It’s your fault! No one else! You can be glad that they didn’t get into more trouble and that we found them in time! I dare you to-!” I began again but was interrupted from nearing footsteps and Maya and Ave’s voices.
“Don’t!” Maya quickly pushed her away between me and Matt to go over to Jimmy and Jess side, and Ave followed her suit.

My eyes stayed on Ave for a while, my mouth hanging open, my god… she looked breathtaking, even more than normally so.
My eyes moved to Maya and they wore matching outfits, they both looked too hot for this world. Matt stared at Maya exactly the same way I was at Ave, they had our brains in mush and I couldn’t even remember what I just had been talking about.

“Its not Jimmy’s fault!” Maya said, while Jimmy pulled her to his side and added Ave to his other side, while Jess stood like a shield before Jimmy.
Now I remembered what we had been talking about.

“Are you kidding me, M?” Matt let out, “What the fuck? How can you be on his side? He drugged you, he let you in a house all by yourself, he fucking forgot about you! You were nearly arrested… and you don’t even remember all of it!” Matt added while I saw Maya narrow her eyes on him.

“I could have said no” Maya stomped her foot and Ave nodded “It’s not Jimmy or Jess’ fault we got hurt, or that we were intoxicated, it’s a risk we were willing to take and part of our missions. Okay, this time was a little over the top, I give you that, but-” Ave said but I held my hand up interrupting her.

“Ave, stop this! I won’t allow you going on any of these missions again, I won’t see you get hurt again! No fucking way, love… you are too important to me. Yesterday showed me that anything could have happened to you and I wasn’t around… do you know how I felt, don’t you see?!” I stepped forward and Ave’s eyes softened “I’m sorry, but I will do it… when I want to. I know your concerns, and I know what is behind this, but… In the end its mine and Maya’s decision”

“Fuck! How do you do that, huh Rev? You fucked everything up last night, and look at him… standing here with the three girls on his side… I fucking don’t get it… Something is really going wrong here!” Matt shook his head and Jimmy had the widest grin on his face I ever saw. He gave Maya a quick kiss, making Matt step forward, then Ave, and then held on to Jess for a lot longer.

I pulled Ave into my arms and saw Matt do the same with Maya “Just promise me, it’s enough for now. I won’t stand to see you like that again, love. We need to make out a secret message or a way to stay in contact or I will die from a heart attack and you don’t want that, do you?!” I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck, inhaling her perfume, god she smelled so good.. and I had no idea how she did it, but right now I was already softening, all the anger slowly fading away from me.

“I love you” I whispered softly “You look fucking beautiful, another masterpiece from you, Ave” I told her and let my eyes wander up and down her body. She blushed beautifully and gave me a smirk “Keep that expression and look for later, babe. We have a shop to open now!” Ave said and turned around finding Matt and Maya heatedly kissing while Jimmy was already in my fridge searching for another victim, I shook my head and turned away “Let’s grab breakfast on the way” I announced and saw the others nod.
“We will get cleaned up and meet you there! Good luck!” Jess yelled behind us and we heard some mumbling sound from Jimmy, probably agreeing to his better half.

After grabbing food on our way, the girls were getting more and more excited. I was smiling like an idiot the entire time looking at how cute Ave was when she was all in business mode.
The girls gave Matt and me different task so we could really open the shop in time, and as it seemed, there were already people waiting outside for our girls to open up.

I didn’t know if it was the best idea to stay here, but in the end, I wouldn’t give away the chance of staying with Ave and helping her out where she would need me, god I loved this woman and I couldn’t get enough of her.

I really had to make up a plan when I would ask her, ask her the important question. Matt reminded me this morning again, when I would do it… and I think I had already something in my mind, I just hoped Ave was seeing this like I was… because I would freaking break apart if her answer would be no.

“Are you ready?” Maya’s voice sounded from the entrance, Matt stood proudly behind her, hands on her hips, while Ave was standing beside me, my arm around her shoulder.
“I’m ready” Ave whispered in awe and then they opened the entrance and the people came swarming into the store.

I was perplexed by how many people were already there waiting and then I saw someone holding a flyer. I frowned at it and saw in the corner a very familiar logo. “You asked Zack to help you promote?” I asked Ave, who passed me with a customer.

“No? Why?” She stopped and I handed the flyer I could snatch away. “Here.” Ave took a look at it and huge smile spread over her face “He didn’t even tell us… damn I love that guy! MAYA!” And with that Ave vanished and more and more people were running excitedly around.

Maya even held a small announcement speech, our other band members and even crew members had shown up and we all had the same expression on our faces, proud and happiness for our girls. Ave had in the meantime vanished behind the register and my and Matt’s job was getting new items to the cupboards and making sure nothing was sold out.

After the first two hours of pure stress it became a little less and I could finally make out Ave in the crowd again, she seemed to have a small talk with Maya. I saw Matt nowhere near and was wondering if there were some problems or why would they talk in some corner like that?

“Excuse me, can you help me?” A young woman stood beside me and held up a dress. I frowned at her and shook my head “No, sorry. But I will tell someone to help you out. Just wait a second” I motioned her to stay put and looked back towards Ave and Maya, Ave was holding her phone between the girls and did I just hear that right? Was that… no that couldn’t be? Could it?!

“Hey man, can you-” Another customer stopped me and I felt anger building up inside of me, how dare that guy call!
“Sorry, no time” I knew this wasn’t the best move, especially for Ave and Maya’s business, but they should better pay attention to their shop and not to these assholes!

I pushed myself past these people and over to Ave, when I just saw Matt grab Maya and slung her over his shoulder disappearing into the back room, this making me even more curious about what was happening.
“MATT! SET ME DOWN! THIS IS MY STORE ! MATT!” Maya yelled but soon she was gone and I heard Ave still talking to that guy, now I was really sure who was on the line.

My eye twitched and just hearing his voice made me ball my hands to fists, and then Ave put the speaker off and talked more privately, and one thought was very clear in my mind!
I had to make a final decision! I had to ask her, sooner than later… I wouldn’t let anything get between us again! NO WAY!

But first of all I had to get rid of that idiot and him planting seeds in Ave’s head!

Maya’s POV

I couldn’t really believe that Ave and I made it, we had finally opened our own business and damn it was going good.

We knew that it was probably just the beginning hype but it felt good to see the people storming in and being interested in our stuff, and we already sold lots of it.
For a first day this was really lucrative, I never thought so many people would be coming into our store at the first few hours.

But realizing that Mr. Zacky Vee had something to do with some extra promotion, we really had to thank him later on. We had to thank all our friends, because they all came around, they all brought some more friends along and bought something, I really couldn’t be any happier.

Matt and Brian were a great help, they looked out that everything was restocked, they had even before the opening took place hung up all the decorations and they had been just wonderful, Ave and I couldn’t be any happier with these two by our sides.

When it was a little more quiet moment I was just talking to Ave about the amount we already made in the first few hours, when her phone started ringing.
She frowned and a small smile came over her face, she showed me the caller ID and I had to smile along.

“Hey James” She said with a grin and I held my ear to the phone to listen in.
“Hey beauty, you have a quiet moment or is it bad timing?” James voice sounded a little distant.
“I have a second” Ave said and James replied immediately “Then put us on speaker is Maya is near?”

I frowned, what was coming now?! When Ave saw my expression she shrugged as well and I chuckled lightly.
She looked around and we moved further in the corner, so we wouldn’t stand in the way, and had a little more privacy.

She held the phone between us and put the speaker on “It’s on now, and she is beside me” Ave announced.

“We wanted to wish both of you a great grand opening to your store, girls.” James voices sounded. “Yeah, we are happy you made it and wish you lots of success” Ben’s voice was there as well and a bigger smile came over my face, not the feelings I used to have for him, but glad he felt this important enough to step up and call.

“Thank you” I breathed out and Ave nodded “It’s so nice you called… you couldn’t make it, huh?” She added and we heard a loud sigh.
“No, we are still in the middle of the album recodring process so it wasn’t possible” James said while Ben added “And we thought we wouldn’t be wanted from certain someone’s” His accent was thicker with these words and I believe he was right, Matt and Brian would probably have flipped shit if Ben and James had shown up.

“You are probably right” I couldn’t keep the smile out of my voice “I know, love” Ben again and I heard still longing in his voice, which made it hard for me to answer to.
“What the hell?” Matt’s growl sounded behind me and suddenly I was swept of my feet and dangling over Matt’s shoulder and he was carrying me away from an amused looking Ave.

I tried to talk Matt into setting me down, but that stubborn man just wouldn’t listen. He could be glad that we were only a couple of feet from the back room away, and not many people had seen this little stunt from him.

“What the hell?! Are you crazy!” I demanded but Matt just walked further, the door falling shut behind us.
“I am crazy?” Matt huffed out and the let me down, but without missing a beat he pressed me against the next wall, caging me in with his big body.

“Don’t think I didn’t hear that! HIM! Calling you, love! That fucker is still not over you!” Matt raged out and before I could even reply his lips crashed down on mine and I finally understood what this was about.

When Matt pulled back and I could get air back into my lungs I opened my mouth to ask him about all this, but was interrupted by Matt’s hands which were already up my dress, pushing it high and then his hard member was already pressing to my entrance. I didn’t know how he did that, but with his next move he was buried deep inside me making my knees buckle and if he wouldn’t have kept a firm hold of me I would have hit the floor, so many emotions and feelings had swarmed me at once.

“You are mine! No one is calling you that beside me” Matt growled in my ear, he pinned me against the wall, pushing in and out of me in a fast and relentless rhythm, while his teeth were running over my throat, nibbling, kissing and biting, leaving marks.

“GOD MATT!” I moaned out loudly, I had no idea what he was doing to me but it was making me feel so damn good.
“Mine!” Matt buried himself even deeper, kissing me hard, his hands gripped my hair, and he guided my head to get a better angle.

“Fuck! YES!” I couldn’t get more words out and before I knew it I was in heaven, he send me over the edge and I closed my eyes in pure bliss.
“MAYA!” Matt yelled loudly in my ear and had a firm grip on me. We both tried to catch our breath when he slowly let me down and we both quickly straightened our clothes.

“I love you, babe” I said while I grabbed Matt’s collar and pulled him closer, sealing our lips with another heated kiss “I love YOU!” I repeated “It doesn’t matter who was on the phone, or what he calls me, he won’t ever be anything more than a friend to me from now on, because I know that I belong to you! And that you belong to me, babe.” I looked straight into Matt’s eyes and they softened, he placed his hands on my cheeks and putting a kiss to my lips.

“I love you, too. I just… he is a red flag, I can’t do anything about it. Just hearing his voice or name makes me…” Matt balled his hands to fists “He stole you from me! I won’t get over that!” I had to smile at Matt’s jealous behavior, “You know big guy, you are really kind of cute all jealous and shit” I turned and let my hands run over my dress, and then over my hair, trying to tame the mess that Matt had created.

When I turned back around I saw Matt’s narrowed eyes “Don’t play with that, you won’t like the consequences.”
“I think I did like the consequences” I smirked and then moved back into the store, seeing Ave being busy behind the register and making me feel bad immediately cause I left her alone, but then again, that wasn’t really my fault, was it?! I could always blame Matt…

I walked past Brian who muttered something under his breath and he was staring at Ave, and she was pretty much ignoring that he was actually there…
What was this about? Matt and I haven’t even been gone that long, have we?
Sometimes I lost the track of time when I was with the big guy.
I smiled and saw Matt smirking at me, was he thinking the same thing?! I chuckled and moved up to Ave.

“What’s wrong with you and brown eyes? Something happened?” I asked and Ave huffed out a breath “Go ask him, I think he knows everything better anyway… Or at least he thinks he does!” She turned around “Can you take over for a second?” She added and I nodded “Sure.”

I saw Ave move around the shop, folding items together, restocking and never even looking at Brian twice, when she needed something from an upper shelf she asked Matt to grab it, and if Brian was looking any more angry, he was probably about to blow every second.

Did it have something to do with the call? If yes, they could just talk about it… just like Matt and I did… but then again, there wasn’t much talking involved, but it solved the problem even better, didn’t it?!

How could Brian even be jealous, if that was his problem, Ave and James were never more than friends… and god, even a blind could see that Ave wasn’t looking at any men beside him, it was ridiculous even… but I wouldn’t put my nose in their business, they will solve it… sooner or later!


Sooo the opening finally!!
And did someone gets a little jealous?! Even though there was just a phone call?!
Come on guys.. :P

Happy New Year to all of you!! (Even though we are late, we know :P)



Dear Ladies,
u have been asking.. and finally it is here!
The new story called raptured is on!!
Check it out and let us know what u think!

MeRi MeRi

Any updates yet?

We are still working on writing the first few chapters, but don't worry the first chapter is on its way in the very near future! ;)

KWally2 KWally2

It's been 2 weeks since the ending chapter. When is the 3rd story going to be up?! I can't wait anymore!!


We are currently working on writting the first few chapters and it will be up for you as soon as we have them done! :) we can't wait for you to see what Mattaya and Bravery are up to!

We will post a link as soon as it's up so stay tuned!

KWally2 KWally2