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The four of us

Brian’s POV

While Jason drove us back home, I was wondering how Ave could be so quiet while I saw her legs moving, her fingers twisting and turning, but she didn’t say a word.

“Are you okay, love? Is your head still hurting?” I couldn’t stand the silence anymore and was still wondering why she said something about me shaving and having a beard? What had she seen while she was on drugs, and which drug did Jimmy hand out to the girls?

Ave giggled and buried her face into my chest, still not talking. “JB? You know what Jimmy gave the girls?” I asked while patting Ave’s back softly, trying to soothe her even though I didn’t know if she really needed it, or maybe I needed it, making sure she was here with me and fine.

Who would have thought that this evening would take such turns, after me taking the big step and go to Ave’s father and asking for permission to marry his little girl, which to my surprise worked out pretty good, to sit in Jason’s car on my way home, with a highly drugged and hurting Ave.

If we would have run into Larry right now, he would probably take everything back and let me never see Avery again. Her getting hurt, while I had no idea where she was, her breaking into some freaking house, bleeding and highly intoxicated… fuck… thank god Larry would never get wind of this… at least that’s what I hoped!

“They drank a lot and smelled like weed, but beside that, I couldn’t get much information out of the girls… Ave acted a little weird, while Maya was pretty stable still with some funny ideas… then I took Ave to the doc and left Maya with Matt, don’t know how that went… But Ave got a little crazier the father away we drove. And now don’t think anything bad about me, cause I didn’t fucking do anything, but she kept letting her hand run over my face and was amazed by my beard… that’s probably why she noticed you don’t have one, thinking it was me…” Jason chuckled and he was lucky that he was driving right now, because if not I would have punched him just for mentioning this, asshat.

“What do you mean with got a little crazier?” I gritted out between clenched teeth, wanting to fucking punch him just for the fun of it and him spending the night with my girl, even though I knew it wasn’t his fault in the first place, but what could I do, Jason Berry was a red rag for me!

“Don’t know, she was talking weird things, like she wants her hair red now… I think Maya and Ave made that plan, seeing the blood in her hair… fuck do I know… and making silly plans… I wished I had the same drug, having the same fun those two had.” Jason chuckled again and I groaned loudly.

Red hair? I hope she wouldn’t remember that in the morning… or would she look good as a redhead? I would have never thought she would look this amazing as a blonde before she actually was one. I let some of Ave’s blonde curls run through my fingers imagining them blood red...

“Brian?” Ave’s voice roused me from my thoughts and I quickly looked down on her, giving her a smile.
“What is it, love?” I asked while Avery quickly sat up and looked wildly around “I need to… I have to… stop the car!” She yelled and Jason did as she commanded, slamming immediately on the breaks, making me and Ave nearly fell to the front row.

She opened the door and tried to climb out, but not succeeding, so I quickly got out and helped her.
“Babe, whats going on? You got sick?” I asked her concerned while she stopped in her tracks immediately and turned to look at me “No, I want to walk home… lets walk home” She gave me a smile and then walked ahead without waiting for me.
“What the fuck?” I looked at her retreating form and then back at the car.

Jason’s head was hanging out of the window, the car still standing in the middle of the road. “What is she doing?! Catch her! Who knows what she is up to!” Jason yelled and drove after her.
And that helped me out of my perplexed state, I quickly followed Ave, my walking turning into running, afraid Jason was right and I would lose Ave in the middle of the night after everything that happened.

“Where did we lose Maya? She said she would stay with me?!” Ave looked around, her eyes glazed over.
“Did I lose her? She should be with me, right? Did Matt pick her up and she didn’t say goodbye?! Are they already… you know…” Ave licked her lips and her eyes went up and down my body in a seductive manner, making it harder and harder for me to walk next to her.

“I-I-I don’t-” I was nearly stumbling over my own feet and words, I had to concentrate really hard not to fall or grab Ave.
“Why didn’t you pick me up together with Matt?” Ave frowned at me now, her eyes looking angry, okay something was changing her mood really quickly and that was giving me a whiplash.

“I picked you up as soon as I knew where you were, love. Do you remember that Jimmy took you on one of your wild missions? I had no idea where he took you until Jason called!” I tried to remind her and Ave nodded, her eyebrows pulled down, as if she was in deep thoughts.

“OH WE LOST JASON!” She yelled suddenly and began to run again, but this time in the opposite direction and I could barely close my hands around her waist to hold her from running onto the street.

“SHIT AVE! STOP! THE STREET!” I yelled holding her closer, my heart beating so fast, I was afraid it would jumping out of my body.
“HUH?!” Ave looked around then she turned around in my arms and her eyes met mine, those blue eyes looking straight into my soul.

“God, I love you” She said and then crashed her lips to mine catching me completely off guard again.
But how could I say no? How could I turn away, how could I not give her everything I had?!

“HANER! AVE! GET IN THE DAMN CAR, NOW! ITS NOT THE FUCKING PLACE AND TIME FOR THAT!” Jason’s voice interrupted our heated making out and Ave pulled away.
“Okay” She turned and went willingly into the car, letting me stand on the side of the street alone, with a major boner.

I breathed deeply in and out before awkwardly walking back to the car climbing in behind Ave.
“I’ll bring you home, now… It’s late, sweetie. You need to sleep to get the rest of the drugs out of your system, you got a big day tomorrow, remember?!” Jason said and I narrowed my eyes at him calling my girlfriend, soon to be fiancé - sweetie, but I would let it slip… for now.

The car finally started moving again and Ave cuddled into my side, it was only a few more streets until we were at my home and I hoped Ave was more sobered up by now, at least she was playing silently with the strands of my hair that hung out of the beanie I had put on.

“Are you mad?” Ave’s soft voice sounded and I sighed.
“At you?” I asked and shook my head “Of course not, love. I am mad at Jimmy, he should have never took you on one of those trips and not without letting us know where you are, that’s fucking bullshit, and I will have a talk with him tomorrow, believe me!”

As if he heard that my phone started buzzing again showing Jimmy’s picture and again I pushed him away, not tonight buddy, or I could swear I would fucking regret what I was doing and saying to him, even though, he would deserve it…

“Don’t be mad at Jimmy, we had fun… but we lost him… or he lost us?” Ave frowned thinking deeply again.
“How could he fucking lose you? He knows you girls are the most precious things in my and Matt’s life! If he cant fucking control his actions, then he is not allowed to go out with you again, and that’s final!” I nearly yelled, and Ave got tears in her eyes and I closed my eyes in frustration, everything was going wrong tonight, fucking grant Haner.

“Babe, I am not mad at you, really!” I put my hands on her cheeks and made her look at me.
“Did you hear me” I asked a little softer and she nodded “Don’t scream at Jimmy, its not his fault!” Ave sobbed and I rolled my eyes, disagreeing with her, but that wouldn’t help in the situation right now and tonight anymore.

I would totally talk tomorrow to Jimmy, and with talk I wasn’t too sure if I would be much talking, probably more yelling and shoving and-

“Here we are” Jason announced while he pulled into my driveway.
“Great finally” I quickly scooped Ave into my arms while getting out of the car, no chance in hell would I let her run away from me again tonight.

“Thanks man.” I nodded at Jason who waved back before pulling out of the driveway again and drove off while I carried Ave towards the door.
I set her on her feet but kept a tight hold on her and opened the door, as soon as the door opened Ave vanished into the house slipping from my fingers.

At least she was in the house now, she couldn’t get that far away!
I closed the door and flicked the light on. I grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen and some pain killer, Ave would feel horrible tomorrow… so I am better prepared.

I walked up the steps to my bedroom, hoping Ave would have found her way there as well.
When I walked into the bedroom and my eyes found the bed I nearly dropped the water bottle, Ave was lying on my bed just getting rid of her panties and else butt ass naked.

She waved me to her a smirk on her face “Come here” She said and she didn’t have to ask me twice that was sure.
I hurried over to the bed, getting rid of my shirt, pants and boxers on the way.
Ave opened her arms to receive me and I grinned, fucking finally I would get the end to the night that I had longed for.

“God Ave, I love you…” I whispered in her ear while I placed kisses along her shoulders moving up her throat to her ear, nibbling on her soft skin.
Ave moaned into my ear, her hands running up and down my back, her nails scratching lightly.

“Oh babe” Ave groaned even louder when I slowly placed my erection near her entrance, I lifted myself up and let my tongue trail down her collarbone and to her breasts.

I sucked one nipple in my mouth, and let my fingers of my left hand play with her other breast, Ave’s hands were in my hair now, tugging and pulling and I knew I was driving her crazy, until-

The doorbell rang and I closed my eyes in frustration, who the fuck would be on my door in the middle of the night?!
I would bet it’s freaking Jimmy, and I would let him suffer, the hell I will open the door now.

“Brian?” Ave’s voice again rousing me from my thinking.
“They will go away, don’t mind it” I tried and kissed Ave again, but she shook her head, as the doorbell rang again.

“Brain, go see who it is! We can play later” Ave gave me a smile and then pushed me away while she already pulled one of my shirts over her head… of fuck no!
Whoever it is was going to fucking regret it!

I pulled my gym shorts on, not bothering with a shirt and made my way to the bedroom door, turning one final time around when the third ring sounded “Stay where you are, I’m right back” I told Ave and licked my lips, I couldn’t wait to go back to her.

“This better be fucking good, Sanders,” I snapped when I opened the door and saw who was standing there. While I looked at Matt, frowning when I looked him up and down, were his clothes wet?
Maya already pushed her way past me, not even caring that it was in the middle of the fucking night, and I wanted them gone, not in my home!

“What is this about?” I sighed, and let my hand run over my face in frustration, while I watched Maya disappear upstairs.
“It’s a long story but Maya needed to check on Avery before we could go home,” It was Matt’s turn to sigh, and he didn’t look happy about the situation at all, and neither was I!

“So you came to ruin my night? Why the hell are you all wet?” I asked finally still not getting, why his shirt was completely wet, from his hair still water droplets falling and had Maya just walked into my home completely wet too?

“It’s a long story, remember?” Matt replied which earned him a lifted eyebrow, as if that would be answer enough for me.
“Well get your ass in here and start talking….fast. The sooner I get you in and out of here the better.” I stated while holding the door a little wider open.

Matt moved inside and I got him a towel from my guest bathroom. He dried himself up as best as he could and gave me a small run down of the events of the night.

“Ave was on something too, but that had a different effect on her, and not as bad as Maya as it seems… though she seemed pretty normal to me right now” I said and Matt rolled his eyes “Ask MB, he was so glad that I took over Maya’s watch… and he was laughing his ass of, son of a bitch! So in the end, I calmed her down with jumping in the pool with her, which worked out fine… but then she couldn’t let go of the thought of seeing Ave a final time…”Matt rubbed a hand over his short hair.

“I have no idea what those girls had been up to with those drugs in their systems but… Maya was really hard to calm down, so I told her she could see Ave and then we head home… I had completely different plans for my night!” Matt said, his voice having an annoyed undertone and I couldn’t blame him, my night didn’t go as planned either as he could see.

“Oh guess what I was just up to, when u fucking interrupted, dickhead!” I shoved Matt away and frowned, how long have we been talking now and where the fuck was Maya?
“Should we go check on them?” I asked trying to hear for a sound the girls were making.
“It’s been more than 20 minutes already” Matt looked out of the window cursing under his breath “Shit the fucking cab has left”

“Then take one of the guest rooms, I don’t fucking care, just get away from me and Ave” I told him and still couldn’t hear anything from upstairs.
“Let’s see if they made up” Matt said and I couldn’t keep the smirk of my face, made up huh…

“Don’t think about my girl like that, asshole” Matt slapped the back of my head chuckling, while I looked at him with a grin, “Don’t tell me you haven’t been thinking the same, asshole!”
We walked into my bedroom and I was prepared to see many things, but not how Maya and Ave were cuddled up in the middle of my bed, both wearing one of my shirts sleeping tightly while hugging each other.

“What the-” I started and couldn’t believe my eyes.
“Fuck, happened here?” Matt finished my sentence staring at the scene in front of us like I did.

We both stood there frozen, not really able to decide what to do. I knew I wanted Ave in my bed, and I might have let Maya slept there too, but not with Shads hovering over us as well.
I grinned to myself thinking that, when Matt shoved me forwards.

“I’ll take Maya with me to one of the guest rooms.” He said and moved around the bed.
“She even wears one of your shirts…” Matt pointed out, not liking it as it seemed if the narrowed eyed look was telling me anything.
“I have nothing to do with that, you have been with me… maybe she likes my cologne” I grinned.
“Maybe it was just dry, jerk”
“Could have taken Ave’s” I shot back chuckling while Matt threw a pillow at me “Shut up and get the girls apart.”

“Babe, come on I’ll take you to bed” Matt whispered into Maya’s ear and she stirred but pulled Ave just closer.
“No!” Ave groaned, when I tried to turn her around.
“Maya!” She robbed closer to Maya who hugged her again and I frowned, what the hell?!
“Ave, love… its me Brian… come on, let go and come into my arms” I whispered but Ave shook her head in her sleep.

“Should I say something to that or rather not” Matt threw me a dimpled smirk, making fun of me, earning a finger in return.
“You should take your own advice and fucking shut up and get your girl out of here” I said and Matt tried to separate the girls again, but not succeeding whenever we pulled one away, the other would follow until we gave up.

“Alright, you take the guest room. I’m gonna sleep now… See you tomorrow” I said and saw Matt shaking his head immediately, “If Maya stays, I stay.” Matt climbed into the bed next to Maya and I looked at him perplexed.
“No way, Sanders. Get your ass out of my bed…” I demanded and he was already comfortably stretching out, his arm around Maya’s waist grinning.

I lifted my hands up in the air in frustration and sighed, you know what… to hell with it, this day was ruined anyway, why not sleep in bed with my freaking best friend, my girl and her best friend?
Wouldn’t be the first time to sleep with this many people in such a small space, could have thought about better arrangements but hell… Ave was so deep asleep nothing of what we planned earlier would happen tonight anymore.

I turned off the bedside light and climbed in bed to Ave. I laid my arms around her and pulled her close to me, she sighed and then turned to me, yeah Ave sure, now you turn around, when we decided to let everything stay this way, thank you very much.

But before I really knew it, I was sleeping deeply and hadn’t even realized how exhausted I really had been and how long the day had been for me…

I woke up to a light snoring, what the fuck? Since when was Ave snoring? Or was that me? I frowned in my half awake state and turned to the side, facing Ave, why was she laying so close on my side? Not that I was complaining, but she wasn’t awake yet and I was nearly falling out of the bed.

I opened my eyes some more and the snoring was still there, and it wasn’t Ave and it wasn’t me… so who was-

Oh hell… Matt… and Maya, they were still here, still sleeping in my and Ave’s bed!
I lifted myself up on my elbows and looked at them, Maya was lying with her head on Matt’s biceps sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. Matt was having his arm securely around her, while Ave was turned to me, her features soft, her lips curled up also in a small smile.

Alright, a man could only stand that much, I rolled out of bed, which wasn’t much effort cause I nearly fell out already.
I lifted myself up and grabbed Ave’s small frame into my arms, she stirred but didn’t wake up.

I knew this was my bedroom and my bed, but Maya and Matt looked still so deep asleep that I wouldn’t get them out of here no matter what I did, so that left me only one option, if I wanted some alone time with my girl, I had to leave.

I carried her out of the bedroom downstairs into one of my guest rooms and placed her softly on the bed and then lay down beside her. I couldn’t keep the smile from my face when Ave slowly began to wake, the sun was already up and the carrying down the stairs had probably woke her up.

“Brian?” Ave asked, her voice a little rough from drinking, smoking and what else she did yesterday that I still didn’t know about.
“Yes babe” I answered leaning closer, her eyes blinked a few times and she frowned even more.
“Where are we? Isn’t this your guestroom?” She lifted herself up and looked around while I nodded my head.

“That’s it. What do you remember of yesterday, love?” I asked and she put a hand to her head, thinking, closing her eyes again and shaking her head finally.
“Not much… got a headache… and is that a band aid?” Ave put her hand to her temple and I nodded “It’s a long story and I cant clue you in on everything but-” I started but Ave shook her head.
“Please… maybe it’s better if I don’t know” She groaned loudly and let herself fall back into the bed, making her shirt ride up high, exposing her panties and even her belly, which made my morning wood come back to life.

Ave buried her face behind her hands “Oh god, I hope I didn’t do something stupid” She mumbled and I smirked, maybe I shouldn’t clue her in just now… maybe let her come to think of some parts herself?!

I sat up and let my hands run over her thighs and exposed belly, letting my thumb scratch over her panty covered clit, moving small circles which made Ave moan out loud, her hands still before her face.

“You know what helps against loss of memory?” I asked letting now my lips travel over her belly, while I slowly let my fingers slip inside the waistband of her panties tugging on it lightly.
“What?” Ave groaned out, her hands falling away from her face, showing me her heated cheeks and her eyes showing me lust.

“Making love” I grinned up to her and she lifted her hips to help me get rid of her panties. I quickly pulled them down while I tugged her shirt up exposing her perfect tits.
My hands couldn’t do anything else then massage and squeeze them, they fit just perfect into my hands, made for me.

“So beautiful, my love” I whispered and Ave moaned when I sucked one hard nipple into my mouth, letting my tongue swirl around it.
Ave lifted her hips demanding more, and I obeyed, letting my hand disappear between her thighs.
I slipped one finger easily inside her wet folds, she moaned my name while trying to wiggle her hips to get more friction.

“So greedy, are we babe?” I whispered and Ave moaned even more when I entered a second finger.
“Brian! Please.. more!” She said and her eyes looked now straight at me, begging me for more.

“As if I could say no to that, love” I quickly pushed my gym shorts down and positioned myself between her legs, before she could even react or demand more I buried myself balls deep into her heat, making both of us moan at the moment of being joined.

“Oh god yes!” Ave moaned lifting her hips again while I began to push in and out of her, a slow rhythm at first, I wanted it to last but with her moaning and demanding harder and faster, I couldn’t keep to my thoughts from earlier, now I wanted it all and wanted to send Ave into heaven as she demanded.

She dug her nails into my shoulder, her head thrown back, exposing her throat to me, so I took the chance of kissing her there, marking her as mine, just because I could!

“SO CLOSE!” Ave yelled and then her body stiffened beneath me, her walls beginning to milk me and I couldn’t hold back, spilling into her while she was sending me over the edge together with her.

I panted heavily, sweat on my forehead when I slowly slipped out of her heat and grabbed Ave to pull her into my side for our moment of cuddling and afterglow together.
“What a nice wake up” Ave smiled up to me, her cheeks still flushed.

“That you can say” I grinned and kissed her naked shoulder “Will you tell me what happened yesterday?” Ave asked carefully and I grinned to myself, should I tell her what I knew, or wake up Matt and Maya so we could solve that puzzle together?


How did u like that one!?

Four in one bed?!
And some Brian and Ave smut?!

Leave some comments to let us know if u liked it!



Dear Ladies,
u have been asking.. and finally it is here!
The new story called raptured is on!!
Check it out and let us know what u think!

MeRi MeRi

Any updates yet?

We are still working on writing the first few chapters, but don't worry the first chapter is on its way in the very near future! ;)

KWally2 KWally2

It's been 2 weeks since the ending chapter. When is the 3rd story going to be up?! I can't wait anymore!!


We are currently working on writting the first few chapters and it will be up for you as soon as we have them done! :) we can't wait for you to see what Mattaya and Bravery are up to!

We will post a link as soon as it's up so stay tuned!

KWally2 KWally2