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Startling discovery

65 - Startling discovery

Maya’s POV

I knew exactly how Ave was feeling, I tried not to let it show too much, but honestly… it was getting harder and harder.
I missed Matt and I knew something was going on, but I didn’t want to be this clingy girlfriend, so I just limited my calls and messages per day.

He was working, he was with his friends, what should happen, right?! They tried to make their new album, writing songs, so I shouldn’t be worried at all...

And that was why it was good that Ave and I decided to go to that party today, just hanging out with friends and forgetting about the trouble for a while.
Ave told me she would run some errands beforehand and meet me back at Brian’s place later before the party.

We would both get ready there, maybe have a drink and then let a cab drive us over to Chelsea’s house. I really wanted to see our old college friends, since Ave and I finished off in Oxford, so we didn’t really get to see any of them… and I bet Ave and I were the No. 1 gossip and trash talk topic around here as well.

Our friends must have known or word must have spread that we both vanished to the UK without even giving them a real goodbye, everything had gone so fast back then…

And since they knew we were with Matt and Brian, they must also read the tabloid’s about the breakup and all the other shit involved… I sighed, maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to show up there?

Or we could show them that we were happy together again, but would they believe us, without having Matt and Brian as proof with us?!
And why the hell was I even thinking about that, that wasn’t me!
I didn’t give a damn what anyone thought besides Ave…

I looked down on my phone frowning, it was already noon… and since Matt had left he had called me every morning, at least he tried too, if not he send me a message which mostly came way later than it should but… at least something.

I dialed his number and waited, it even rang… but he didn’t pick up. I huffed out a breath and made me something to eat, but instead of eating, I just stared at my plate… Weird that the food that you normally liked did not taste the same when the person you used to share it with wasn’t around.

I pushed the plate away and went up into Matt’s bedroom. I plopped down on the bed and climbed high up into Matt’s side of the bed. I smelled his cologne that was still clinging to his pillow, god how I missed him.
His strong arms around me, his deep voice whispering naughty things in my ear, his big body completely taking mine over…
Great, M. Now you are horny, too… Excellent work!

Yesterday, Ave and I had slept in Brian’s and her bed cuddled up. It felt good to have someone around and not be alone all the time, and it was weird that neither Matt nor Brian had reacted to the picture we send them from Brian's bed.
I mean, the thoughts must be running wild with our boys, right?!

My phone buzzed and I smiled, finally!
I quickly scrambled up to get it just to see that it was a message from Jimmy, which made my smile fade a little but was also still happy that at least someone was thinking about us.

Don’t worry! It’s all going to be fine! I will take care of the situation until we are safely back home in your arms… or Ave’s or Jess’… better all… Thinking about that… Can I have a group hug just with you girls, can you make that happen, M? Love,
Your Knife Master

I frowned, I was used to weird messages from Jimmy, but what did this mean?
Did he know that I was suffering cause Matt wasn’t around? So he told me everything will be fine?
Or was something else behind all this?

I typed back a quick message, that I missed them all and he should give Matt a kiss from me. I chuckled thinking Jimmy would really do that.

When I didn’t hear anything from Ave, I planned on just spending the afternoon useful and was giving the dresses I created for Ave and me the finishing touch.

After that was done sooner than I thought, I started on the next mission.
I had so many ideas, and when I was done with the next task I held the dress I designed for Ave up and had to clap my shoulder, this was really something.

It was a dark blue dress and her eyes would be accentuated just the right way, it would perfectly hug Ave’s curves, and she would show just the right amount of cleavage, not too much revealing, but still showing what you got, and the slit at the side made it go high on her thigh, revealing more skin, but not too much, it was held by two tiny blue straps over the shoulders but easily to be pushed away and I smirked, I bet Ave will love it, maybe even wear it tonight, I would just take it along with me and show it to her.

I started on my dress and I made it a neckholder dress, in a really dark green and black, just when the light hit it the right way the green color was shining through. I made it completely backless, just a small part starting to cover right above my ass while the front was rather innocent looking, just a small cleavage and not too short, but still sexy enough, so the front wouldn’t show what the back was giving you.

My phone buzzed and I looked at the caller, my hopes were up it was Matt, but sadly it wasn’t.

“Hey babe, what’s up?” I answered Ave’s call.
“You ready to come over? It’s nearly six… I thought we could eat something and have a drink… and then you help me figure out what to wear?” Ave sounded a little uncertain at the end and I chuckled.

“We will figure something out, don’t worry. And damn, it’s already so late, let me finish up what I started and then I’m coming over… and Ave? Don’t… I mean it, don’t start to cook something huge, I know you love to cook but I won’t get much down anyway.” I said and Ave chuckled.
“We will see about that” With that she hung up and I rolled my eyes.

I gave the dress the finishing touch, put everything I needed into a small bag, both dresses neatly folded, and locked Matt’s house and went to my car.
It was really good that Matt and Brian were living so close to each other, so it took me only 5 minutes to be at his home.

When I walked up to the entrance Ave was awaiting me already and I smelled dinner. “Ave, what did I tell you?!”
She grinned sheepishly, “It’s not much… but we need a good basis for the drinks later.”
“That is true… and just two more days and our boys are coming back” I smiled and Ave nodded.

“But you know, we shouldn’t be sitting around mopping, we should go out tonight and get a distraction and see our friends. It will be fun, tomorrow we can start the sobbing and missing again, what do you think?” Ave asked and I nodded “Sounds good to me, and look what I brought along… I put my free afternoon to good use.” I pulled out Ave’s dress and handed it to her.

“Oh my… Maya, this is perfect” She held the dress to her body and smirked “And how about you?”
“Well, I got this little something” I held my dress up and Ave chuckled “Damn M, we will look amazing!”

“I hope so, I worked on those all-day” I grinned and Ave nodded “Come on, let’s eat and then get ready, I already ordered a cab for us in about 1,5 hours.”
Ave and I ate together and afterwards we quickly showered and helped us with the hair and make-up and in the end looked smoking hot if you asked me.

“Do you have Chelsea’s address still?” I asked Ave and she frowned.
“Wait, hm.. let me…” She took a notebook from her desk and held a site up to me with the scribbled address. I quickly wrote it down for the cab driver and Ave set the notebook back on the table.

“Hey… should we send Brian and Matt another picture, since we didn’t get a reply from them for the last one?” I asked and Ave nodded “We totally should, let them know we are also not just mopping around waiting… and let them see what they are missing.”

Ave came to my side, I laid my arm around her and snapped a nice picture from us, I quickly send it to both men and wrote a quick text beneath it.

How do you like our outfits?! They look like they need to be taken out, right? That’s what we will do, heading to a party at our friend Chelsea from college… Hope your work is going good, we miss you boys so much… Love, Maya and Ave

Just when I sent the message with the picture, the doorbell rang and the cab driver announced his arrival. He was a little early, but since we were ready, it was fine.
We could pack away our stuff later when we came home, it wasn’t like it would bother anyone anyway.

About 30 minutes later, Ave and I arrived at the party and it was already a lot going on, people were swarming the area and I chuckled.
“This is not some small party as she told me” I yelled because the closer we got the louder the music was.

“No, doesnt seem like it, so let’s grab a drink quickly” Ave yelled back and took my hand in hers to push together through the crowd of people, we haven’t even seen Chelsea anywhere.

When we stood in the kitchen we quickly filled a cup with some coke and whiskey and then took a shot standing on the tablet and when I saw the bottle of Absinth standing on the counter I yelled into Ave's ear,“Keep me away from that stuff, Ave”

She frowned until she found the bottle and a smirk came over her face “You mean, as long as Matt is not back, right?” She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes “You know it!”

When I was drinking Absinth, I lost most of my memory afterwards and it was making me feel even hornier then normal when I was drunk, pretty weird combination.
I had that once, didn’t want to experience it again, especially not with Matt not being around taking me home and taking care of me, that is.

“AVERY! MAYA!” Chelsea’s voice sounded behind us and we both turned around, hugging our friend.
“Hey, thanks for the invitation! And congratulations, we have a little surprise for you… Here” I announced and Chelsea smiled, while I handed her the gift Ave and I made to also promote our shop.

“Damn, you shouldn’t have! I love it! Will wear it right away and let everyone know who made it! But girl’s it’s been way too long! And congrats yourself, you made it, while leaving us behind here…" She gave us a fake pout and continued right away "But I heard about the trouble, really sorry for the break ups… It’s a shame you weren’t able to bring the handsome devils along to the party, but that’s how life is… You will move on, right?! And I mean look at you two, you will find some nice guys around to keep you company, believe me… maybe even sooner than you think.” Chelsea was rambling on, then she suddenly hugged us and was gone before Ave or I even could reply to any of it.

I looked at Ave after Chelsea had left and shook my head “What the hell…” Ave shrugged “Great, everyone heard we are not together anymore but they didn’t hear that we are happy together again…” She rolled her eyes “Whatever… we know the truth”

Ave and I moved around the party and took a few drinks here, shook a few hands there, earned some more praises for our outfits and we could even promote our shop some more and show off the outfits we made.

Now Ave and I were dancing, my cup was nearly empty and I downed the last bit of it and put it aside. I felt someone walking up behind me, the guy gave me a smile but I shook my head, telling him, I wasn’t up for anything and he left with a sad smile.

After two more songs I really needed something to drink and took Ave’s elbow to motion her to follow me, I didn’t wanna lose her here with all those people around.
“I need a drink!” I yelled and she nodded “Me too”

We walked to the kitchen and poured us another drink, when I looked up I stared into the blue eyes of someone I knew pretty good and Ave knew the person standing next to him even better.

“Collin?” Ave said, while I said on the same note “Ian?”

We stood now facing of Ave’s ex-boyfriend and my… well, friend for a few weeks.
They both haven’t much changed, they looked good, I had to admit that, but they had nothing on Matt or Brian, that was sure.
“Damn, Ave! Is that you… you look so different, but wow… amazing! Come here!” Collin stated and grabbed Ave in a hug right away.

They had been together for quite a while, but if I am not mistaken the relationship broke apart cause Larry had put his nose into their business, not being happy with the decision his little girl made.
But I knew that a lot had changed and that the little timid Ave from back then was history now, my Ave was so different from Daddy's girl that we used to know...
My eyes turned back to Ian, who was with the blonde hair, stunningly blue eyes and tanned skin, the exact role model for a surfer boy and those blue eyes had caught my attention and made me a little fascinated with them… back then of course.

He looked me up and down, like he used to do and stepped forward “Beautiful as always, long time no see, Maya” He said while pulling me into his arms for a hug and I didn’t really know how to react.

Ian and I just hung out together cause his best friend Collin was the boyfriend of my best friend Ave.
So that had been the real reason that we got to talk and spend time together while Ave and Collin were dating. Ian and I did have a few fun nights every now and then but that was about it, as soon as Ave and Collin broke up, I hadn’t seen Ian again, or even bothered to call…

“Come on, let’s have a talk, it’s been so long” Collin said and his eyes were only on Ave, moving up and down her body, and before I knew he guided Ave away and I was about to quickly follow but Ian put his hand on my arm, stopping me.

“You want to dance?” He asked and I shook my head “I better follow, I don’t wanna lose Ave around here” I said and Ian shook his head “One dance, for the old times’ sake… I mean… you never even bothered to call me again…” He said and his blue eyes were twinkling, I rolled my eyes and shook my head again.

“Maybe later, I want to stay with Ave” I yelled a little louder and someone pushed Ian forward so he bumped into me, his hands landing on my hips and I lifted my eyebrows at him.
“Alright, let’s see if we can find them, but you owe me a dance later… Don’t forget that” Ian said and his hand vanished from my hips and I nodded approvingly, just because we had some history didn’t mean he had any rights towards me.

So we headed together in the directions Ave and Collin vanished and I felt like a few years younger again, back then Ave had also often vanished with Collin on party’s and I had a hard time finding them, gladly Ave was with Brian now so they shouldn’t be too hard to find now, right?

Brian’s POV

It took us way longer than expected to pack up all the shit we had come here with. The guitars, equipment to record, and all the other stuff we had messed up around the house.

Matt wanted us to make sure the cabin looked fine again when we left, so if his parents decided to come up here they wouldn’t find a hellhole of leftovers from us, which meant this cleaning took another hour and a half from the time that we could be on the road already.

Matt’s condition was pretty steady, he was up and around, looked a little tired but his mood was okay, but his voice… well that had left him almost completely. He could only whisper and if he would keep that up, well then he wouldn’t have any voice left tomorrow, so we ordered him to keep his mouth shut for the time being.

The rest of the day we spent eating the food Johnny and Zack had especially bought yesterday, then cleaning and packing away, but since we knew we would be going home this evening, this wasn’t as bad as it sounded.
I knew tonight I would be laying in Ave’s arms or rather she in mine and I would be a happy man again.

Damn, she would be surprised seeing me there all of a sudden, and if we would hurry now, and make the 2-2,5 hour distance in some good pace, she was probably just about to snuggle up in our bed and I could get in right behind her. Fuck, I missed her so bad and I would ravish her as soon as I got my hands on her, it’s been 5 days nearly 6 that I haven’t seen her, and I needed her damn bad.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around seeing Matt standing there “What?” I asked and he pointed to the bags near the door.
“To the car?” I asked and he nodded, he probably meant I should help him, which made sense and would also mean that we were almost done.

“Let’s go.” I grabbed the bags and Matt took some more of the equipment and we brought it to the Van, we threw the stuff in the trunk and Matt had this stupid grin on his face, probably looking like my own.

“You happy going back?” I asked him and Matt smirked “Can’t describe it” He whispered and I laughed “You writing Maya or gonna surprise her?” I asked and he shook his head vehemently “Surprise”

“Good, I planned the same… maybe they are at my or even your house. We could stop at yours first, and if they are not we could be heading to mine, but then I want you to be gone as soon as possible!” I said and Matt wiggled his eyebrows “Same plan” He whispered smirking.

“It’s about six when we leave, so we should be home around eight-nine, depending on the traffic” I mused “That’s a pretty damn good time to surprise them and spend the night in a good way, if you know what I mean”

“I hope Maya got a nurse outfit, cause I can’t get that image out of my head” Matt chuckled which ended in coughing, too much talking I bet.
“Alright, how about you sit down a bit and rest, and keep that big mouth shut, and I’ll get the rest of the bags” I instructed Matt who rolled his eyes, but still listened to what I said to my surprise.

So when everything was settled and we were all back in the Van we made our way home, as soon as we were on the main road, my phone beeped with messages and missed calls. I frowned and checked them, holy shit… so many.

I felt bad reading all the messages Ave had send and I wasn’t able to properly reply. She even wrote something like if I was still alive, and I was tempted to write her back that I was on my way and she shouldn’t worry, but Matt held his hand over the phone shaking his head “Surprise” He mouthed again and I nodded “I know.”

“You also got missed calls? And messages?” I asked, still not being able to go through all of them.
“Yeah, some messages” Matt swallowed thickly, his throat must still be hurting bad.
“I got a picture, but its still loading, it’s a message from yesterday, you got that too?” I asked and Matt nodded and then his mouth was hanging open.

“What?” I asked and Jimmy nearly jumped over me to get a look at it, too.
“Isn’t that your bed, Gates?” Jimmy asked and I still haven’t even seen the fucking picture.
“Holy fuck” I whispered when my phone finally showed the picture, Ave was kissing Maya’s cheek, they were cuddled up against each other in clearly MY bed.

“Shads, forget anything I said about two being too much to handle, me in the middle of that picture, would totally work out” I said and heard Matt’s growl in reply and then he hit the back of my head.
“Ouch, what? It’s my bed, I’m allowed to think that. I bet they made the decision just right, to be there and nowhere else” I smirked and saw Matt narrow his eyes, I bet if he could talk he would argue with me some more, so it had its perks when Matt couldn’t talk.

“Show me!” Johnny complained from the front and Zack turned around as well “Come on, you fuckers, show us the goods!” Zack took my phone from my hands and looked at the picture.

“I would print that shit out and hang it on my wall, you got nothing against it right, Shads?” Zack asked knowing Matt couldn’t really answer but he tried anyway “Shut up, you-” The rest was just a scratching and no real words so Matt gave up, but we all knew it was just fun, still I quickly got a hold of my phone again, saving that pic for later.

I clicked through the rest of my missed calls and then another message appeared, from just an hour ago as it seemed.
I looked at it and again I had to swallow thickly, that was my girl right there, dressed sexy as sin, and I think I haven’t seen that dress before.
And Maya next to her, equally dressed and they were both smiling sexily at the camera and I heard Matt quietly read the caption underneath the pic and I groaned.

“They are not even home!” I whispered bummed out and Matt looked also pretty down.
“They went out to a fucking party, like that?” I still couldn’t wrap my mind around it, look at her, that was a dress to fucking… lie on my bedroom floor but not for her to be going out, at least not without me, what was Ave thinking?!

“Way too much skin” Matt pointed at the pic that I still had open and I saw Jimmy roll his eyes “You guys are Neanderthals. The girls didn’t know you would be coming and probably needed a distraction, they are at their friends house, a college friend get together as she wrote, there can’t be much happening, how about you surprise them right there?” Jimmy asked and settled back in his seat as if that was brilliant and I had to admit… fine he was right.

I looked over to Matt and he nodded, about an hour later we were finally home, we headed to my house right away, knowing the girls had been there last and that’s what my living room looked like too.

Clothes lying around, plates in the sink, notebook on the desk and drinks on the counter, well hell, our girls seemed to want to party without us. But we would show them, surprise surprise, we would get their pretty little asses back home as soon as we got a hold of them, because I had some nice plans for Ave tonight.

While both Matt and I took a quick shower and redressed, I found the address from their friend in the notebook on the counter. I waited for Matt to get ready, and since it was a college party, we both put some things on to disguise us cause we didn’t wanna be noticed right away.

I looked at Matt and he nodded “You ready?” He mouthed and I frowned a little “Maybe it is better if you wait here, man? I mean I can go grab both girls and tell Maya you are here waiting for her? Maybe a party isn’t the right environment for your illness right now?!” I asked a little concerned and Matt shook his head right away. “I’m going to surprise my girl, shut up Gates and get your move on” He pointed to the door and I rolled my eyes, “Fine.”

We drove to the address in the notebook and I was surprised how many people and cars were around here, this didn’t look like an average college friend get together like Jimmy had thought.
“Damn” I heard Matt whisper “How should we find them here?” I lifted my eyebrows and Matt shrugged.

We got out of the car and I pushed the sunglasses a little higher and I saw Matt righting his base cap, alright… so let’s find our girls, grab them and get out of here that was the mission of the evening.
I checked my phone and it was 11 already, the party was hitting a good point as it seemed, the alcohol was flowing and I had to sidestep a few drunks on my way in.

I had no idea how this Chelsea girl looked like, I turned to Matt and he was already a few feet behind me looking around as well. “Matt?” I yelled the music was getting louder.
“Should we part?” I yelled again and he shook his head, but I didn’t know if he couldn’t hear me or if he didn’t want to go in different directions.

We stood in the middle of the foyer, people surrounding us and I saw some girls eyeing Matt and me, one of them stepped forward “Hi handsome, you want a drink?” She asked and I gave her a smile and shook my head “Thanks but no.”

Next she tried Matt who just shook his head and moved on, with his lack of voice and whispering he wouldn’t be heard over the music anyway.
When we walked a little further inside, someone pushed beer bottles into my hand and I handed one to Matt, one wouldn’t hurt, would it?

I drank the cold liquid and it kinda soothed my nerves I had to admit. I went further a little and saw a girl that I seemed to know from somewhere, was that one of Ave’s friends?!
I heard her talking and waited a second, if I could make out any names “I know, they haven’t been here in months… and have you seen how good they looked?” She said and I was about to open my mouth when someone else interrupted “And who were they talking to around here?”
I rolled my eyes, god this gossip topics, how could girls always talk about what others did, didn’t they have a life?!

“I saw Collin and Ian around… probably want another shot now that they are free again” The girl I seemed to knew said and Matt pushed past me “I’m not standing around… If you find them… Go to the car… I’ll follow” Matt whisper-yelled in my ear and I nodded.

I tapped the girl on the shoulder and she swirled around, her eyes widening and the smile on her face grew wider “Oh my… I had no idea you would be coming.. I mean… HI!” She hugged me and her friends stared as well, that was not a good idea, Haner!

“You saw Ave and Maya? They said they’d be here tonight?” I yelled over the music and she leaned in closer like she didn’t hear me.
“YOU SAW AVE AND MAYA?!” I yelled again and she swallowed and then grinned “Yeah, the last time they were outside, but don’t know if they still are… could be dancing too, but if I see them I let them know you are here, okay?” She yelled back and I nodded “Thanks”

Before I could turn around one of the other girls stepped forward and leaned in “Here, if you want to talk” She put something in my pocket and I frowned, whatever.

I made a step forward and heard someone of the group say “Now this will get interesting” I frowned and shook my head, who knew what they were talking about now, because I just wanted to find Ave and head home with her.


I know u had to wait a little for this one... BUT

- A lot happened here, right?!

What will happen?! What do u guys think?!
Tell us!



Dear Ladies,
u have been asking.. and finally it is here!
The new story called raptured is on!!
Check it out and let us know what u think!

MeRi MeRi

Any updates yet?

We are still working on writing the first few chapters, but don't worry the first chapter is on its way in the very near future! ;)

KWally2 KWally2

It's been 2 weeks since the ending chapter. When is the 3rd story going to be up?! I can't wait anymore!!


We are currently working on writting the first few chapters and it will be up for you as soon as we have them done! :) we can't wait for you to see what Mattaya and Bravery are up to!

We will post a link as soon as it's up so stay tuned!

KWally2 KWally2