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Missing you

Maya’s POV

The next morning came way too soon, even though Matt and I enjoyed the time we had to the fullest we both dreaded the time that was passing too quickly.
I rested my head on his chest, while he played with my hair, his fingers turning the strands round and around and I smiled, his hands felt so good on me, just with this light touch, with this little caress…

“What do you think the guys would say if we ask them to postpone the trip?” Matt asked and I smiled, knowing he didn’t wanna leave me alone.
“They will drag your ass out of here, no matter what, big guy” I looked up to him and his hazel eyes met mine.

“I don’t wanna go, babe. My heart feels heavy only thinking about leaving this bed and then walking out that door and away from you! Unbearable...” Matt placed a kiss on my forehead and I smiled “I feel the same, but we both have to work… I want to hear new amazing music from you, and you will be stunned about how the store looks and that we opened up already… hopefully…” I trailed off hoping we could manage all that while the boys were away, I mean… I could also picture me and Ave sitting on the couch, stuffing us with ice-cream and looking sappy romance movies cause we missed them so bad, but I wouldn’t tell Matt that or he wouldn’t wanna leave at all.

Matt’s phone started to ring and he sighed “Those fuckers can’t leave us alone for a freaking minute, can they?” He cursed while trying to grab his phone from the floor.
“WHAT?” He barked into the phone.
“The fuck! You said you will pick us up?! What you mean, you can’t fucking drive?! Let Christ drive, I don’t care!” He hung up and threw the phone away.

“What was that about, babe?” I lifted myself up on my elbows and looked at him and Matt shook his head “That was Zack, he said he won’t be able to drive and that I should pick him and Gates up, they seemed to have partied a little longer and harder after we left…” Matt trailed off and I could picture them smoking weed and drinking, that’s how it always ended, glad I could sneak away and have my wicked ways with Matt again during the night. I needed that, the little reminder, something to hold on to and think about when he was away and I was sleeping in bed alone.

“When will you be picked up?” I asked and Matt sighed “An hour…”
“Then we should get ready, right? At least you should eat something…” I told him and Matt shook his head “I could think of some better things to do, babe” He threw the blanket away and buried me beneath him, his lips trailed along my throat and I moaned.

How could I say no to this- to him?!

I kissed him hungrily and groaned out “How am I able to leave you behind? I’m gonna fucking die up there…”
I smiled up to him “Don’t worry, you will live, it’s just a week, nothing more… You can call me whenever you want, we can talk and I promise I will always make time for you.” I held up my hand promising and Matt let his head sink down on my chest, breathing deeply in and out.

About an hour later Matt and I had his bag packed up and standing at the door, we managed to get some food down, even though I knew we both weren’t really hungry.
And when a horn from outside could be heard we knew it was time to say goodbye, and I had this weird and uneasy feeling in my stomach.

The last time we said goodbye we haven’t seen us for weeks, no months… half a year even, we broke up and everything went out of hand. But that couldn’t be happening again, I loved him too much and he loved me.

Nothing could get between us, right?! I looked up into Matt’s face and I saw the longing, the hurt and the uneasiness also in his eyes, was he afraid like I was?
Did he think I would leave him again?

The doorbell rang and I stepped forward but Matt pulled me back and kissed me hungrily, “Nothing will come between us, you heard me? We will call and talk as much as we can. I won’t accept anything else… I love you, M. And keep that in mine in one week I will be standing at this door and I will shut us into the bedroom or the next room I can find and I will ravish you.” Matt pulled away leaving me dizzy after the kiss and then opened the door to reveal a hugging and kissing Ave and Brian.

“Hey” Matt announced “You got an idea to postpone it?” Matt asked rather quietly and then Johnny pushed his way through, “Okay, enough of this. I had to watch this the whole drive and yesterday as well, can you fucking keep your hands to yourself now! ZACK, help me get these fuckers in the car! We wanted to leave half an hour ago!”

“Damn it” Matt cursed and took his bag, we all moved outside looking at the waiting van standing there, Jimmy hung out the door looking sad and I walked up to him “Knife girl, can’t I smuggle you, the little Gnome and my Queen in with the luggage? I won’t stand being alone with 4 guys all the time, I’m going to.. to..-”
“Shut up, Rev! We will leave, get your ass back in the car” Zack said and held his head like a bad headache had hit him.

I saw Johnny grab the bag from Matt and threw it in the trunk of the car then moved around to the driver’s seat and got in. I said my goodbyes to Zack, Johnny and Jimmy and turned around to see Brian and Ave talking quietly.

They gently kissed and I looked up to meet Matt’s eyes “It’s time, huh?” I asked softly and Matt nodded “Yeah… I’ll call you when I got there… I hope the service connection is better than the last times, but I’ll try my best. You concentrate on your store… and missing me.” He gave me a smirk and I chuckled “I will, I promise… and think about me every now and then, alright?” I asked him and he leaned down, kissing my lips softly “I won’t be thinking about anything else.”

“SHADS! GATES! GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR! NOW!” Johnny yelled starting the engine and I sighed pulling away from Matt “Now go, before they get too mad” I patted Matt’s cheek lightly and gave him a final lingering kiss and then he turned around and vanished in the car.

Brian took a little longer, he didn’t move away from Ave, until Zack got out of the car and dragged him on his belt away “I’ll miss you, love” Brian yelled just when the door of the Van closed and the guys drove off while Ave and I waved a final time.

“And now?” I asked Ave and she turned to me with teary eyes “Ice-cream and a movie?” She asked nearly sobbing and I swallowed thickly, if this would be starting like this now, how should we survive a whole week?

“Or we bury us in work, design some hot new outfits and when the first phone call arrives we will bury us in ice-cream, sweets and movies?” I asked trying at least a little to lighten up the mood and Ave nodded, she inhaled deeply.

“You are right, let’s design something for the shop, work our asses of there so the guys can be proud and let’s also make a nice welcome home outfit for us, something sexy as sin, that when they see it, they can’t think about anything else anymore but us!” Ave grinned a devilish grin and I nodded “That sounds like a plan to me!” I grabbed her hand and we moved into Matt’s how and started to work right away.

Brian’s POV

How long days could really get I just noticed now! I thought one week was manageable, I thought I could make it, but… we had just arrived a day ago and I thought of the first opportunity to leave again.

What if Ave needs my help?
I didn’t like the thought of her being alone in that big house, what if something happened?

“Can you two man up a little? You look like you are planning to run out that door any second, and we haven’t even started writing yet” Zack complained and I nodded, could he read my mind now?

“Calm down, Zack. The second day just begun we have plenty of time” Jimmy said but he didn’t look any better than Matt and myself.
“Yeah, I can see plenty of time, Brian keeps on talking about going home and missing Ave, Matt keeps on worrying what Maya is doing and you keep on complaining that Jess is visiting her parents. Fucking fun to be around you assholes!” Zack shot back and I rolled my eyes.

I held up my phone trying to get a connection, I dialled Ave’s number but nothing. Out of reach, I just talked to her yesterday telling her we arrived, but even then the phone call got disconnected, she must be worried sick by now.

“Do any of you have a signal?” I asked looking hopeful around and since Matt had been playing around with his phone all morning and didn’t seem to be able to reach Maya either, I knew not to hope for him.

“Nothing…” I heard as a reply and let out a wild curse, “This sucks… I can’t even talk to her. I promised to call!” I raged getting up and walked towards the kitchen.
“Buh-huh, Haner. We are here to write music and get some work done, not bitching around not reaching the girls…” Johnny replied and I shot him a warning look.

“I did too, can’t get a hold on Maya either, and my messages also won’t get through” Matt agreed to me and I frowned, shit… We were really cut off.

I opened the fridge and was surprised seeing that it was filled with snacks and liquors. I grabbed a bottle of beer and looked up “Some of you also starting the night early?” I lifted the bottle and saw everyone nod.

“That’s what I’m talking about, the best songs we created while getting drunk and high” Zack grinned and I nodded, he had a point in that.
So I loaded my arms with bottles and set them on the little table in front of the couch we were all hanging around.

“So do any of you guys have something to start with?” Jimmy asked and I frowned, I did have something in mind, but if I would start with that right away, I knew the guys would start complaining again, so I kept my mouth shut for now.

his“I actually have something” Zack said and grabbed his guitar from the side. “I have this idea in my head, being in a casino, some gambling, you know the sound a slot machine is making, what do you think of this?” Zack played a tune on his guitar and my eyes widened- that was sick.
“Loud bass, some sexy lyrics… something to dance on a pole with” Zack played again and Johnny grabbed his bass, he started to get in on the tune and I nodded my head.

I took another bottle of beer drinking fast, letting the music guide me before grabbing my guitar and closing my eyes. I played what came to my head, just fitting to the bass line and Zack’s idea, “Fuck, that’s it-“ Matt yelled.

Jimmy began to drum a rhythm with his sticks on the table and we all nodded our heads, this was actually going somewhere, Matt was humming to the sound without words yet, that always took a little longer to find the perfect words fitting to the music.

“Dangerous and sexy, loud and hot” Matt whispered, I saw him closing eyes and as did I, what came to my mind exactly while we kept playing over and over was Ave. Of course, it was Ave, she was dancing, we were in a club, it was dark the air heavy.
She pressed her body to mine, my desire for her too much to handle, my hands moved over her body, my lips pressing to her skin.

“Caught up in this madness, too blind to see,
Took over my sense and I lost control” I softly let out thinking further, those were the words that popped into my head right away.

And then Matt sounded next to me, “Scream 'til there's silence
Scream while there's life left vanishing
Scream from the pleasure
Unmask your desire, perishing
He sang loudly over the guitar, bass and drumming and I snapped my eyes open, I had no idea what he was thinking about but, that had been fucking awesome.

We all stopped playing at once and Matt scrambled to get his notebook from the table.
“Fucking hell, play again, we need more” He wrote down as far as he could and I looked at him.

“I don’t know if you were thinking about the same thing but, something about ‘You know I making you wanna scream…’ I had this image before me, but if I’ll tell it out loud, I know the other guys will start bitching again” I said only for Matt to hear and he nodded “I pictured Maya in a hot little nothing, dancing, me trying to catch her, chasing her, wanting her…” Matt trailed off and I nodded “Fuck… now I really need to call Ave” I smirked.

I got up without another word and took my phone with me. I just realized that the morning had vanished within our writing session into evening and the sun was slowly setting.
And I had to admit I felt a little dizzy, how much had I been drinking while we wrote the song?

I frowned but pushed the call button anyway “Hello?” Ave’s voice sounded and I sighed in relief, finally.
“Love, it’s me… I don’t know how much time I got, the connection is real bad” I quickly rushed out and I heard Ave sigh.
“I can’t really hear you… I miss you, babe.” Ave said and I wished I could drive back home right now, 2 days away had been enough, right?!

“How is the store going?” I asked and heard some rustling, shit the line would be dead soon. “Ave?”
“Good- Maya- I, nearly… Babe?” Ave’s voice was cut off in between and I stared at the phone angrily.

“Love, I can’t hear you… I love you and try again later” I finished and heard just the beeping of the disconnected call.

I sighed and went back to the cabin seeing all eyes on me when I returned “Got a hold of her?” Matt asked with hope and I nodded but then shook my head right after, making me dizzier and looking on the table, when had we started drinking vodka?

“Take another shot, and you’ll feel better” Zack handed me a glass and I shrugged drinking it with one go as the other joined in.
“I just fucking miss her so bad.” I let out on a sigh and Zack groaned “We got that, Brian… you miss her, you love her and-”
“Yeah, she is the woman I want. I can’t fucking picture my life without her, you know. It’s more than special.” I said sitting up straight.
“You know what I mean, right Shads?” I clapped his arm and he nodded “Totally, my thoughts are always with her.”

“So let me get this straight, Haner. You love Ave, right?” Zacky slurred and filled our cups again.
We all drank and then another and another round followed.
“I do love her, more than anything” I slurred right back.
“And you fucking thought you’d become a father… I mean… whoa… that’s huge, but you liked the thought, right?” Zack asked again and Jimmy cut between it.

“Hello?! Knife Twins, who wouldn’t like the thought?!” Jimmy yelled downing the rest of his cup and filling all our drinks up to the rim.
“I.. yeah of course… I could picture myself and Ave having a family, a house, kids, a dog… or more.” I said, picturing again the image that Matt had planted in my head about someone being there when I got off stage, someone always being there for me… and that someone was Ave.

“What’s not to like about that?” Matt slurred and he looked bad, longing… what was he thinking now?!
“So why not fucking seal the deal and make it real?” Zack asked and I chuckled, that rhymed.
“Haner should make a kid?” Johnny slurred, his eyes had been closed and outside it was dark already, or was it getting morning again? I completely lost the track of time.

“Not a kid… at least not yet. I mean… seal the deal with Ave, fucking make her his!” Zack said as if it was the easiest answer.
I frowned “She is mine, asshat!” Jealousy bubbling up in my drunken mind, what was he talking about now, was someone planning to steal her away from me?!

“Marriage, dude! He is talking about marriage!” Jimmy said and elbowed my side. I looked at them dumbfounded “I should ask her to marry me?”
“Is she the woman you want or not?! You would ultimately bind her to you by that… I mean, if you put a ring on her finger…” Jimmy trailed off “And how about you Sanders, don’t tell you haven’t thought about that, you always been the one saying you want to marry and all that shit?!”

I looked at Matt when I let the words sank in “I-I… sure I thought about that… I mean, I love her and know she is the one… but… Maya is not ready for that… I don’t think she would say yes.” Matt looked sad and I patted his shoulder, I think he was wrong with that, but I kept the thought to myself for now.

Maybe now really was the time to show the guys what I had been working on during the time Ave was away.

“Guys, I got something… It’s a rough sketch, but… maybe not even album material, but it’s something I want to do for…” I trailed off and saw everyone looking at me.
“Yeah I know, sappy romantic shit, or something coming now, but- What can I say…”

I laid the notebook where I scribbled the lines down onto the table and let everyone have a look:

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love, purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be

Dear God the only thing I ask of you
Is to hold her when I'm not around
When I'm much too far away
We all need that person
Who can be true to you

But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
When hope begins to fade.

“It’s not completely done but… that’s what I was working on…” I shrugged waiting for their opinions.
“Damn Gates, when did you write that?” Matt asked reading the lyrics over and over again.

“When Ave left and I couldn’t reach her, I started… it got more and more throughout the time… and it’s what I felt… what I feel when I’m away from her…” I said honestly and the alcohol was making my tongue more lose then normal and apparently the same was for the other guys, even though we normally weren’t holding back either.

“I love the lyrics, but we need to find the right music to balance it, nothing too sad… we need to bring them into the right direction” Matt said thinking deeply and I nodded, normally he was the one with the lyric ideas, so I knew we would get this done even if it was something different than before.

We worked more and more on lyrics and music until we all were pretty much too exhausted to even head to bed, so we fell asleep right there and tomorrow the next day would continue just like that, another try to reach Ave… another song, more alcohol… everything starting from the beginning, while my mind was doing cartwheels around the words the guys had said to me… should I make Ave mine?!


Uhhuuu... are they planting seeds in Brian's head?!
What does he really want?!

And what do u think happens next?!




Dear Ladies,
u have been asking.. and finally it is here!
The new story called raptured is on!!
Check it out and let us know what u think!

MeRi MeRi

Any updates yet?

We are still working on writing the first few chapters, but don't worry the first chapter is on its way in the very near future! ;)

KWally2 KWally2

It's been 2 weeks since the ending chapter. When is the 3rd story going to be up?! I can't wait anymore!!


We are currently working on writting the first few chapters and it will be up for you as soon as we have them done! :) we can't wait for you to see what Mattaya and Bravery are up to!

We will post a link as soon as it's up so stay tuned!

KWally2 KWally2