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Reliving the Nightmare



In just over two hours I would be boarding a plane that would take me away from everything I had grown up with, everything I knew and that I was familiar with. I wasn't ready in the slightest.

Brian had settled my nerves by kissing me so hard he forced all of my fears out of my head, but as soon as he had left the bathroom, my arms felt empty without him in them and my brain filled with more nervous ideas. He was my sedative and my rock; when he was around I felt calm and in control but when he wasn't holding me I felt like I would collapse in on myself. I was weak without him. I was like a little girl who had lost her Mum in the supermarket; I was scared and confused but I knew as soon as I found my rock I would be fine.

I finished up in the bathroom as quick as I could. I got dressed in simple black leggings and a white floaty top then tied my hair back in a casual ponytail. Luckily the owner of this house had plenty of amazing smelling toiletries so for the first time in what felt like forever, I finally smelled like a girl. I left the bathroom after tidying it so it looked exactly as it had before we had all arrived. The rest of the house was completely trashed so the least I could do was tidy this poor owner's bathroom.

I grabbed my tiny bag of belongings, wondering whether Brian would buy me clothes when we got to America. Because I wouldn't have money until I got a job so I wouldn't be able to buy anything. I felt my chest tighten and my breath hitched: just another thing to add to my list of worries.

I exited the bedroom and trudged down the stairs. However the spring returned to my step when I heard calls of hilarity and jeering coming from the kitchen. I grinned when I heard the familiar insults being aimed at Johnny and hurried my pace so I could see what the idiots were up to now.

I walked into absolute chaos. Johnny was lying on the floor in just his boxers with Matt pouring water on his naked chest. Brian was sprawled on a dining room chair, clutching his stomach with tears of laughter rolling down his flushed face. Zack was kicking Johnny in the ribs and Arin was looking a bit green and was biting his knuckle whilst trying to look anywhere but at Johnny. I soon saw why.

Johnny was covered in sick. It was all over the floor and he was lying right in the middle of it. I grimaced at the awful smell that hit me when I entered the room. It was a horrid mix of burning alcohol and putrid vomit. I nearly gagged but I wasn't very squeamish about these things so I held onto my stomach contents. I tiptoed round Johnny and sat beside Brian.

"What happened?" I sighed at Brian. He still hadn't stopped laughing and it did make me feel a lot happier seeing his mirth.

He sputtered out a reply, "He put vodka in his cereal and started throwing up. He is now piss drunk after consuming the whole bottle of vodka to get rid of the taste of vomit from his mouth. Fucking class!"

My eyes involuntarily rolled up and I wasn't at all surprised that this is what Avenged Sevenfold did as preparation for travelling. I turned away from the hysterical Brian and looked at poor Arin.

"Are you ok, honey?" I asked him with concern lacing my voice. He was still a sickly green shade and his eyes were darting about the room.

"Never been better," he smiled tightly at me, but his shaking hands told a different story.

I got up and walked over to him and rubbed his arms soothingly, before leaning in close so I could speak to him without everyone else hearing.

"Do you want me to get these idiots sorted so you don't have to witness this freakshow?" I gave him a cheeky grin, showing him that I was on his side.

He gave a strained chuckle and said, "Thanks for the offer but I really don't think you'll be able to sort them out when they're like this."

I looked in pity at his tense posture and pale cheeks and knew what I was going to do. Poor lad; he really was squeamish.

I snorted at his comment and replied, "Please. I've lived my whole life with an idiot for an older brother. I've got this."

He gave me a doubtful look but I was confident in myself. I would have these hooligans sorted within the next five minutes.

I turned to face the other guys and took a deep breath so I was ready to scream at them.

"Right you stupid men! Listen to me or I will knee you in your groins so hard that you'll be talking like a five year old for the next two weeks!" I shouted at the top of my voice. Just like I knew they would, they all froze and stared at me like I had grown two heads. That's right, the shy girl has a pair of lungs and she's not afraid to use them.

"We are leaving for the airport in half an hour because I refuse to be rushing round an airport in a hurry because you twits couldn't stop mucking about! Two guys are going to get a shower in the bathrooms upstairs whilst the the other two start cleaning up this mess. Then you can swap once the first two have finished showering," I ordered them as they looked up at me with blank faces.

Zacky spoke up first, "But what about the extra person? You've only said four people."

I smiled sweetly at him and said, "Arin is going to sit with me and watch some TV since he had no part in this stupidity."

A chorus of complaints rose up as all of the guys apart from Arin moaned about my plan. Johnny's angry slurs nearly made me lose my stern facade, but I pulled it together for the last order.

"I don't want to hear it! You made the mess, now get cleaning! NOW!" my voice rose to a scream for the last part and it jolted the guys into action.

Matt and Brian sprinted out of the kitchen, screaming that they were showering first, leaving Zack and Johnny looking lost and fed up.

I grabbed Arin's sleeve and pulled him towards the living room so we could plonk ourselves on the sofa and chill. He looked at me with awe before pulling me into a swift hug.

"I like you," he stated bluntly, making me laugh. "Where were you all those times I had to put up with them being little shits?"

"Surely they're not always like that?" I frowned.

"No, not always. But they tend to get a little crazy from time to time. It's funny but I hate it when it gets disgusting; I'm not very brave!" he admitted, looking ashamed. I patted him on the shoulder, then settled down to watch some trashy Scottish television. Who knew when I would next get to watch it?

Five minutes into a really good episode of "Jeremy Kyle," El showed up looking disgruntled.

"Brian kicked me out of the bathroom," she whined, explaining her still damp hair.

Arin didn't seem to mind her more casual appearance as he beckoned for her to sit on his lap, his face lighting up at her presence. It was cute how much he liked her.

She switched her gaze onto him but then frowned.

"Arin, why are you not getting ready? Everyone else is either ready or getting ready and you're sitting here like a vegetable!" El ranted at Arin and I raised my hand with a bashful expression.

"Spare him, El. It's my fault, I made him watch TV with me," I told her, but still her frown didn't ease.

"Well I'm here now so you can get going," she said harshly as she gestured for him to go.

As Arin dutifully got up and left, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. El was already growing tired of him. I had known her for five years and she had always got bored of things. The longest relationship she'd ever had lasted two weeks, and that was only because the guy went on holiday so she couldn't break up with him until he came back. I had hoped that Arin might be special because he was so sweet, but it seemed El was reverting back to her old ways. It saddened me that she was so mean sometimes, but I knew she was a beautiful person at heart. People just needed to get to know her. She was my best friend and I loved her with all of my heart. I needed her with me in America or I would go insane.

I snuggled up next to her on the sofa and we watched our last Scottish television together before we were on a one way trip to California.

I stood next to Brian and Zacky looking at books in WHSmith at Glasgow airport. Brian was going to buy me a couple of books for the flight so I wouldn't get bored. The flight was 14 hours long but there was movies and food so it would be ok. Plus Brian would sit next to me so I could snuggle into him. I picked up an interesting looking book and added it to my collection before heading to the counter. I handed the friendly looking lady the books before peering back to make sure Brian and Zack were still in sight. A niggling feeling of terror was eating at me from the inside and so far the only thing that eased it was Brian. Luckily he was still standing talking to Zack, so I turned back to the lady and handed her the thirty pounds Brian had gave me. I took comfort in her motherly appearance and her soft words eased my nerves. She wished me a good flight and handed me my books. I flashed her a huge smile to thank her and headed back to Brian, stroking my books on the way, relishing the feeling of new stories.

I glanced up with a smile on my face, ready to thank Brian, only to stumble to a halt when I was met with just Zacky. He smiled at me and started walking away, as if everything was ok.

"Brian's just gone to the toilet so we'll head on over and meet the others," Zacky called back to me, striding ahead with his hands in his pockets.

My feet were frozen to the ground and my veins filled with ice. Brian had left me. He had left me alone in this airport with no one and he didn't care. This was exactly what he would do when we got to California as well; he would go off without me and do his own things and eventually he would grow bored of me. A hand gripped my lungs and squeezed all of the air out of them, causing me to pant frantically trying to calm myself down.

Brian could never commit to me. He was a wild spirit and he would fly away from me. No matter how I tried to picture the future it always came to one outcome: I was always the loser in the situation.

Only one thing could save me now. Run.

My legs suddenly came to life and I burst into a sprint away from Zacky and into the midst of a huge crowd.

"Shit! Lola come back!" I heard Zacky yell after me, and I felt a pang of guilt at the panic in his voice.

It soon got swallowed up in the swirling storm of dread inside of me though, which was willing me on through the airport.

Run. Escape the inevitable.

Run. Back to what was familiar.

Run. Away from Brian.


If anyone is wondering what Lola was watching on telly, 'Jeremy Kyle' is a really trashy show that gets people to talk about problems they're having. But the producers always make sure that they fight! It's pretty funny actually!:/

So Lola couldn't take the pressure and ran! Will she get far?

So the comments for the last chapter were amazing!!! You guys are just brilliant so keep it coming!:):):):)

L xxx


This is such a good story! I just found it and got caught up! I'm happy that Brian is seeking help. I can't wait for more. Keep it up.

An update!
Can't wait for more:D

DaphneG DaphneG


Hey guys thanks for the comments and sorry for the mega delay! I hope you keep reading and enjoying despite this!

CrimsonDay64 CrimsonDay64

Welcome back we've missed you! Hope your writers block is gone now lol. Love this story and loved the chapter. Can't wait to find out who he is talking about!!!! Years?! Hmm Michelle? Idk can't wait!

synswin synswin

Update. I need one. I read it all in one night. YEARS?!

Billiehobo Billiehobo