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Reliving the Nightmare



"Oi fuckface, watch out!"

I giggled as Brian tripped over Johnny and barrelled into Matt. We were heading into the Hydro to collect some of the guys' stuff before we figured out what to do.

"It's not my fault you have huge feet, Bro," Johnny protested to Brian.

Brian turned and winked at me.

"It's well known that people with big feet are well endowed in other areas as well," he said and watched as I flushed bright red at his crude meaning.

El's mouth hung open and she looked frantically between Brian and I with a confused expression. She finally shut her trap and resorted to glaring me, betrayed. So she had caught the sexual tension between Brian and I, had she? Damn. I was not looking forward to the barrage of questions that awaited me once we had got away from the boys. I could practically feel her curiosity jabbing me and tweezing my personal thoughts to the surface.

I cleared my throat then asked her sweetly, "So what did you get up to while I was gone?"

She smiled at me and answered with a straight face, "Oh nothing much. We went shopping like I told you but mostly we just hung about, waiting for you and Brian."

Somebody who didn't know El would have accepted that as her truthful answer and left it at that. But I had known her all of my life and I could tell by the way she flipped her hair nervously that she was lying. I noticed her sneakily peeking over at Arin when she thought I wasn't looking and he would smile reassuringly at her.

"Ohhhhh!" I sounded as it hit me what was up.

She spun and gave me a wide eyed look, knowing that I had figured her out and silently begging me not to make a big deal.

I tried my best but couldn't help whispering accusingly at her, "You had sex with Arin!"

She raised her eyebrows in alarm and scouted out the place to make sure no one had heard. She was all clear; the boys had gone ahead, bickering about who had the biggest feet.

She combed back her side fringe and couldn't help but smile. "Yeah. It was pretty perfect."

"Oh. My. God," my voice rose to a barely contained shout and she smacked me to shut me up. "Do you realise how huge this is? You had sex with the drummer from 'Avenged Sevenfold!'

She shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal but I could see her smugly preening.

"Yeah I did. And he was great," she waved her hand dismissively and then her eyes lit up as she turned on me. "But it's you I want to know about! What's going on with you and big foot?"

I groaned and smacked my face, asking myself why I ever made friends with this gossip fiend. What could I tell her? She already knew about my Dad and his ways but could I tell her about Brian saving me and us sleeping in the same bed? As soon as I imagined me telling her, a sense of wrongness crawled up my spine and cut me short. The memories I had with Brian were special and more importantly, they were something that only me and him shared. If I told El, then I would have nothing that just belonged to Brian and I.

Having firmly made up my mind about not telling El about Brian and I, I shook my head at her and began to weave my web of lies.

"Oh Brian?" I laughed as if I had no idea of what she was saying. "He's such a flirt with everyone. Just watch out that you don't get sucked into his flirting games, you don't want to upset Arin!" I kept a smile glued onto my face but inside I was turning green at the thought of Brian flirting with El. So help me, if she put her hands on him, I would kill them both.

I frowned at my violence and shook off any jealousy. El looked at me with vague suspicion but seemed to buy my casual dismissal.

"He does seem like a complete man slut. Just watch he doesn't play you, sweetie," she gave me a brief warning but then launched into a full explanation of how 'great' Arin was.

As she made my ears bleed with the unnecessary details, a knot of worry wound it's way in my stomach at my lies to El. Let's just say I was a much better liar than she was and she was a lot more gullible than me, so when she eventually found out about Brian and me, she was going to flip. She hated being left out on anything so to be left out of her best friend's love life was going to kill her.

But I wasn't quite ready to relinquish mine and Brian's memories just yet. They were ours only. For now.

We rejoined the lads in a warm up room in the Hydro. They lounged on different pieces of furniture, spread out across the room like spilled bits of a board game. When I walked in, I resisted the urge to squeeze myself in next to Brian on an armchair and instead perched beside Matt on a table. Brian raised one eyebrow in a question but I simply shook my head and mouthed 'later.'

The boys started up their easy going banter, but Matt didn't join in. He sat rigidly on the table and when I accidentally brushed my arm against his, he yanked his arm away and positioned himself away from me. I glanced at him, shoulders all hunched and his hand covering his face, and resisted the urge to cry. Had I done something to offend him?

I looked at Brian across the room and saw that he was grinding his teeth and cracking his knuckles whilst glaring at Matt. He briefly stopped to mouth 'It's ok baby' at me, but began again and added angry knee jerking to the mix. Matt glanced up at him with an annoyed expression and stared at him until he stopped.

Undeterred, Brian violently stood up, reminding me of an angry rottweiler, and tightly asked Matt to join him in the hallway.
Matt heaved himself up and stomped out of the room after him. My eyes followed them worriedly out, but I was apparantly the only one concerned. Arin and El were shmoozing on the sofa and Johnny and Zacky were seeing who could punch each other the hardest.

I quietly got up and tiptoed across the room to the door. I heard Matt and Brian before I saw them.

"Don't try and fucking make excuses. Tell me what's got your balls in a knot," Brian snapped at Matt.

I inched forwards and peeked through the door, getting a good view of Brian's crossed arms and Matt's clenched fists.

"Nothing," Matt said shortly back. "All I want to know is how long Lola and El are going to be with us."

"As long as they fucking want. And it wouldn't fucking hurt you if you were a bit more civil to Lola. What was that whole 'don't touch me' act back there?"

Matt shifted from foot to foot and scrubbed the back of his shaved head. "She just gave me a shock that's all. I didn't do it on purpose."

"Like shit. Sort it out Sanders or I'm going to get real fucking angry, real fast." I grimaced at Brian's overuse of cuss words. He was very angry if he vamped up the swearing.

"There's nothing to sort out. So you've picked up some chick from a tour and think it would be fun to have her tag along. It's not like it's a distraction to the band and our music or anything, as long as Synyster Gates is happy," Matt's voice turned sour and sarcastic.

"She's not 'some chick'. She's different," Brian's quiet reply warmed my heart.

"Right. Different from the other five hundred girls you've hooked up with over all the tours?" Matt wasn't backing up.

"Oh fuck off would you? You weren't so against it when I told you I was bringing her back on the train."

"I thought you were joking!" Matt yelled, stepping closer to Brian. I flinched as they both squared off to each other. Surely Brian wouldn't fight with another one of his brother's?

"Well I wasn't. So get it together, dude," Brian seemed to relax a bit as he stepped down. "You don't know what she's been through," he added in a softer voice as he turned to leave.

Matt snorted quietly and grunted under his breath, "What, did she once have to do her homework. How tough."

I bristled at the insult to my work ethic but Brian went berserk. He turned and launched himself at Matt, latching onto his jacket and pulling him to the ground, where he lay into him with no restrictions.

I screamed and all the eyes in the room snapped to me, apart from Brian and Matt who continued their assault.

I turned to Zacky and choked out, "Please stop them," whilst gesturing weakly out the door.

He jumped up and ran out of the room. Upon seeing them beating each other, he sighed then prepared to dive in and split them up.

I watched in horror as Zacky dodged sloppy punches and attempted to force them apart. He was nearly successful, until Matt suddenly got a new burst of energy and pushed him away to get to Brian.

It seemed like time slowed down as I saw Matt push Zacky to the ground and swing at Brian. I grit my teeth and ran forward, leaping at Matt to grab his arm. I was weak and severely out muscled, but I managed to slow down his momentum enough that Brian could dodge his punch.

We all stood there, panting. The fight had drained out of the both of them, leaving them uncoordinated and sloppy. I ignored them both and reached down to get Zacky. He was fine and got up whilst brushing himself off.

"Do you see what she does to you?" Matt hissed at Brian, pointing at me. "That's two fights you've got into since you met her and neither one of them were justified. She's messing you up man."

Brian glanced unsure at me, uncertainty dulling his brown eyes. His slumped shoulders and loose hands spoke of defeat and I felt the vice starting to tighten around me again as thoughts of abandonment resurfaced.

'He's going to agree with Matt and tell you to go home. Oh but wait, what home?' a slithery voice sneaked into my head as the vice tightened round my chest, restricting my breathing.

My breathing quickened as I tried to get more oxygen into my starved lungs and I felt the floor move beneath my feet as the walls tilted.

'He's going to leave you,' it sang gleefully, as if my panic amused it.

"Just leave it, Bri," I gasped out.

His concerned face tightened as he looked at me, but it faded as I passed out against the wall.


Sorry I haven't updated sooner!!! Everything has suddenly hit all at the one time and I haven't had any time to write!!! Sorry:(
So this is a short chapter but I have a couple of interesting chapters coming up:):)
Keep the comments coming!!! :):) Do you think Brian's overreacting or do you think he's just protecting Lola?


This is such a good story! I just found it and got caught up! I'm happy that Brian is seeking help. I can't wait for more. Keep it up.

An update!
Can't wait for more:D

DaphneG DaphneG


Hey guys thanks for the comments and sorry for the mega delay! I hope you keep reading and enjoying despite this!

CrimsonDay64 CrimsonDay64

Welcome back we've missed you! Hope your writers block is gone now lol. Love this story and loved the chapter. Can't wait to find out who he is talking about!!!! Years?! Hmm Michelle? Idk can't wait!

synswin synswin

Update. I need one. I read it all in one night. YEARS?!

Billiehobo Billiehobo