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Girl I Know

Chapter 4

Zacky's POV:
I walk out of Johnny's house and am suddenly hit by the blinding sunlight, which doesn’t help with my headache. There are only a few clouds scattered across the light blue sky and its not too hot, it's the perfect temperature. I left my car at the bar last night when I called for a taxi so I take out my cell phone and dial Matt's number, “Hello?” he answers “Hey Matt, it’s Zacky” I say “Oh hey man, what’s up?” he asks “I’m at Johnny's and I left my car at the bar last night. Do you think you can give me a lift?” I ask, Matt only lives a few minutes away from Johnny. “Yeah sure, I’ll be right there” he says before hanging up. A few minutes later, Matt's Chevelle pulls up and I get in. “Thanks man” I say while putting on my seat belt. “No problem, is Johnny out? How come he couldn’t give you a lift?” Matt asks as he starts driving “Uh, he’s a little hung-over” I lie, well that’s probably true but something tells me Johnny wouldn’t really want to give me a lift. Matt laughs “Definitely sounds like him" he says and I nod without saying anything else. *** I pull up in my driveway and get out; Matt gave me a lift to the bar to get my car and I drove myself home. I walk through my front door and head right upstairs to the bathroom, I could use a shower. After ten minutes, I get out and dry myself off, showers feel great after a night of drinking. I put on some fresh clothes and head back downstairs to the kitchen. I take out the little paper Stella had shoved into my hand and dial the number, “Hello?” she answers sweetly “Hey, it’s Zacky” I say “Hey Zacky! I was hoping you’d call!” she admits and I smile to myself, “I couldn’t resist” I say and she giggles “Want to go out for dinner tonight?” I ask, "Yeah" she answers without hesitation. "When and where?" She asks, I give her the address and time before we say our goodbyes and hang up. We’re meeting at eight o’clock tonight at my favorite restaurant near the beach. *** I walk into the quiet restaurant and I instantly see Stella waiting to my right, she’s looking at the menu framed on the wall “Hey!” I say happily and she looks over at me “Hi!” she says with a huge smile before walking over, giving me a tight hug and wasting no time in intertwining her fingers with mine. She sure is forward. We walk over to the woman who seats everyone “How many?” she asks “Two” I answer and she grabs two menus and walks into the seating area. She leads us to a table next to the window that looks out onto the beautiful, dark ocean. We sit and look at the menus until the waitress comes over “Hello, my name is Alexandria, what can I get you to drink?” she asks while grabbing her notepad and the pen that’s behind her ear “I’ll have some red wine please” Stella says and Alexandria scribbles something on the paper, “Heineken, please” I order, she smiles and nods before walking away. She comes back with our drinks and we place our orders, both of us decide on a pasta dish. When the waitress walks away, I instantly feel Stella's foot moving up and down my shin slowly, giving me chills. She really gets comfortable with people quickly, I mean I did just meet her this morning “I’m glad you called” she admits in a soft voice and I smile, “Why wouldn’t I?” I ask and she shrugs “I don’t know, I was worried you wouldn’t because of Johnny's reaction this morning” she explains and I nod “Yeah, what was up with that?” I ask. “He doesn’t like that we were kissing because him and I are practically related. He’s just over protective sometimes” she answers and I nod “I guess…” I trail off “Don’t worry about it” she reassures “Well, I don’t want him to not like the girl I’m interested in” I admit and she bites her lip “He’ll warm up to the idea” she says “I suppose” I agree when the waitress suddenly appears with our food. After we eat, I pay and we walk out the front door into the warm, nighttime air. We stand in silence for a little while when Stella suddenly grabs my hand, “C’mon” she says before leading me to the little alley beside the building “What are we doing here?” I ask and she smiles before pressing her lips to mine, avoiding my question. She really loves physical contact, but I don’t mind. I slide my hands down to her waist and pull her closer. She walks backwards until I’m leaning against the brick wall and rakes her fingers through my hair. She kisses me harder and more passionately; wow she’s good at this.
After a few minutes, she breaks away and we’re both breathing heavier, she smiles and takes my hand again. We walk over to her car “Thanks for tonight, it was great” she says before kissing me one final time, “I’d love to do it again, call me?” she asks in the most innocent, yet sexy voice. “For sure” I reassure her and she smiles before letting go of my hand and unlocking her car. I walk to my own car, get in and drive home. When I reach my house, I get out and as soon as I walk through the door, my cell phone starts ringing “Hello?” I answer “Hey man, it’s me” I recognize the voice “Hey Johnny, what’s up?” I ask slowly, is he calling to yell at me some more? “Can we talk?” he asks awkwardly and I pause, “Sure, come over” I answer before we both hang up.



4 chapters a day....yay! You rock :)

SynysterRyn SynysterRyn

Thanks for all the comments and feedback guys! I'm gonna try to post at least four chapters a day.

Vengeance-6661 Vengeance-6661

Zacky being a gentleman and Stella just threw him under the bus! I wish Zacky had just outed her instead. She was obviously more drunk then him and everyone knew it. Excited for what happens next!

missyb808 missyb808

Oh man.. i think this was what Johnny was talking about.. seriously what's gonna happen tomorrow?? I have a feeling it won't be good..

DaniVengeance DaniVengeance

Uh-oh! Breaking traditions is a no-no! Be careful Zacky!

missyb808 missyb808