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Girl I Know

Chapter 13

Stella's POV:
I walk out of the restaurant, Johnny is waiting to my left and when he sees me, he marches right up to me, furious “What the fuck Stella?” he practically shouts. “Shut up” I hiss before grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the alley between the restaurant and another store, I know Johnny is going to be mad and I don’t want to be yelling in public. When we're hidden, I release his wrist, “This is not what it looks like I swear” I say and he stares at me, there’s no way he’s going to believe me. “You guys were holding hands and fucking gazing at each other and you want to tell me it’s not what it looks like?” he says loudly. “Johnny, Calm the fuck down” I say and he shakes his head ,“You’re unbelievable” he says angrily. “Why the hell do you automatically think that I’m cheating on Zacky?” I say louder, ok so I kissed him but to me that’s not technically cheating. “Because of what I just saw” he yells. “Let me explain at least” I say and he takes a deep breath, “Fine” he says through clenched teeth. “Adam wanted to meet me, he still wants to see me but I told him no, And why? Because I really like Zacky and I don’t want to hurt him” I explain, half of it is a lie and half is the truth. Johnny watches me carefully, taking in every word. “I don’t trust you” he says finally “I know you don’t, and based on my past I don’t blame you. But please trust me; I am not cheating on Zacky. I swear.” I say while raising my right hand. “Yet” he mutters under his breath. We stare at each other for a while, honestly part of me was still attracted to Adam a few minutes ago, I don’t know if I want to stop our ‘booty calls’ but I feel like I should. “Do you still have feelings for him?” Johnny asks and I shake my head, “None” I lie and he nods slowly. “Fine, I guess I believe you but you’re such a damn good liar that it’s hard to know when you’re telling the truth” he says and I nod, “I know, but I’m telling the truth now, 100% honest” I say and he stares into my eyes, he doesn’t really look mad anymore, he just looks worried. “Johnny, you really don’t want us together do you?” I ask, taking the attention off of what just happened. Man, I’m getting really good a lying and avoiding subjects I don’t want to talk about. “No” he says finally, “It’s just that Zacky deserves a really nice girl and I’m not saying that you’re not, it’s just that you have a pretty reputable past and I don’t want Zacky turning wild like you” he explains and I nod, “I know I can be wild sometimes and Zacky got a little taste of that last night, but am I really that bad?” I ask. “Based on what I’ve been told, yes” he answers truthfully. “Well what have you been told? And who told you?” I ask and he shrugs “Just, things and I don’t know, stuff gets around” he answers vaguely. “Fine, whatever. I have to go, I’m meeting Zacky later. Don’t tell him about this alright?” I ask and after a few seconds of hesitation, Johnny nods. I walk past him but he grabs my wrist and spins me around, “Don’t hurt or change Zacky in any way” he says sternly and I nod quickly. He releases his grip and I make my way over to my car; he can be really intimidating sometimes.

Zacky's POV:
I’m sitting down on one of the benches next to the beach near my house. Brian and his wife, Michelle, are with me. “So what happened at the party last night?” Brian asks, he’s slightly hung over, not too bad but bad enough to have to wear sunglasses and take a few Advil.“What do you mean?” I ask. “I saw you chasing Stella out of the party and a few minutes later, Alex went outside and when he came back, he glared at me” Brian explains and I sigh, “I’m sorry, it was my fault” I answer and he looks at me with a confused expression. “I-I got pretty drunk and stole some of the alcohol, the really expensive stuff, and Stella and I drank it all” I explain hesitantly. I can’t change the story now, Stella blamed me and I have to pretend that what she said is true. “Really? You’ve never stolen before” Brian points out and I shrug “Yeah, I don’t know…” I trail off, I should just tell him that it’s Stella fault. “Are you sure you did it? And you’re not taking the blame for someone else?” he asks, he’s probably hinting that Stella actually did it but I just shake my head, “No, I did it. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to create tension between bands” I explain and Brian smiles sincerely, “It’s alright man, you didn’t mean to do it. This will blow over, Alex can’t stay mad for that long” he says and I nod, “Thanks man, I feel better” I lie, I actually feel worse. I don’t want to lie to him, but I don’t want the guys to not like Stella… “So, do you guys want to eat something?” Michelle asks, breaking the silence . "Yeah sure” I answer, it’s almost dinner. “Do you want to invite the rest of the guys? We haven’t had a dinner together in a while” Brian asks and I nod, “Sure, I’ll call Matt and Jimmy, and you call Johnny” I instruct and he nods before we both take out our cells. ***

Stella's POV:
I pull up at the restaurant that Zacky gave me the address too; the whole band and their girlfriends/wives are going to be here tonight and I’m a little nervous to see Johnny again. I check how I look in the mirror before getting out and walking to the front door, when I walk into the restaurant I immediately see the group to my right. Zacky sees me and waves me over, I make my way to the gang, everyone is already here. “Hey” I say before sitting down, everyone says hi back. Zacky pulls me in for a kiss before handing me a menu when Brian suddenly pipes up, “Stella, this is Michelle” he introduces the girl sitting next to him. “Hello Stella, it’s nice to meet you” she says politely and I smile at her. Brian is sitting on the other side of me, beside him it’s Michelle, then Matt and his wife, Johnny is right in front of me, Lacey is sitting beside Zacky, and Jimmy and his girlfriend are at the end of the table. “This is Val” Matt introduces his wife. “Hi Val” I say and she smiles. "And this is Leanna" Jimmy introduces his girlfriend. We both say hi and then everyone starts talking about a few things, the guys seem to be talking about the band and the idea of a tour. “Babe don’t go on tour, I’ll miss you too much” Val says to Matt before resting her head on his shoulder. He smiles sweetly, “I’ll miss you too” he says before kissing her, I look over at Zacky. “Are you guys for sure going on tour?” I ask and he shrugs, “We’d really like too, so hopefully” he grins and I smile. Shit. A month with Adam nearby and Zacky gone on tour, this can’t be good.



4 chapters a day....yay! You rock :)

SynysterRyn SynysterRyn

Thanks for all the comments and feedback guys! I'm gonna try to post at least four chapters a day.

Vengeance-6661 Vengeance-6661

Zacky being a gentleman and Stella just threw him under the bus! I wish Zacky had just outed her instead. She was obviously more drunk then him and everyone knew it. Excited for what happens next!

missyb808 missyb808

Oh man.. i think this was what Johnny was talking about.. seriously what's gonna happen tomorrow?? I have a feeling it won't be good..

DaniVengeance DaniVengeance

Uh-oh! Breaking traditions is a no-no! Be careful Zacky!

missyb808 missyb808