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A Little Piece Of Hell

Chapter Eighteen

~Jayla's P.O.V~ As I looked through all of my band collection I almost started to cry. It was the only thing that ever made me happy. Concerts, shirts, guitars, posters. All of it picked me up when I was really down. Now it made me sad to have to leave it behind. My favorite band kidnapped me and hurt me, but the music was still my savior. Sure Jimmy was sweet, but the rest hated me. I walked to my Hollywood Undead cabinet. I opened it wondering if this band was the same way. "Are all bands the same as you?" I looked up at Master Jimmy, who was holding Lucky's leash, with an obedient Lucky sitting beside him. "Some." He looked away from me to the Avenged Sevenfold cabinet. "Are you taking anything?" He looked at me seeing the pain in my eyes. "If you want I will have Shadows give you your own music room and we can move it all in to it?" I jumped up and hugged Master Jimmy. "Thank you!" He chuckled. "Get what you want to take with you now, I'll arrange a moving company tomorrow." Then he shrugged. "Hell, I guess they can just pick up everything. Let's just take Lucky home for now. Unless there's something you can't live without?" He looked at me with a knowing look. "My ipod!" I shouted and ran back to my room. I could hear him laughing from the hallway. I came back into the hallway. "Ready?" I nodded and we went back to the car. When we got in I immediately plugged my iPod into the USB hook up. Master Jimmy got in the car after putting Lucky in the back. I handed him my iPod. "Now, you pick!" I smiled at him. He smirked and grabbed my iPod. I know he expected girly music to be on their. Scrolling through my songs his facial expression changed. "Damn girl! Pantera, Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Motley Crüe, Rancid, Five Finger Death Punch, this list goes on for days!" I smiled. Approval from Master Jimmy made me feel really good. He chose one of his songs from Pinkly Smooth. He was singing along and dancing while driving, other people were staring. I couldn't stop laughing. This was the best day ever! ~Jimmy's P.O.V~ I was really beginning to like this chick. When she handed me her iPod I was truly stunned. I expected a little metal and punk music, but I also expected some girl music. Like one direction or Justin Bieber. None. There was absolutely none. I was dancing and singing along to Mezmer wondering why she didn't have girly songs. I turned down the music and stared at her. "What?" she asked, confused. "What's your favorite band?" She looked embarrassed. "A7x" she said quietly. Dumb question. I thought. "Do you listen to any thing other than what's on your ipod?" She nodded her head. "Like?" I stared at her. "I like A Turning Day." She answered with a smile. "What kind of music do they play?" "Not sure of the genre, but it's screamo. It's really good! It's a new upcoming band. They aren't on iTunes or they would be on my iPod." She was grinning. "So no One direction or Justin Bieber?" Her face looked disgusted. "Hell no! I hate those faggots!" She almost yelled. I began to laugh. She grabbed her iPod and switched the song to Wait and Bleed by Slipknot and we rode the rest of the way singing our lungs out.


All these bands mentioned. (I don't own anything.) Are amazing. c: if you don't know them. You should. Oh and if you like one direction or JB then you shouldn't be reading my story. I'm not one to bullshit so I'll just tell you straight up. They suck. MOST of their fans are retarded girls who need serious mental help.(if you don't believe me check out what they said about Mitch lucker and his daughter) If you are a fan of them go to a doctor please before it's too late.


i like this a lot! great so far!

Leandra_01 Leandra_01

Love the new chapter!

foREVerFiction foREVerFiction

Oh, crap... Now Syn's (Brian) furious... Wonder what he's gonna do to Zacky? Not to mention Jayla?

megan20089 megan20089

Wonder what Zacky's gonna do now that he's left alone with Jayla? Hope he doesn't do anything stupid. Like unchain her from the wall (or try and take her from Syn Gates)... because if Syn--the rest of A7x or 5FDP find out--he could get in some serious trouble.

Love it. :)

megan20089 megan20089

Thanks for adding me so soon :)