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(Love) Contract


Matt’s POV

We had to think about a plan and Tara had to clue us in on how her ex-boyfriend worked… or what she could think of that he wants from her… from us…?!
“Well, maybe we should call the rest of us now? I think we should make this a decision between all of us…” Jimmy said and pulled his phone out.
“Wait.” Brian held up his hand.
“What?” Jimmy frowned “You still don’t want to tell the others? Brian didn’t you learn anything about the not talking thing?”
“No, I mean.. you are right.. but I don’t know if Tara is comfortable with everybody knowing what… well her ex, did to her and what he is for a douche, you gotta respect that, Jimmy.” Brian said and I was even more curious now about what happened between Tara and her ex and now I wanted to help her even more, because this sounded like it wasn’t good at all.

“Hmm…” Jimmy nodded reluctantly and I looked at Tara.
“No, I mean of course I would feel uncomfortable with that… but that’s not my point. I don’t want to drag even more people into that. It’s not your concern guys. I appreciate this all really… but I don’t want you to get even deeper into that…” Tara said and I shook my head.
“Tara, you are Brian’s girl… my friend… and-” Jimmy interrupted me with a smirk.
“… my future sister in law”
I rolled my eye at that and continued “We don’t let our friends hanging, no matter what. We will help you, if you want to or not… and since Brian is already part of this, we should now end this.”
“So I should call Zack and Johnny?”Jimmy asked.
“Yes, call them.” Tara said and Brian nodded.

Jimmy pulled out his phone

“Hey Zack… It’s Jimmy…what took you so long…
…no wait.. I don’t wanna know…
…okay, maybe I wanna know. But that’s for later…
… you need to come over to Brian… yes, now.
Bringing Alessia with you?
Hmm… wait…”
He looked at us and I turned to Tara and saw Brian do the same… Tara breathed deeply in and out and nodded finally “Sure, she is with Zack and she is working with me, she will find out sooner or later anyway.”
“The more the better” Jimmy translated into the phone.
“Good, yeah bring the short one with you as well, I will call him. Bye.” He hung up.

“Next… come on.. pick up… Hey Johnny, yeah… you can tell me that shit later… Zack will be at your place in a few minutes, be ready. Bye” Jimmy hung up but dialed again.
I frowned… who would he be calling now?
“Hey… it’s Jimmy. How are you?” Jimmy grinned and I frowned even more, the talks before had sounded completely different to this one.
“I just wanted to make sure you gave me the right number.” Jimmy said and I heard Tara chuckle next to me.
“That would be my sister on the line.” Tara said to me and Brian and I laughed, that sneaky bastard.
“Alright, let him talk to her and let us get inside. I think we should think about a plan and about how we should tell the others everything that had happened and they had no idea about it.”

Brian’s POV

Tara sat in the middle of the couch looking nervous, she was wringing her hands and seemed lost in her own mind.
I wished I could help her but didn’t know how… I planned to help her but and I would but now we had to clue in all our friends and I knew they wouldn’t be too thrilled hearing what we had done behind their backs…

The doorbell rang and Jimmy was already up and letting Zack, Alessia and Johnny in.
They walked towards us all looking not really pleased to show up here, right after the tour when they all had other things on their mind I was sure…
I would have other things on my mind as well…
Would have been in bed with Tara, or tube, or –
I could think of so many other things…

“So you call us over… what's going on? Is this a band meeting or something?” Zack asked and held Alessia close to him.
“No, actually it’s a private meeting. The topic is Brian and Tara…” Jimmy announced and I rolled my eyes.
“Thanks Jimmy, this sounds like an intervention or some shit.” I got up and motioned all my guests to sit down, then walked to the kitchen and filled a tray with drinks, because I was damn sure we could need them after everything was said, we also still had a plan to make, and I had a meeting time to announce.

I set the tray full of bottles and glasses on the table before everyone and filled them up and handed them in the group. I saw Tara grab a bottle of beer and nearly drank half of it in one go.
I lifted an eyebrow and she shrugged her shoulders…
So I better start talking now.
“Well, is this a secret meeting… or will we know what this is about?” Johnny asked and I breathed deeply in and out but before I could say something Matt took over.
“You remember that I told all of you over and over again, something is wrong with Brian, but you all brushed it off as if it was normal… well I didn’t think it was normal and wanted to help him… It was a well… little drastic and maybe even stupid idea, but at that moment it sounded good.”
“You signed him into rehab?” Johnny asked and looked at me and I shook my head.

“No, I planned to find someone to take care of him, someone who would have an eye on him, when I couldn’t… someone just being there for him… I made some kind of job interviews for that… and I found someone.” Matt continued and I saw Johnny and Zack looking clueless and I had to suppress their chuckle about the stupid faces, when I looked at Alessia and she gaped at me, she seemed to be the only one getting it because her eyes moved to Tara.
I nodded silently and she looked at me with wide eyes. I laid my arm around Tara and a smile spread on Alessia’s face realizing what I meant with that gesture.
“You ordered him a… housekeeper?” Johnny asked with a frown.
“Oh gods damnit… I made a job interview for a fake girlfriend, okay. Tara, I met Tara through the job interview… I made Brian agree on this thing and it worked out fine… in the beginning. We just had to convince all of you that she really is his girlfriend, also worked out fine, right?” Matt asked and Zack and Johnny looked at us in disbelief.

“You got him a fake girlfriend? Why?” Zack asked.
“Because he was out of his mind… he didn’t listen, didn’t care and I had to do something, and his reputation preceded him. We had to make him look better also for the press, so that was my idea. And it worked really good… until… well Jimmy found out… and now we got bigger problems then that… but before getting any deeper into it… we wanted to tell you. Because I know it’s stupid keeping secrets from my best friends… I know that now.” Matt finished.

“And Tara and I… we talked about everything… the fake girlfriend thing, the contract we both signed is void, because believe it or not… we are a couple, officially. Sounds strange… and believe me feels even stranger, but we fell in love during this show…” I said and hugged Tara closer to me, my heart speeding up just looking at her.
I kissed her and heard a sigh from Alessia which made Tara pull away and look at her.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to lie to any of you, but it was part of the deal, but it’s true, Brian and I really developed feelings for each other. I hope you guys won’t hold that against me… I didn’t mean to trick anyone or anything… and Alessia I hope you forgive, me I lied to you as well.” Tara said looking at everyone.
They still stared at us and I saw a lot of questions in their eyes, which would mean a long ass evening before even getting to the topic we really had to discuss, but I couldn’t blame them… this was a really weird situation…


Here is the next update...

So did you expect that... telling everybody?!
What will they do now?! :)


Hahaha... thank you ;)
there is a lot more to find :P

MeRi MeRi

Okies. So, you totes need to write more. This was amazeballs!! Now I'm off to find more of your stories!

synology synology

Hi, actually I'm new over here. And I already posted a chap. for my first story. Please read it and tell me how you find it:)

DaphneG DaphneG

Awwnn so nice knowing someone is still reading!
Hope u liked it ;b

MeRi MeRi

I'm so happy for Matt:)

DaphneG DaphneG