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(Love) Contract

The finals

Tara’s POV

When I had arrived at the job interview I felt completely out of place. Only girls were sitting here, filling out data sheets, some of them talking.
They were dressed fancy and honestly they all looked rich or wanted to look rich? I wasn’t too sure…
I looked on the other hand… like I worked in a bar… and that was exactly where I had come from but I saw all these girls looking at me, they even murmured to each other, not one of them talked to me, but I knew they talked about me.
I heard some of them whisper… I was the last to arrive so it seemed that made me to the victim.
I wouldn’t care, I sat in the back, let my hair fall into my face and filled out the data sheet, for a housekeeping this seemed all really strange, also these questions and these young and rich looking girls didn’t seem like they were attending for a this kind of jobs.

A couple of minutes later two guys came out, they were both dressed in dark shirts and black jeans, they were heavy tattooed and I had to hide a small smile, since I was the only girl also having visible tattoos here.
When I heard the voice of one of the guys I had to look up, so deep and smooth, damn he looked fine, tall built even under the shirt I could see his muscles moving and when he talked and smiled I saw dimples in his cheek which made my stomach flutter a little.
I looked down again when I felt his eyes moving in my direction, trying to hide my flushing cheeks.

I didn’t even know how it happened but a lot of people were sent home without even being really interviewed and in the end I found myself and one of the rich girls in the professional outfit, with the high heels and long fingernails in the office room of the two interviewers.

“Alright, congratulation girls you two are in the finals. Please tell me your name and a little about yourself.”The dimple guy, who still hadn’t introduced himself finally said finally.
I looked over at Mrs. High Heels and she stared back at me with her big blue eyes but before either of us could say something Dimples interrupted us.
“You, please.” He motioned to me and I looked really into his face but quickly tried to look away again.
The guy next to Dimples murmured something to him and made him smile even more.
“Oh okay. I’m Tara Hall and I don’t really know if I am here for the right job interview to be honest.” I said a little bit about myself and smiled at the end and Dimples smiled as well, his eyes never leaving me, but the moment was interrupted when Mrs. High Heels started her introduction as well, and she began to speak and I thought she would never stop again.

I really thought I was completely wrong here, this was not about housekeeping or cleaning, I must have been in the wrong building or the receptionist must have send me to the wrong floor, but now it was too late anyway.

“So let me introduce me and my friend. I am Matt Sanders, I don’t know if you know me or not. I am in the band Avenged Sevenfold. This is my friend and crew member Jason Berry. And to give you a little more explanation on what this job really is about, we want you to meet the person who you will have to work with. And during the ride over to him I will give you instructions what this job will contain.” Matt turned to his friend and motioned him to the phone.
“Jason, will you call Brian and tell him we will be coming over with the two candidates?”
“Sure, wait a second.” Jason grabbed the phone and went a little off to the side.

“So, Tara, right?” Matt looked at me and I had no other chance then look back at him with a nod.
“Yes.” I smiled a little and saw Matt replying to my smile. I looked closely at his face, his friendly eyes, his plump lips, the dimples again, damn he could really make a girl weak with this smile.
I saw a small whole underneath his bottom lip, so he used to have a piercing, I wished that he would wear it now, so I could see him, like that… must look even sexier…
“Will you give me the Data Sheet?” He asked and his smooth voice wrapped me in so I just held out the paper without answering.
“Matt, we have a problem.” Jason sounded from the back of the room.
“What problem?” Matt turned to him.
“He is gone…”
“Gone where?” Matt asked and I could see his muscles flexing again, he must be pissed.
“Don’t know, Zack said he got a call from him… from Las Vegas.” Jason replied.
“Fuck me, this asshole. I told him to stay put.” Matt cursed then turned to us again.
“Ladies, your work starts early today. You got 1 hours to be at the airport, pack a small back, we will meet at the front entrance in exactly 1 hours, who won’t be there is out of the job.”
“Wait, what is this job really about? You just said some organization and taking care of something like assistance, this sounds different…” My co-candidate Mrs. High Heels asked.
“Today your trial work starts with- Finding Brian. It’s easier to show you then describe.” Matt’s only reply and with that he opened the door and let us move outside. Mrs. High Heels nearly ran out of the office, probably trying to get home, pack a bag and be at the airport in one hour. Since I didn’t have a car and Cara would not be home, I would never make it to the airport in one hour, so why bother.
I walked downstairs and met Jason the crew member of Matt back at the main entrance, getting into a car. He looked at me a little confused.
“Hey Sweetie, you should hurry.”
“Hey, I won’t make it anyway.” I replied a little sad, he seemed like a cool guy.
“Why is that?” He got back out of the car and walked towards me.
“I don’t have a car and well, no money to be honest. I cannot afford a trip to Las Vegas, I can’t even afford a trip to the fucking airport. But hey thank you for caring.” I shrugged and walked to the side of the street.
“Wait… He said to be at the entrance in one hour, he never said how. Come on, jump in.”
I frowned at him. “Why would you do that?”
“You were my favorite from the beginning, why not get you a head start?” He grinned at me and I laughed.
“Will you also tell me what this really is about?” I asked while we both climbed into his car and I gave him directions to my … well Cara’s home.
“Sorry, sweetie. Matt will tell you when we are in the plane I guess. I’m not allowed to say anything, but… the other girl will not make it one hour… that’s my bet.” With that we were both silent.
He stopped in front of Cara’s house, I grabbed a small bag, pushed some clothes and things inside to stay away for one night and left a note for Cara.

When I climbed back into his car he nodded approvingly at me “You are fast, another plus for you.”
We drove to the airport, he parked the car and we were even 10 minutes early.
When we walked to the entrance I saw Matt already standing there looking at us with a lifted eyebrow.
“Did you guys just come together?” He narrowed his eyes on Jason who just shrugged.
“You said be here in an hour, we are in time… how was not in the question.” Jason replied with a smirk and I had to laugh.
“Whose side are you on? This is a competition… you are ruining the results.” Matt complained.
“You gotta play dirty sometimes to stay in the game…” Jason replied and held his fist out for me to bump against, which I did with another laugh.
“Here your tickets.” Matt handed a plane ticket to me and Jason. “I think we will be flying alone…”
We all turned around when we heard a woman yell behind us. “Wait, I’m here…”
There comes Mrs. High Heels, running towards us, a huge suitcase trailing behind her… shit I didn’t even have that many clothes in all my suitcases at Cara’s home.
“How long do you want to stay?” Matt looked also at her bag.
“It’s just the most important stuff.” She huffed totally out of breathe.
“Hmm.. well then.. Here is your ticket. Let’s go…” Matt walked forward again and I was so lost in the moment that I haven’t shared a thought, that I hated flying, that I had a huge fear of flying normally… what had I gotten myself into?!
I would need a strong drink to not totally freak out during this flight… and I couldn’t let my maybe new boss see me drinking strong alcohol in my working time… but without it… I would be a nervous wreck, maybe even crying… panic was rising inside of me.
“Are you okay?” Jason asked beside me.
“I.. yeah.. sure… everything is perfect.. Las Vegas, baby.” I replied and tried for a smile but must be failing miserable.


Soooo... tell me what you think?!

A trip to Las Vegas, working starts early... :P


Hahaha... thank you ;)
there is a lot more to find :P

MeRi MeRi

Okies. So, you totes need to write more. This was amazeballs!! Now I'm off to find more of your stories!

synology synology

Hi, actually I'm new over here. And I already posted a chap. for my first story. Please read it and tell me how you find it:)

DaphneG DaphneG

Awwnn so nice knowing someone is still reading!
Hope u liked it ;b

MeRi MeRi

I'm so happy for Matt:)

DaphneG DaphneG