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(Love) Contract


Tara’s POV

I still went for the casual wear, just jeans a red shirt where the back was free and showing some skin but not to aggravate my sister too much I put a black blazer atop of it.
Hiding my tattoo’s she said… I rolled my eyes… fine with the blazer no one would see the tattoos on my back and arms.
I guess I was ready to go, just some make up, not too much… and grabbed my bag and the spare key I had from my sister and looked up the first address that I had typed into my phone.

The jobs I was now interviewed for wasn’t the real dream… when I was still in school I wanted to be an actor or maybe some radio moderator, just something… but the dream bubbles were being popped pretty soon, when I saw my grades weren’t that good anymore and you really had to work to get you somewhere… I soon lost the interest in school and learning but made my way through.

Which resulted now in not knowing what to do with my life, living on the couch of my sister’s home and being broke and alone.
Good job, Tara.

What I haven’t told my big sister about was, that my asshole from ex-boyfriend John, owed me money... and not only does he owe me money, but also our old renter and the so called “friends” of his.
I worked hard, jumping from one job being poorly paid to another to at least pay our rent, and whenever I gave him the money, he just threw it out of the window for drugs and fun.
Worst of all was, that he told everyone I was the one addicted and I was the one owing them money, not him…
So I took my only chance in leaving him and everything else behind with the rest of the money that I had saved, without him knowing, I went to our renter and paid my debts so he would sign me out of the contract. I wrote John a note, telling him that I was done, that I would leave.
I went to our apartment, my bags were packed, which was just 2 suitcases and a small handbag.
I opened the door finding John making out on the couch with Melissa.
Another so called friend of his and mine, which I even believe in the beginning but soon had to realize that this was all fake.

This wasn’t the first time he betrayed me, but it would be the last.
After I found out the first time, he convinced me it was a mistake and it was the drugs, he would never do it again…
I believed him, stupid and naïve that I have been, he was my big love… that’s what I thought.
I got more and more suspicious, never found him cheating in the act, but he was often gone, telling me meeting with some friends getting high, while I was working…

In the beginning, I have to admit I also tried this and that and even had fun on some of these trips but soon got the hang that this could not be everything.
Having fun is nice and sometimes being high helps the situation that you are in to endure in a better way but not for the long run.

Anyway I had walked in there , grabbed my stuff crumbled the note I wrote for him and threw it in his face.
He came running after me but I never looked back, I was done… with him, with her, with this city I had been living in… I needed to start anew… and thank god, my bigger sister Cara would take me in.

Matt’s POV

“BRIAN!” I yelled for the fifth time but nobody opened the door. I was so sick of this and of his behavior.
I gave him an ultimatum, he had to change or I would make him change.
I remembered our talk.

“What Matt? Being the big protector and savior again? Newsflash for you, no one needs a saving. Everything is fucking perfect. Will you now leave me the fuck alone? Thank you.” Brian stared at me from his couch, his eyes blood red from too much alcohol and too little sleep.
“You are ruining yourself, Brian. I won’t just stand here and look, without doing something…” I tried to be calm, he was my friend, he was like my brother. I needed to reason with him, yelling would lead to nothing.
“I AM HAVING FUN! That’s fucking it. I know you wouldn’t know, because FUN could bite you in the ass and you wouldn’t recognize it. Since when are you such a pussy, Matt?” Brian smirked and leaned back on the couch.
“You are being a giant ass, you know that, right?” Alright, I might have lost a little temper.
“Oh alright, let me play along. What is your problem?” Brian sat up straight looking me in the eye.
“Brian, I don’t wanna tell you what to do and what not. I am just concerned, we all like to party, we all like to drink and have fun, that’s nothing we have to argue about, but you are just over the fucking top and you don’t even realize it. You don’t show up to rehearsal’s, you don’t come to meetings, you don’t come up with any song ideas, your alcohol consume is just too much. Dude, can you even go one fucking day without a drink? Is that possible?”
“I might drink a little more, and fine I missed a meeting or two, but that happened to other before… It’s not like I’m an alcoholic, dude. Chill out, just call me an hour before the meeting next time and I will be there, no need to exaggerate.” Brian leaned back and closed his eyes a heavy sigh escaping his lips.
“Is that it now? Will you leave, I got a girl upstairs… she might be still passed out but I wanna have her when she is awake again, because, bro I can tell you she can teach you a trick or two in bed.” He opened his eyes and grinned.
“Passed out? From what?” I frowned

“Don’t know, went to a party yesterday… got drunk, took a pill, ecstasy I guess.” He shrugged.
“She should come around soon, so… I will enjoy the rest of my day. Oh and Maybe that’s your problem, Mattyboy.. you need to get laiiiiddd” He sang the last word and got up from this couch, before he could walk out I grabbed for his arm.
“Brian, promise me, that something will change. Or I will find a solution and you will have to agree, no matter what.” I held on to his arm until he looked me in the eye.

“Fine, I will slow done a little, happy now?” Brian replied but didn’t meet my eye.
“If not?” I asked.
“If not I will fucking agree to whatever you have in mind, you happy now? Good, then fuck off and leave.” He shoved my hand away and went upstairs.

That had been 5 days ago, I haven’t seen him since then. I called the others, Jimmy went with Brian to a club yesterday. They got into a fight, told me Brian was the one to initiate it.
Awesome, more bad press about us, wasn’t enough these last days, who am I lying to weeks or rather months.
I had to act, right now.
But how the fuck could I do something when this son of a bitch wasn’t even opening his goddamned door!

I pulled my phone out and dialed one of my friends I knew would help me figure out a plan, since my other band member were still in the phase of denying and not believing, they would come around soon.


So tell me what you think!! :)

Here is Chapter number two to get the Story rollin'... !


Hahaha... thank you ;)
there is a lot more to find :P

MeRi MeRi

Okies. So, you totes need to write more. This was amazeballs!! Now I'm off to find more of your stories!

synology synology

Hi, actually I'm new over here. And I already posted a chap. for my first story. Please read it and tell me how you find it:)

DaphneG DaphneG

Awwnn so nice knowing someone is still reading!
Hope u liked it ;b

MeRi MeRi

I'm so happy for Matt:)

DaphneG DaphneG