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Trashed And Scattered

He Seems Distant

For the past week, Skully has seemed to have something on his mind but every time I ask he always tells me there’s nothing going on. I don’t know whether I should believe him or think something is going on or what. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. I sat down next to the window, looking out over the spectacular ocean view. I loved how my room has this view and it always calms my thoughts. When my band broke up, I sat here at the window for hours at a time convincing myself that it was for the best. Now that I think about it again, I know I was convincing myself on the right path. I don’t think we would have ever made it as big as Avenged Sevenfold but we were hoping that maybe we could but life I short so why not take some risks. A knock to my bedroom door pushed me out of my thoughts and I stood to my feet and went over to the door pulling it open.

“Hey Brian.” I said smiling.

“What are you doing up here alone?”

“Oh just letting my thoughts run wild.” I said going back over to the window and sitting down.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“It might do some good.” I said nodding. I watched as he walked over and pulled the chair from my desk and sat down next to me.

“What’s going on?”

“I was just sitting here thinking about what happened to the band. I think it really was the best that we broke up and do anymore music.” I explained looking out the window.

“I think it was too. You want my opinion?” I nodded and he leaned forward in the chair placing his forearms on his knees.

“When you guys were recording or trying to write lyrics for songs to put on an album, I notice something very odd.”

“What do you mean?” I asked looking at him.

“Everyone seemed self-absorbed or distant. Craig for instances, he acted like he never wanted to come in and record and he always had the same look on his face every time he had to come into the studio. The others with the exception of you, were exactly like that. I think you were the only one truly wanting to make this band a success.”

“I thought about that too but I wanted to keep my friends together. I didn’t want them blaming each other for good days and bad days. I really wanted this to work.” I said hanging my head.

“I know honey. That’s exactly what I wanted my first band to do. I wanted it to be a success but there were things we couldn’t agree on and we couldn’t get any gigs because we sounded so horrible.”

“Really?” I asked and he nodded.

“There’s something else that’s on my mind but I’m not real sure if I’m being paranoid or just crazy.”

“What is it?” Brian asked as he laid a hand on my knee and looked me dead into the eyes. I could tell that he genuinely wanted to know what was bothering me.

“I’ve noticed some strange things about Skully.” I said hanging my head.

“What kind of strange things?”

“Well it’s probably nothing but we would make plans to be together when he would be off from work but halfway through my stay with him he would have to leave but when I asked why, he wouldn’t tell anything. One time he told me his work needed him to come in and show a new employee something but when I called later to see if they hired anyone new…they told me that they hadn’t.” I explained looking up at Brian ever so often as I spoke.

“Do you think he’s in some kind of trouble or something?”

“I don’t think so but he had left one day and I was in the bathroom when his home phone rang. I didn’t get there in time to answer but when it played the message, it some woman thanking him for such a good time. Brian, I hate to say it but I think he’s cheating on me.” I said with sadness imbedded deep into my eyes.

“That little fuck! I should beat his fucking ass!” Brian stood to his feet quickly and knocked over the chair he was occupying.

“No Brian! I need to figure it out for myself. The girl that called was probably just a friend of something. I mean you guys are my friends and I’m not against him having friends who are girls. Maybe I’m just over-reacting.” I said running my hand through my hair as I stood to my feet.

“That girl who called could have been just a friend Raven, but how can you really know? Ask him about it and if he gets defensive, then you’ll know he’s been cheating.”

“How do you now so much about stuff like that?” I asked out of curiosity.

“The same thing happened to me, except with a chick of course. I had suspicions about different men who were calling her phone. I confronted her about it and she told me outright that she didn’t love me for me but only for the money I was going to bring in.”

“I bet that was hard for you.” I said as he smiled.

“No because me and this girl were together when my first band was together. She didn’t know that we had broken up.”

“I bet that was a real shocker for her.” I said laughing.

“Oh it was but please take my advice and ask him about it. You’ll get your answer. When are you guys supposed to be hanging out together?”

“Tonight. Actually I’m supposed to be getting ready right now.” I said checking the time on my phone.

“I’ll get out of here and let you get ready. Just remember what I said.” I nodded and he left my bedroom shutting the door behind him. I ran a hand through my clean straight hair and I knew Brian was right. I needed to ask him before I find out the hard way. That is if he really is doing anything.


Comments? Don't worry this gets better


@Miss Jimmy Sullivan
lol I sure do believe that!
Yay! I OWN YALL!!! EVERYONE ON THIS SITE LOVES ME! Im like the site pet, with my funny comments and enthusiastic behaivior.
@Miss Jimmy Sullivan
alright one more chapter