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Danger Line (re-write)


Third Person

Hannah had woken up this morning after the sedation had worn off and she was no longer in a drug-induced sleep. She had been
groggy but in an unbelievable amount of pain that was so bad she had to be given some serious painkillers that only made her
want to sleep again, but the fact that Matt was there with her and she could finally be held by him again and hear his voice again
was enough to keep her awake.

Matt had asked her if she could tell him what had happened, but she didn’t want to – not yet. She was waiting for her father and her
brother to make an appearance before she delved into all of that information because she was sure that it was going to be too
much information for Matt to handle all on his own, plus, she was still sort of out of it so she was going to have to piece everything
together first.

The couple were lying together on the hospital bed and Matt held his wife as softly and comfortingly as he could. He didn’t want to
hurt her, but she needed to know that he was there. He’d lost count of how many tiny little kisses she had pressed to his lips and
she had lost count of how many times he whispered that he loved her. They both needed to feel each other, but Hannah needed
something else a little more.

“Matt,” She groaned, lifting her head off of his chest.

“What’s wrong?” He asked hurriedly, a tone of panic in his voice.

“Nothing,” Hannah breathed out a chuckle “I just really have to pee,”

“Alright, hold on,” Matt slipped off of the bed and helped Hannah sit upright and dangle her legs off the edge of the bed.

A nurse had removed the catheter this morning so now Hannah actually had to get out of bed to go to the bathroom and already it
had proven to be an issue. The first time Matt had just carried her carefully to the bathroom and helped her do what she had to do
without even thinking about it, but the second time she had admitted that it was a little embarrassing and would like to do it on her
own but he had still carried her from the bed and stood outside the door until she was ready to be carried back to bed, but this time
she wanted to walk.

“If I don’t use my legs now I’ll probably never use them again,” She laughed, holding tightly onto Matt’s large arms as she carefully
slipped off of the bed.

Surgery had been performed on her shattered knee over 12 hours ago and she was finally putting some real weight on her ‘new’
knee for the first time. It felt strange and it ached, but it was strapped up strongly enough so she didn’t feel like she was going to
collapse. She felt dizzy from the concussion whenever she moved too quickly, so she tried to go as slowly as possible. There was
a dull ache radiating from her cracked ribs but her torso was wrapped up pretty tightly, too, to keep everything in place. Her wrist
felt heavy due to the cast she now wore and her shoulder felt slightly irritated from being dislocated and relocated again. Her
injuries were mainly internal, so the cuts and bruises didn’t bother her too much unless she saw herself in the mirror and saw how
battered her face was.

With her good hand she held onto Matt’s hand tightly and took her first step across the room towards the bathroom. She stumbled
slightly and Matt was quick to place his free hand on the small of her back to support her some more. With a deep, determined
breath Hannah took another wobbly step in the right direction and thought to herself that this must have been what it felt like to take
her first steps as a baby, but three whole minutes later she was pulling open the bathroom door and stepping inside on her own.



Zack and I had stayed with Matt last night until he had fallen asleep and then we made our way back to the house to check on the
rest of the guys. They were still working their asses off but I figured that they deserved to take a break now that we had Hannah
back and she was finally safe, so I shut them all down and sent them to bed to get a good sleep for a change with the promise that
they could get back to work whenever they woke up the next day.

I got out of bed this morning, took a shower and got ready for the day before I made my way down the stairs and found all of the
guys drinking coffee, eating toasted beagles and working hard already. I laughed at them and wandered into the kitchen to grab
some coffee and a quick breakfast for myself.

I’d arranged to pick Beth up from Dean’s place last night – mainly because I didn’t want him to work too hard with the little one now
that he had an injured shoulder, but now I was sure that Dean and Sam had a lot that they wanted to talk about so it was best if I
got Beth out of their hair. When I got to the house, Sam was washing the dishes and Dean was playing with Beth and making a
game out of packing up the toys that she wanted to bring with her today.

“Mama!” Beth squealed when she noticed me, jumping up and running over to me.

I scooped my daughter up in my arms and hugged her tightly.

“Hey baby girl,” I smiled brightly at her “You all ready to come with me today?”

“Daddy said Aunt Hannah wasn’t feeling very well,” She pouted.

“That’s right, but we’re going to go visit her in the hospital and cheer her up, does that sound good?”

Beth nodded excitedly and wriggled around until I put her down on the floor so that she could rush off and put on her shoes and her
coat. Once she was down the hall I turned to Dean.

“How’re you feeling?” I asked, gesturing to his shoulder. He made a point of rolling his shoulder and screwing up his face.

“I’ve had worse, but you did a great job fixing it up for me,” He smiled, nodding.


Third Person

Matt was helping Hannah back onto the hospital bed after helping her get dressed when Erin and Beth turned up with big smiles on
their faces, a bag of snacks and a bunch of flowers.

Hannah’s father and her brother had already visited her and she had already talked to them and Matt about what had happened
after she had been taken from the wedding reception – she had barely made it through it, but they didn’t push when she stopped talking and told them that she would give them more information after she had rested up a little bit more.

Now, she was more than happy to be able to spend some time with Erin and Beth so she convinced Matt to go back to the house
and check up on the guys, take a long shower, have something decent to eat and change his clothes. He hadn’t exactly wanted to
leave her alone, but he knew that she was safe in the hospital and Beth had adorably promised to take care of her Aunt Hannah

Erin wanted to be able to talk to Hannah alone, but with Beth as alert and protective as she was there was no way that she could
do it without her daughter paying attention to their conversation so she knew that it could wait. Instead, she encouraged the little
girl to show off all of her toys and once she had done that Hannah asked her if she would make the boring white cast on her wrist
colourful and beautiful, so Beth tipped all of her felt-tip pens onto the bed and got to work. Eventually, she tired herself out and fell
asleep on top of Hannah and despite the weight on her cracked ribs causing some more pain she didn’t mind the sleeping girl.

“Here,” Erin chuckled, getting off of the bed and moving to Hannah’s side “I’ll move her into the chair,”

Erin moved her daughter onto the chair that was large enough for the little girl to lay down and she covered her with her blanket so
that she could sleep comfortably. Once she knew that Beth wasn’t going to roll off of the chair or anything, Erin climbed back onto
the bed and lay next to Hannah so that they were facing one another and she brushed the hair out of her face.

“I thought we’d lost you,” Erin whispered, placing her hand on Hannah’s bruised cheek softly.

“That’s never going to happen,” Hannah told her with a soft but sincere voice “You know there’s nothing out there that can take me

“I used to think that that was just something that we used to say, but you certainly proved it to be right by making it through all of
that on your own,” Hannah sensed the guilty tone in her best friend’s voice and it shouldn’t have been there.

“Hey,” Hannah whispered, tapping Erin lightly on the nose with a smile on her face “There was never any doubt in my mind that
every single one of you were doing something to find me – there was just so much going on and I couldn’t wait around.”

“I was starting to lose faith in our abilities, I was starting to think that they wouldn’t be able to find you and then we would never
know where you were or what happened to you,”

“It was only Gena,” Hannah laughed, wincing slightly “The lack in size difference between the two of us made it pretty easy to
wound her when she made the mistake of opening the trunk,”

“But it didn’t end there, did it?” Erin asked rhetorically.

“Of course not, it ended so far from there I was convinced that days had passed but I made it home and that’s what matters right
now. Plus, I think I got something that they’re going to want back.”

“Really?” Erin chuckled in disbelief “What was it?”

“A cell phone and a hard-drive,” She told her with a proud smile “They look pretty important and I’m sure that there’s a lot of
information to be found on there,”

“You’re gonna take a look at it yourself?”

“As soon as I get home – Matt said that he told Brian to leave it for me,”



Matt returned to the hospital just after Erin and Beth left. We ate Chinese takeout and made out a little before the doctor came in to
check on me and he actually deemed me healthy enough to be discharged and make my way home.

Matt had helped me into the house on my crutches and I was greeted warmly by all of the guys. They hugged me carefully and
kissed my cheeks until I was sure they were soaked with saliva. Dad, Cooper and my uncles were there, too, and they had
supplied beer so that we could all drink in celebration of my homecoming. Really, I wasn’t supposed to drink alcohol with the
amount of pain medication I was on but I was sure that a couple of beers wouldn’t hurt.

I made my two beers last nearly four hours until I decided that I was too exhausted to stay awake anymore and I was more than
ready to sleep in my own bed again, so Matt scooped me into his arms bridal style and carried me to our bedroom. He helped me
change and he got me into bed before climbing in next to me a few minutes later. I was ridiculously happy – and a little nervous – to
finally be in bed next to my freaking husband.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized with a small giggle, breaking away from the kiss Matt and I were just really getting into.

“What are you apologizing for?” He asked with a curious, amused smile on his face.

“It’s our first night in our own bed as husband and wife and I can’t… I can’t really have sex with my husband,”

“That’s fine with me,” He smiled softly, leaning in to kiss me once more “I’m not expecting you to do anything other than get better,
alright? So don’t worry about sex right now, when you’re ready to do it, you know where to find me.”

“Right next to me in bed,” I smiled brightly “For the rest of our lives,”

He nodded and laughed breathlessly.

“Man, a year ago saying that would have freaked me out, but now… I kinda like the sound of it.”

“Get some sleep, Mrs Sanders. I’ll be right here when you wake up,”


Third Person

Hannah woke up just after four in the morning and no longer felt tired enough to sleep a few more hours until a decent hour, so she
got out of bed and made her way downstairs so that her tossing and turning wouldn’t wake Matt.

She grabbed a glass of water, a light snack and made her way into the office that she and Matt now shared. One half of the room
had his computer and his laptop, while the other side was cluttered with Hannah’s set-up. She got comfortable in her large leather
chair and turned on the computer and all three of her monitors flickered to life with the Avenged Logo in the middle of them all.

Brian had left the cell phone and the hard drive on her desk for her, so she made quick work of plugging the drive into her tower
and booting the whole thing up. While she waited for her software to start working on the drive she started on the cell phone. She
pulled the thing apart and removed parts from the back of the device and turned the thing on when she was sure that it wasn’t
going to explode in her hand or alert the group of where she was.

The first thing she noticed was that it seemed to be set up personally to the guy she left in the car explosion and a few of the text
messages in his inbox were from a few women and even his mother, so maybe there wasn’t going to be much information on this
thing, but she was determined to find something.

A ‘ba-ding’ from her computer turned her attention back to the drive and she left the cell phone for the time being and started
working on cracking the drive but within minutes she already had five failed attempts – obviously she hadn’t anticipated just how
much security these guys were working with.

It was going to be a long day, good thing she started so early in the morning.


So, this is just a bit of a filler right now guys, so I apologize for taking so long between chapters but I'm overcoming some writers block and I'm able to focus mainly on writing again so things are going to take off again in the next few chapters, I promise!

I hope you're all still with me!



I really hope you update soon... :)

Misery23 Misery23

I totally fucking agree!!!

They are canon/ship and it cannot be stopped!!!!!

And Erin you better not leave dean



Haha, I totally forgot to mention that. It really was :-)

Not only was it a great movie with amazing acting, it was very informative! God forbid something like that would happen to someone, but if it happened, i'd know how to alert someone that I was in the trunk! (: