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Chapter 20

I woke led in a hospital bed, a course of electricity surging through my body as doctors and nurses stood around me. The revival pads were removed from my chest as the entire room seemed to physically relax. One black figure burst through the crowd of white coats, his strong arms circling my neck as he sobbed.

“Oh, shit, Lau.. I am so so so fuckin’ sorry. I never meant for any of this, I.. I thought you were fuckin’ dead, I.. I didn’t mean for this. I’m so – I’m sorry, I –“

“Cam..” was all I managed to whisper as my heart beat slowed to a regular pace and my body stopped shaking, my arms wrapping themselves around my brother as he continued to cry.

“Okay, we’ll leave you to at it,” the doctor to my left spoke, “glad to have you back, Miss Smith,” he smiled before taking his clipboard and leaving the room which I realised was emptied of nurses and replaced with familiar faces. The border of the room was lined with Matt, Lacey, Jimmy, Georgie, Johnny and Brian and were all wearing the same worried face. Jade sat in one of the small chairs next to the bed as Cameron pulled away and sat in the other.

“Wha- What happened?” I managed to croak.

Jade looked at Cameron as he began to break again before looking to me and explaining, “you were in a car accident, Lau... Cam.. must’ve been distracted as he sped across the crossroads, not realising the lights were red and the line of cars ahead where at a stand-still.. as he hit the rear of the car in front, another truck hit... he hit your side but luckily it wasn’t to the front of the car; the rear door was obliterated but your door was fine... the impact knocked you out instantly and you’ve been out cold for a few days.. your health has been off and on the entire time you were out it’s just –“ she began to brake, as was Cameron, “this time something caused your heart to stop, a –“

She was going to continue before Cameron cut her off, “we almost lost you, Lau... I almost lost you... a couple of times, now.. my baby sister.. my only sister... I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean for this, I –“ he wept.

“Cameron, shut it.. it’s fine,” I smiled, “stop your worrying... how come you’re okay, anyway?” I asked, seeing as he was seemingly fine.

“It’s not, Lau; that’s the thing... your airbag didn’t burst.. it’s why you were knocked out, why you almost died.. mine did, I was fuckin’ fine,” he sobbed, “it was my fault and –“

“Please shush,” I whispered, holding my head; a headache forming.


“You’re annoying as fuck when you’re upset,” I smiled, making everyone else (including Cam) chuckle, “seriously, Cam, I’m fine... I don’t blame you.. it was an accident; you didn’t mean for it to happen.” I told him, holding my arm out to stroke his bicep before he leant in and kissed my forehead.

“I love you, Lau.. I am sorry,” he whispered.

“Honestly, it’s fine,” I assured him before the other guys joined us around the bed.

“So, how’s the soldier doing?” Matt asked, his wide, dimpled smile instantly lifting the atmosphere.

“Soldier? I don’t know about that.. I’m a little.. shocked.. and achy but I’m okay,” I answered making everyone chuckle and smile at my reference to the revival machine.

“Good, I’m glad.. we’re all glad,” he smiled.

“And hey, you are a soldier. You’ve been a real trooper to come through this,” Jade chimed in, wiping away her previous tears and smiling.

“Anyway, we’ve been sat here for hours and I’m fuckin’ hungry. Who wants burgers?” Johnny chanted.

The entire room agreed and gave Johnny our orders, Jimmy and Georgie saying a quick bye and going with him. Soon after they left, Matt and Lacey went to get coffees while Cam and Jade went to speak to the doctor to see if they could find out when I could be discharged, leaving me with Brian.

He sighed as he wandered over to the seat that Cam was previously sat in. “So, how’s it been?” he asked as he slumped down to rest his head on his arms as they crossed over the side of the bed.

“Bri, I’ve only just woken up, not much has happened,” I smiled, watching him smile back.

“Fair enough.”

“So, how’ve you been?” I asked.

“Bored,” he huffed, sitting up in his chair.

“Oh? How come?”

“Well, you’ve been in here! I’ve been stuck with all of them lot for days and it’s sucked because you’re not around,” he admitted, indicating to the guys that had just left the room, slowly slipping down his chair.

“Aaaaw, Bri,” I smiled, “what did they make you do then?”

“Well, the launch party was probably the biggest thing...”

“Launch party?!” I bolted upright.

“Yeeeah, the album was released a few days ago, Matt and Lace threw a party,” he sighed, clearly not all that interested.

“I missed the album coming out?!... fucking hell,” I led back down in my bed, angry I missed the new album, crossing my arms over my chest. It was then I heard a breathy chuckle, “what?” I asked, a little too spitefully.

“You,” Brian was smiling at the floor.

My heart warmed at the sight, my anger subsiding, “what about me?”

“Your cute English accent when you swear, the fact you’re so angry you missed the band releasing the album.. the very fact that you’re even a fan,” he listed, blushing lightly as he kept his gaze firmly at his feet.

There was a comfortable silence as we avoided each other’s eyes yet smiled and blushed in the presence of the other.

Moments later, I asked, “So, how was the party anyway?” I looked at him, his body straightened up. His arm lifted as he scratched the back of his head and shrugged his shoulders.

“It was okay, I suppose. There was booze and food... everyone had their partners with them though so I was just on my own a little bit,” the corner of his mouth lifted into a weak smile.

“Everyone had their girls? I thought Zack and his chick broke up?” I queried.

He shot me a very confused look, “nooo... Zack’s still with Cat.. well, she was there and they were seriously making out, at least..”

My face dropped in slight frustration, “ah.”

“Why?” Brian was still confused.

“Nothing. He’s just a lying bastard... I don’t know,” I huffed.

He scoffed, “how come?” Brian smirked.

“Told me Cat cheated on him so he ended it,” I explained, “made me actually feel bad for him..” I said, wide eyed, sarcastically; as if it was hard to believe.

Brian chuckled, “yeah, he’s not a reeeaally bad guy.. he just has a few issues, particularly on the women front..” he explained.

We nodded in agreement just as Cam, Jade, Matt and Lacey returned. “So, how are you lovebirds doing?” Cam chimed with childish venom, purposefully trying to embarrass me.

Before I could even reply, Lacey and Jade were squealing with excitement, begging for the gossip, leaping onto the bed. I sighed heavily before both Brian and I attempted to explain where our relationship was, a question neither of us really knew the answer to. Jade and Lacey continued to argue with us on our decision to say that we weren’t really in a relationship, as such, and as Cameron fuelled their flames and joined in with the girls, (again, just to get on my wick) the conversation became gradually more uncomfortable for Brian and I as it became more hilarious to Cam.

Matt was the one to step in from the sidelines to calm everyone down; “come on, guys, give the two a break! Lauren’s just been in a coma for days, Bri’s not so miserable now she’s back, I know we all know something’s going on but let them work it out first, rather than you lot arguing with ‘em!” he suggested, releasing the pressure on me and Bri, although it was now apparent that everyone seemed to know something was going on.

“Yeah, anyway, even if there was something going on, we wouldn’t be telling all of you anyway!” Bri spoke up.

“Why?!” Lacey argued, “we’re, like, you’re best buddies!”

“Exactly! You’d just fuckin’ torment us about it!” Bri explained to her.

The room laughed, “yeah, yeah.. let’s be fair, we would.. I’ve already given Lauren a hard time about them sleeping together,” Cameron purposefully mentioned.

Suddenly, the room was filled with a collection of loud gasps and laughter as the girls began basically shouting for the even juicier gossip while Cameron sat in hysterical laughter, fuelled further as he looked at me to see me shaking my head at him, a deadpan look on my face. I looked to Brian to see him laughing, although slightly embarrassed by the light blush on his cheeks, causing me to smile back at him, shaking my head again in disbelief of the whole situation.

“Lauren!” Jade screamed.

“What?!” I laughed, giving in to their questions.

“How?! What?! When?! Why?! What the fuck?! When did this happen?!” she giggled, completely bewildered.

“Yeah! You can’t say you’re not together if you’ve fucked already!” Lacey called.

I looked at Brian again, both of us still blushing, he simply watched me, smiling. It made me grin widely as I continued to talk to the girls; “well, how? The normal way. Y’know, he led on top of me, got his dick inside, thrust until we both came.” I said, my blunt, dry humour showing through.

The girls seemed to get even more excitable as I explained it to them. “Whoa, whoa, that’s enough for me! I don’t wanna fuckin’ know the gory details, thanks!” Cam announced as he turned to talk to Matt as Brian walked towards them.

The room was full of conversation which was amplified further as Jimmy, Georgie and Johnny and Caitlyn came back with our meals. “Whoa, what’s this?” Georgie smiled as she approached me and the two other girls on the bed with Caitlyn in tow.

“Lauren fucked Brian!” Lacey screamed enough for the whole ward to hear as she explained to Georgie what had been said. Caitlyn, who thankfully was the quietest of the group, said a very quick hello to me (as she had not joined Johnny in visiting me before due to the fact she was working and had only just finished) while the other girls spread the gossip.

“So, how big is the oh-so-mighty Synyster, Lau?” Georgie asked as she perched herself on the bed next to Lacey and gave all the girls their meals.

“What do you mean?” I asked, opening my burger and taking a bite.

“How well hung is he?” she asked again, extremely bluntly, (I could see a lot of myself in her in many ways; we both had a very blunt humour.)

I almost choked on my burger as I laughed, spiting half of my mouthful on to the bed. There was a ring of laughter as the girls watched me, Georgie speaking up before I could answer her; “so well hung, she’s choking,” she giggled, making the rest of us laugh harder.

“That or so small, it’s laughable,” Lacey commented, sending us all further into hysterics.

“So, which is it?” Georgie grinned.

“He’s not bad..” I smirked.

Georgie shot me a knowing smirk and nodded, noticing my burning red cheeks. “That’s girl-talk for he’s huge, let’s be honest,” Jade surprisingly said.

All of a sudden, Matt turned up beside us; stood behind the chair Caitlyn sat in, “so, what are you girls talking about?” he smiled.

“Brian’s big cock,” Georgie answered with a mouthful of chips making all the girls giggle again.

“Is that so?” Matt smirked, “hey, Gates.. get yo’ ass over here a sec,” he motioned for Bri.

All the guys walked over as Brian stood beside Matt, Matt’s strong arm holding his shoulder. “What’s up?” Bri asked.

“Apparently, you’ve got a big dick.. I always assumed you were more woman than man,” he chuckled along with the other guys.

Brian laughed out loud, smiling widely, “show’s how much attention you pay,” he retorted.

"Yeah, Matt, Bri's dick's in your ass so much, you should know he's mighty-fine," Johnny joked, sending the room into fits of laughter.

"Nah, nah, nah.. The D's only for people that I consider valuable in my life," Bri smirked, looking at me.

"Oh, so I'm not special to you?!" Matt joked.

"No, but Lauren is," Lacey winked at me.

The room laughed again and continued their conversations, everyone finishing their meals before one of the hospital’s nurses entered and informed us that the visiting hours were almost over. A physical upset seemed to engulf the room as everyone realised they’d have to leave without me. Everyone gathered their rubbish as they silently cleaned up. Jade spoke as they cleaned, “you’ll be out in a few days, Lau, we’ll all see you then,” she smiled, everyone stopping to look at me.

“Won’t you guys be on tour?” I suggested. The room seem to become even more upset when everyone realised they would indeed be on tour by the time I was discharged.

“Shit... what can we do?” Cam looked to Matt.

Matt scoured the room, “you could always meet us out there?” he suggested.

“Yeah, we can pay for plane tickets ‘n’ what not.. you can meet us out there,” Bri smiled, now sat in the chair next to my bed, stroking my head.

“Exactly! All will be fine,” Jade smiled at me, stroking my leg lightly as a goodbye as she stood up and headed towards the door with everyone else.

There was still a hint of upset in the air but as everyone cheered up lightly as the plans for me to fly out to meet them were made. Everyone said their goodbye’s and waved as they exited, Brian softly kissing my temple and promising to visit again before he left as his goodbye, soon standing and leaving to let Cameron hug me and say: “keep your chin up, kiddo,” before he said goodbye.

All too quickly, I was left alone. The lights were turned out and the room was dark. My mind raced over the emotions I felt; the tear between being so happy that I’d made such great friends and the sadness that I wouldn’t get to see them for a long while yet. I was even more afraid of being alone; I knew I was safer in the hospital with the access to the drugs I needed but I was terrified of being discharged and not having anyone to occupy my mind while all my friends were on tour. My mind had a habit of straying quite severely when I was alone and two weeks was a long enough time for my mind to do its worst.


A/N: sorry it's a kinda small chapter.. I don't know how I managed to get it so short but heyho.. enjoy! x


Ummmmm, I'm so confused. Is she suffering from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia or...?

This is great! Can't wait for more:D

DaphneG DaphneG

@Leigh Rocks
Aaaw, that honestly means so much, thank you! <3

Nat_6661 Nat_6661

I loved this chapter so much! I know that sounds weird but I love this whole story.

Leigh Rocks Leigh Rocks


aaw thank you!

Nat_6661 Nat_6661