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To Be Set Free

First Party

Over the next week, I didn't see Leana again, but I saw the guys everyday and their girlfriends. The day after Leana's bitch-fit, I had asked Jimmy if everything was ok between them.
"Don't worry about it, Ly-ly," he had said, hugging me. "Leana gets jealous very easily. It had nothing to do with you personally. She'll come around to loving you like the rest of us have."
So I left it at that and I didn't ask about her anymore. Michelle, Gena and Val had all taken me shopping and we had a blast.
They took me to a mall and bought me everything I looked at. They made me try on so many clothes that day. I even went home with three pairs of swimsuits since I now lived in a house that had a pool and not that far from the beach.
I had never actually been to a beach before. Living in Ireland, I never traveled anywhere except to town and I had seen the ocean while I was on the plane. But I had never actually gone and spent time at a beach and the guys promised to take me soon.
Tonight, Matt and Val were hosting a barbeque so I decided to look presentable seeing as this was my first party in America. Well if I think about it, it was my first party ever. My family had never been big on celebrating my birthday. But if it was Liam's birthday, the whole damn town was invited.
I shook my head in disbelief. I couldn't believe I'd never seen that how they treated me was wrong. Now that I lived here and I had been adopted by Avenged Sevenfold, I knew that my life had been so very wrong and that no child deserves to live like that.
I could hear people arriving downstairs while I was upstairs getting ready. I chose a dark purple tank top with a small black button-up shirt over it. I was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans that hugged my curves I didn't even know I had and purple converse. My dark brown hair had been straightened by Val and was now flowing down over my shoulders. I looked at myself in the full length mirror I had on my closet door and I smiled at what I saw.
I had never looked this good in Ireland. Now I looked like an almost twenty year old who looked like she belonged. Take that Leana!
I walked downstairs and I saw Val standing by the bottom stair. She smiled when I made my way down. "Wow, Eliza. You look great!" she said.
I smiled at her. "Thank you. Is Matt cooking already. Something smells delicious."
Val nodded, looped an arm through mine and lead me out the backdoor. "Yes he is. And he has already said that you get first pick."
We were outside now and I looked around all the people trying to pick out who I knew. I had scanned the crowd a couple times before I saw a tall skinny person with black hair that was short in back and long in front.
I excused myself from Val and made my way through the people. When I got to where I was headed, I threw my arms around Jimmy. "Jimbo!" I said squeezing him tight.
He laughed as he hugged me back. "Hey it's my Ly-ly!"
I let go and saw that Johnny and Brian were standing there both smiling at me. I hugged Brian first and then Johnny who held onto me just a little bit longer than the others had.
"You look beautiful tonight, Eliza," Johnny said making me blush.
Ever since we'd been here in Huntington, Johnny had been giving me more and more compliments and had been trying to spend more time with me. I didn't mind it of course. I loved spending time with Johnny. He was funny and sweet.
Jimmy put an arm on my shoulder and leaned against me. "What're you talking about, Short Shit? Ly-ly is always beautiful."
Brian elbowed Johnny. "Duh," he said then he turned to Jimmy. "Dude, when are we going to be able to call her a nickname. We can't think of anything else besides Ly-ly."
Jimmy looked smug. "It's because I come up with the best nicknames, Bri. You know that."
I laughed then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Jason Berry standing there and I hugged him. "Hey Jason! How have you been?"
He leaned back and returned the smile. "Pretty good. I see that the guys have been taking good care of you."
I nodded. "They really have. Jimmy adopted me," I said laughing.
Jimmy had become like the big brother I had always wanted. Now that I thought about it, I wasn't missing my old family all that much. I wonder if they had even looked for me.
Johnny was pulling on my sleeve and I looked over at him. He held up his empty beer bottle. "Come with me to get another?"
I nodded and followed him into the empty kitchen. "Isn't there a cooler outside?" I asked him and he nodded.
"Yeah but I wanted to get you alone for a minute." Johnny said leaning against the counter.
I looked at him. "Yeah, ok." I said. I wondered what he had wanted that we had to be alone. I wasn't complaining of course, merely curious.
"You really do look amazing, Eliza." Johnny said making me blush again. I wasn't used to very many compliments.
"Thank you," I said as I moved to stand beside him and he moved closer and laid his hand on top of mine.
We were both looking down at his hand covering mine then we looked up at each other at the same time. Johnny smiled and squeezed my hand.
"You are something else, Eliza." he said and I gave him a questioning look. He half-smiled and continued. "First time I saw you, you were just a cute girl who had been hurt at our show. When Matt had invited you to come onto the stage with us, I was so happy that I'd be able to see you after the show."
I looked at Johnny in silence and he took a step closer. Now I could feel his body heat and I was staring into his dark eyes.
"When I did see you backstage, I felt so sad that you'd be leaving soon. I was already feeling something for you, Eliza. Nobody has ever done that to me and I knew you were special. When Matt suggested we bring you home with us, I was the first to agree. Now you're here with us and I haven't felt this happy in a long time. And it's all because of you."
Then, Johnny leaned forward and placed his lips against mine. It was a gentle kiss and it took me by surprise but I didn't move away. I was still for a fraction of a second then I relaxed and kissed him back. His lips started moving with mine and he ran a hand up my arm.
Now, I'd like to say that this of course wasn't my first kiss and that I was experienced, but that would be lying. Besides Ricky (who I would never want even if I was paid), no other guys had taken any interest in me. Johnny Seward was the first guy I had ever kissed.
After a minute or so, Johnny pulled away but he leaned his forehead against mine. I kept my eyes closed holding on to the memory of my first kiss. I hadn't realized it before Johnny had kissed me, but I had been feeling something for him too. I had always admired him for his talent and now that I knew him, I cared about him and liked him for his sweet nature.
Johnny sighed and I opened my eyes to see him looking at me, smiling. "I've wanted to do that since I first saw you, Eliza."
I was still struck speechless so I only smiled and nodded.
"Well we better get back out there before Jimmy sends a search party after you," Johnny said and he leaned down to give me one more quick kiss before he took my hand and lead me back outside.
Throughout the rest of the night, Johnny stayed by my side. People gave us weird looks but said nothing about how close we were standing to each other. I kept sneaking looks over at him and I would catch him looking at me and we'd both smile. I secretly wondered what this would turn into.
Later, after everyone had gone except the guys, we were all sitting in the living room watching movies and eating popcorn and candy. Jimmy had found a bag of twizzlers and he was eating one while using two more to drum on his knees.
"I am the twizzler drummer of the gods!" he yelled out and we all laughed. I took two twizzlers from the bag and started drumming on my knees the same beats Jimmy had been playing. He noticed this and he sat up straight and narrowed his eyes.
"You dare to challenge me?" Jimmy asked and I only smiled and winked.
Johnny, who was sitting next to me, started laughing. "Show him who's boss, Ly-ly."
Jimmy then glared at him. "Only I can call her that!" he shouted before he started to play on his knees again.
I watched his hands and mimicked his actions beat for beat perfectly. It was hard with flimsy licorice sticks, but I was matching Jimmy and I hadn't missed a beat yet.
We went on like this for at least two minutes before Jimmy threw his hands up in defeat. "My God!" he shouted and standing to pull me into a hug. "You really are my mini-me, Ly-ly."
I laughed. "I told you, Jim-jam. If I hear it, I can play it."
Val reached over and patted my knee. "That's amazing, Eliza. I've never seen anybody match Jimmy like that before."
Brian laughed. "Hey she could replace you, Jimbo."
Jimmy flipped him off. "I could never be replaced. I am one of a kind!"
I nodded and hugged him again. "I could never replace you, Jimmy. You are still the twizzler drummer of the gods."
I then yawned and waved at all of them. "Goodnight, everybody. I'm exhausted. I'll see you all tomorrow."
Before I could head up the stairs, Johnny stood and grabbed my hand. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips right there in front of everybody. I looked at him in shock and he smiled. "Goodnight," he said.
I stood there for a second then turned and nearly ran up the stairs. Johnny had kissed me in front of them! That private kiss in the kitchen was one thing, this was something completely different.
How would I face everyone tomorrow? I knew they would have questions I didn't know if I could answer.
When I got to my room, I quickly got ready for bed and climbed in under the covers. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was already falling asleep.
This would have to be dealt with tomorrow.


Comments and cookies, my loves <3


OMG please update! I just read all the chapters and I'm hooked :)

SynysterRyn SynysterRyn


A7XFoREVer6661 A7XFoREVer6661

Oh snap, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)

MoMo_92 MoMo_92

Fuckin finally!! UPDATSIES



Oh don't worry, It'll all be fixed. You'll see. I just needed some drama

CrazyLoveA7X CrazyLoveA7X