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Second Heartbeat


“Come here ya fuckin' BITCH!” Matt screamed into the small mic wrapped around his head, his fingers vigorously smashing the buttons on the small x-box controller.

Matt was currently attached to his X-Box and needed to feed his addiction to Call of Duty. He was running around the map, killing people at every chance he got.

“FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!” He screamed. His kill cam showed some kid jumping and shooting Matt. The bullet flew right into Matt's face, and the kid that killed him was screaming 'HEAD SHOT!'.

“Bastard kid!” Matt cursed under his breath, throwing the controller at the wall. Matt huffed in frustration, getting up and grabbing the controller that put a small hole in the wall.

The Search and Destroy match had ended, and the stats popped up on Matt's screen

K_babe1 - 16 kills – 2 deaths

MShadZ – 15 kills – 3 deaths

Kylie placed her controller next to her on the couch, walking out her apartment door. She knocked on the door across the hall, leaning against the door frame.

Matt whipped the door open, staring at his neighbor. “Why are you so fucking good at Call Of Duty?” Matt asked, letting Kylie into his apartment.

“Well, when you grow up with 2 older brothers, you learn to kick their ass at everything.” Kylie stated, taking a seat on a stool at the counter.

“Beer?” Matt asked, raiding his fridge. He pulled out two Miller Lights, placing them on the counter, kicking the fridge door closed

“Sure, hit me.” Kylie replied. Matt twisted off the cap of the bottle and slid it down the counter top.

“So, will I ever be able to slaughter you at COD?” Matt inquired, taking a drink of his beer.

“Mr. Sanders, you need to get that cocky attitude checked out first.” Kylie said, taking a sip of her beer. “Then maybe, maybe, you can beat me at COD.” Kylie smiled, hopping off the stool. She turned back to Matt, “Rematch?” She asked, grabbing her beer off the counter.

“You're on.” He smiled, going back to his couch.


“Hello?” Matt answered his phone, tossing the covers off his head. His voice was groggy and had signs of morning irritability.

“Matt I'm calling a mee....we're you sleeping?” Larry Jacobson's voice rang through the small speaker of Matt's cell phone.

“Yeah, you're calling a what?” Matt asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“I'm calling a meeting. I wanna book something, but I need to know you guys are up for it.” Larry said, “Get to Brian's house. And make sure you're wearing pants this time.”

Matt chuckled to himself, reliving the time he forgot pants cause he was so hungover. “I'll remember pants.” He said, hanging up the phone.

Matt jumped out of bed, riffling through his drawer trying to find something to wear. He pulled out a black pair of Adidas basketball shorts and an Iron Maiden tank top.

He made his way over to Brian's house, parking his truck in the driveway, and walking into the house.

“Hey man, glad you could bring a pair of pants this time.” Jimmy said, snickering as he held a can of Heineken in one hand and a red plastic cup or Millers Lite in the other.

“Jimmy, shutdup.” Matt said, walking into the living room. Brian, Zacky, Johnny, and Larry were all sitting on the couches, talking amongst themselves.

“Shadz! How do you feel about playin' a small show next weekend?” Larry asked, “All the others think it's an awesome idea.”

“Hell yeah, I'll play a mother fuckin show!” Matt said, a wide smile forming on his face.


“So Kylie, what do you have planned for this weekend?”

Kylie was leaning against the counter at the local coffee shop, Le Petit Café. It was a Wednesday afternoon, the shop's slowest day. She had spaced out, thinking about the beer she had shared with her neighbor the night before.

“Hello, earth to Kylie!” Her co-worker and best friend was waving her hand in front of Kylie's face.

“Yeah?” She asked, shaking her head of her thoughts.

“Do you have plans for the weekend?” Zooey asked, munching on a banana nut muffin.

“Nothing. Drinking, COD, sleep. The normal.” Kylie sighed, taking a blueberry muffin for herself.

“Well, you're going to have plans now. I have two tickets to see Avenged Sevenfold in concert.” Zooey pulled two concert tickets out of her back pocket. “And I'm dragging you with me.”

“Alright, but I don't really know their music.” Kylie admitted, taking a bite of the muffin she was holding in her hand.

“It's ok, they play good music. You'll love them.” Zooey said, handing Kylie one of the crisp tickets.  




II'm liking this..

DaniVengeance DaniVengeance