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The Long Road Home


Then in the distance I saw a tall shadowy figure that seemed to be running away...and then the laugh came once more......I started running in the direction of the laugh, but just when I thought I was getting somewhere, the laugh would seem like it was coming from a totally different direction. I ran in each direction, determined to find out what the hell was going on. I ran until I was breathless and gave up only when I could run no more. I finally decided to give up and go home.

I tried to call Michelle on the way home because I thought I deserved more than this. I mean she hadn't even given me clues that she was unhappy before this. No lead up to her walking out at all. We did things together all the time, the standard stuff- went out to eat, watched movies, hung out with friends, took vacations....all of that. But it was the other stuff that made me even happier. I would play guitar for Michelle and sing to her just because I loved her so much. She would surprise me when I was on tour and wasn't able to make it home. More than that, we could just sit and talk for hours or not talk at all, we just loved being together. Or so I thought. Was she faking it all this time? NO! I would never believe that,

Calling just left me ringing in the air. She didn't pick up. I called again and it went straight to voicemail. I let it go for now, I wasn't going to beg, and I truly wasn't ready to hear it if she was done for good. I laid down on the bed, choosing to stay on Michelle's side. The smell of her was still on her pillow and lulled me to sleep. Before I knew it, I was dreaming. It was always the same dream; maybe different locations, but always the same.....because in my dreams Jimmy was still alive.

***We were walking along together and he was talking to me about some new food he wanted me to try, but then suddenly, he broke off and just stopped dead in his tracks. "Brian, you know right?" he asked with an unreadable expression. I smiled and said "Yeah, I know you love me and I love ya right back buddy." Jimmy looked frustrated for a minute and then got the same look Michelle had gotten before she showed me the pictures...like he was deciding something. "OF COURSE I love you dummy, more than anything, but that's not what I'm talking about. I want you to know that I'm here for you no matter what." I already knew that, but said it anyway to try and calm Jimmy. "I know that Jimbo. We're soulmates remember?" I laughed. "Brian, LISTEN. I know what's going on with you and Michelle and I've felt your sorrow deep in my soul. My heart is hurting for you bro...that's why I've been bothering you." Now I was confused...."What do you mean, Rev? You could never bother me." I moved in to give him a hug and he vanished into thin air. I turned around and he was nowhere to be seen. Then I heard the laugh I had been hearing. I felt a tug on my sleeve just like before, but this time when I turned around, Jimmy was standing there. Jimmy smiled and said "See Brian, you know now, right?"



I really would love this to be completed….

megan20089 megan20089

Oh damn.. and Brian doesn't know. How will he react when she tells him?

DaniVengeance DaniVengeance

Awesome story!!! cant wait for the next update :)

Evil Mortal Evil Mortal

I can't believe Michelle would do that to Brian. Letting another man kiss her. I really, really thought she loved him.

Now, I'm wondering if he's going to actually going to go through with the suicide or not... Leave a message asking why she let another man kiss her....

Love it. :)

megan20089 megan20089

Hopefully that's a good "Oh Damn"...haha
Definitely getting back on track with telling this story.

Synyster Lane Synyster Lane