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The Long Road Home


I woke up sometime later in the same cold place, stuck in front of the door with Pinkly by my side. The marble felt cool against my cheek, so much so that I could've laid there forever, but Pinkly wasn't having it. As soon as I started stirring, she started licking me, which brought a smile to my face. "Ok, ok! I'm getting up Sweetie!" She always hated to see me upset. Even when Michelle and I were just griping in the past, Pinkly would always make sure I was ok after. I mean was she serious trying to take Pinkly as she left me? What was going on inside her head? I thought.

I stood up and carried Pinkly to the kitchen where we both shared some lunch. I can't believe she left! I thought. With that I picked up the phone and dialed the first number I always called in times like these, only to be crushed once again when I heard the message..." Hey! This is The Rev. I'm out doin' some crazy shit.....see ya when I see ya! "

Why didn't I ever remember that he was gone before I called and heard his voice? Everyone had thought I was being a bit morbid by paying to have his phone service stay connected indefinitely, but I just NEEDED to hear his voice from time to time. I just hated when I forgot and called him out of habit....that was when it kicked me in the gut like no other time. But, you just can't undo the bond that we have. So, for now I guess I just supposed to wait until I got to see him again and be satisfied with memories.

"FUUUUUUCK! Jimmy why'd you leave me? I can't take this! " I screamed. I felt like the walls were closing in on me and I was sinking deeper and deeper into a pit of despair. I got up and walked out onto the back deck. Obviously, I was losing it and needed some fresh air. I laid my forehead down on the railing and tried to figure out what hell I was supposed to do now. Jimmy left me I thought to myself and now my wife was gone too. I REALLY thought Michelle understood everything I was going through because she was feeling it too. I guess nobody understands.

I closed my eyes and took one deep breath after another to try to calm down,
As, I exhaled the last time, I felt the sensation of someone rub my back. A smile crossed my face as I gave a sigh of relief. Thank God she came back! I knew she wouldn't leave me like that. "Oh My GOD Babe, I'm so happy you came back!" I said as I swung around. But Michelle hadn't come back. In fact, there was no one there. I'm really fucking losing it for sure....when the wind feels like a back rub, I've gone off the deep end. With disappointment, I started back inside, confused.

I could've sworn as I closed the door I heard someone laugh.....



I really would love this to be completed….

megan20089 megan20089

Oh damn.. and Brian doesn't know. How will he react when she tells him?

DaniVengeance DaniVengeance

Awesome story!!! cant wait for the next update :)

Evil Mortal Evil Mortal

I can't believe Michelle would do that to Brian. Letting another man kiss her. I really, really thought she loved him.

Now, I'm wondering if he's going to actually going to go through with the suicide or not... Leave a message asking why she let another man kiss her....

Love it. :)

megan20089 megan20089

Hopefully that's a good "Oh Damn"...haha
Definitely getting back on track with telling this story.

Synyster Lane Synyster Lane