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Animosity In The Ranks

Chapter 7

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Zacky growled as he power walked it down the street.

"Cuz you're an evil piece of shit. You kicked my chair when I was over a client. What if I had been tattooing? You could of screwed it big time for me, or hurt them," you spat, having no problem keeping up with him.

"Yeah but you weren't, so I didn't do shit. Still doesn't explain your fucking reaction and wounding me," Zacky spat back.

"It's the thought that counts Zacky. It's always the thought that counts," you said smarmy.

"Whatever," Zacky said, facing forward as he walked.

"What? No offensive comment? No nasty come back?" you asked.

"Fuck off dirt bag, my arm hurts," Zacky said.

"You'll get over it. Count yourself lucky. I usually charge people for my work," you sneered.

"If you charge people for what you did to me, I don't know how you still have a job. You're one sick twisted bitch," Zacky snapped, still holding a hand over his arm.

"Only when it comes to you Zachary, only for you," you said, hiking your bag higher up on your shoulder.

"Whatever," Zacky said, falling into silence.

You just shrugged your shoulders and continued walking, glad for the silence. As you walked you realized where you were going to eat, a favorite spot of yours, Jimmy's and Matt's. It made you smile, you were glad that they remembered. It felt nice that they didn't forget you entirely when away, not that you needed them to remember you, it was just nice. As you neared the tiny little restaurant you smiled bigger and took out a cigarette, figuring you'd get a smoke in before you had to go in where you couldn't smoke. As you reached the outside of the tiny restaurant you tossed your finished cigarette butt and smiled once again, remembering some of the good memories from the place. That was till you saw Zacky start to open his mouth beside you, you knew your good mood was about to killed.

"I," Zacky started.

"Don't open that hole you call a mouth Zacky, I was having a good moment. Regardless of whether or not you were with me," you shot.

"Well I was just going to say I liked your outfit, that the colors suit you," Zacky said quickly.

"I'll believe that when pigs fly, and you're leading their air parade," you spat walking in quickly, knowing where they would be seated.

"Fuck you," Zacky spat, following you in. -xXx-
"You made it! And you're both in one piece!" Matt shouted, surprised that he couldn't see any blood or fresh bruises.

"Not entirely," you said, taking the seat between your brother and Jimmy.

"What?" Matt asked confused, and slightly worried.

"She fucking tore a chunk out of my arm, and marked me. The stupid dyke," Zacky shot out as he grabbed his seat across from you.

"Oi, what did you do this time Kales?" Matt asked, resting his head in hands on the table.

"The dirt bag kicked my chair while I was over a client, hard, on purpose. So I got him back," you said as you took a sip of your water.

"Let me see," Syn said to Zacky.

Zacky held out his arm, took his napkin, dipped it in his water glass and cleaned off the area on his arm. Showing that he had a puncture and blue line leading from it. Syn started to snigger at it, which caused Johnny to look down and laugh as well.

"Awww look at the horrible scar you will bear," Syn teased.

"Hey she charged me for my ink, that's not fair," Johnny added.

"Shows you to stick your nose in where it doesn't belong," Jimmy added from his spot.

"Fuck off," Zacky said, taking his arm back.

"At least it's a pretty bright blue color, and now you have a unique story to go with a unique new tattoo," Matt said, as he shot a glare at you.

You simply raised your eyebrows questioningly and put on your best innocent face as you took another sip of your water. Matt sighed and shook his head at you once again, you just ignored it. He should be use to it by now, nothing had changed in ten years, and nothing ever would, no matter how much he begged and pleaded.

You all sat quietly for a bit till the waitress came over to take orders and make eyes at the guys in the band. You sighed in disgust, you realized that you should be use to it by now, but it still got to you. You couldn't see how girls could be like that, I mean you knew the guys were really great people and talented to boot, not to mention the good looks shared between all of them was astounding, but still. Didn't anyone have any dignity left? You realized that no, most people didn't anymore, especially when you realized that the world contained people like Zacky. And at that thought you looked up and over at him, and for once didn't see him laying his charm on thick on the girl, he in fact had his head buried in his menu. You were shocked.

"And you?" you heard the girl ask.

"Huh?" you said, unaware that it was your turn to order.

"What do you want to eat?" the girl asked, a little perturbed that you weren't paying attention to her.

"Oh a sprite and your house special," you said, seeing as it was what you generally always ordered.

"Way to go sis, stickin with the original never fail plan," Matt teased from beside you.

"What can I say, old habits die hard," you added, shooting a glare at Zacky.

He simply flipped you off and placed his order, completely ignoring the girl.

"So what'd you get Matty?" you asked sweetly, already knowing the answer.

"I'd tell you but you called me Matty," Matt answered back, feigning hurt.

"He got what he always gets," Jimmy added for him.

"Figured," you said cheekily.

"Hey give me some slack, Jimmy did too," Matt added in his defense.

"Well I didn't," Zacky added out of nowhere.

You looked over in shock at his added comment to the weird conversation, and you could see that the other guys did as well.

"Well wouldn't expect you to stick to anything from back in the day," you shot acidly at him.

"Still hate you," Zacky added nonchalantly.

"Go fucking figure," you added.

Conversation went about its merry way of starting itself at the table and soon you were swept away in it. The guys talked about their last tour, sharing some of the funny antics of being on the road. You laughed along with them, loving hearing the funny stories and watching them reenact some of them. You nearly had sprite coming out your nose when Syn stuck chopsticks up his nose and crossed his eyes at you, causing you to laugh hard mid sip of your drink. It was nice to see the sides of the guys that no one else got to see, the part not wrapped up in the their rock star personalities, them just being them. Jimmy and Johnny were having worm creating contests (you know when you scrunch your straw wrapper then sprinkle water on it to make it grow) beside you, making a royal mess of the table, but not caring. You decided that being with them was good for you, and that it had been way to long since the last time you had seen them. You got so caught up in the laughter and the smiles that you totally forgot to snipe on Zacky, and were surprised when you cast him a glance to see him laughing and smiling and joking with Syn across from you. It was weird to see a genuine smile on his face, and to see him joking around with the guys. But Matt did say that the Zacky you knew wasn't like the Zacky they knew for the most part. The man whore part, yes, but they had come to accept that part, none of them were completely innocent of that either. But it was a shock to your system to actually see it, to actually witness it.

You were laughing at a bad joke that Matt had cracked when you felt someones foot rub up against yours. You ignored it, figuring it to be one of the guys accidentally hitting yours, seeing as how the table was small and all of them long legged. Though a few minutes later when it happened again your eyes shot open and you looked around at the table. No one seemed to be paying any attention, that was till you looked over at Zacky. He was laughing hard at something retarded that Syn had just said and took a sip of his coke. When he took the sip he looked over at you, directly, and you just stared. He didn't make a face, he didn't scowl or shoot you a look, he just looked at you. You shut your jaw, well your figurative jaw, and pushed your seat back and excused yourself from the table. Getting up you went to the bathroom.

When you came out of the bathroom you saw none other than Zacky waiting for the men's bathroom.

"Stalker," you snapped.

"You wish," Zacky snapped back

"Fuck off and die," you snipped.

"You first," Zacky said.

"Asshole," you spat.

"Douche bag," Zacky snapped, taking a step closer to you, trying to look intimidating.

"Cock biter," you said, stepping up.

"Pillow biter," Zacky said stepping closer.

"Dirt bag," you said.

"Cunt rag," Zacky said, closing the distance between you two.

At this point there was only like an inch between the two of you and you were both glaring the other down, hate seething off you both and daggers shooting from your eyes. You opened your mouth to say your come back but were interrupted.

"Hey, whoa, lessen the animosity in the ranks a little here. We're all family," Matt said walking up to you two.

Without moving an inch or blinking, you opened your mouth.

"Never," you spat harshly.

At that Zacky shoved you away and walked into the vacant bathroom, that had been vacant during most of your little battle in the hallway.


And that ladies and gents, is how I got my story title!


Out of all the fanfics this is the one I've read through 3 times through all 108 chapters. This is one of the best Zacky fics I've read and I still hope it'll be continued one day ; v; a very good read for any Zacky fan.

Tipikly Tipikly

Annnd new chapters....now?! Lol please.

Harleyqn6661 Harleyqn6661

Update, please!! I love this so much!!!!

Holly Holly

I need moar!!!!

gingerSMASH gingerSMASH

OMG PLEASE UPDATE!!!! <3 this story!

missyb808 missyb808