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The Beast and The Harlot.

Chapter One

"Rebel, you're a fat fucking pig!" Zacky screams at me. You see, Zacky had convinced me to live with him instead of my Mom. I've actually lost contact with Mum all together since I moved in with Zacky. "How about losing some weight instead of eating all day, you little pig!" He screams again. His hand lifts my shirt up a little, revealing my stomach. It was flat, but had a little tiny gut hanging.

"You see, you're fat! Now.... bathroom." Zacky ordered. "Please, anything but that!" I say. His hand comes in contact with my cheek. As the stinging pain starts, I grasp my cheek. He drags me by the hair to the bathroom. "Purge. Now." He says. I stick my index finger down my throat as I purge. "Good girl. Now get dressed and ready for school." Zacky says. I clean my face up and brush my teeth.

I get dressed in a hurry and run downstairs. Eyeliner put on perfectly. "C-Can you drive me to school?" I ask. "Walk. You need the exercise." Zacky says. I nod and walk out the door. I begin walking to school. "Ms. Collins. Care to explain why you're late?" She asks. "My boyfriend is an asshole..." I mumble as I sit next to Jimmy. "After-school detention." She says as she puts the slip on my desk.

I sigh and put my head down. "What's going on with you and Zacky?" Jimmy whispers. "Nothing." I say. My green hair was now in my face and I flip it out. 'Why do I have to teach this class? There are like, six Emo people in here.' The teacher thinks, but accidentally says. The class' eyes are on her. "What?" She asks. "Calling people Emo, that's just mean. They're not Emo, they're Punk." A nerd says.

"And you're a nerd..." I mumble. "I mean, look at Rebel. Green hair? Please, that's a sign of Punk." the nerd says. "No it's not, it's a sign of Scene. Before you say some shit like this, get your fucking facts right!" I scream. "What the bloody hell is Scene?" The nerd asks. I roll my eyes. "SEE! You need to do WAY more fucking research before you go around labeling people. You. Are. A. Nerd." I scream yet again.

Jimmy pulls me down into my seat. "Whoa, Reb-Reb, chill." Jimmy says. Matt is giggling at my comeback. I pat his head. "Okay, everyone in this room gets detention if they were laughing or screaming at each other. Double time, Rebel." She says as she hands a majority of the class slips. I groan and flip the teacher off. Matt is laughing his ass off. "I have never seen anyone flip a teacher off." Matt says, still laughing.

Jimmy sees a HUGE duck outside the window. He stands up and pulls me up with him. "LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT FUCKING DUCK! LOOK AT THAT DUCK! JESUS CHRIST! COME HERE YOU FUCKING STALLION DUCK!" Jimmy starts, and jumps out the window and begins chasing the duck. "HE'S NOT AFRAID AT ALL! HE'S NOT AFRAID AT ALL! HE'S NOT AFRAID AT ALL!" Jimmy finishes as the class is laughing.

"Jimmy, double time with Rebel." She says. "YES!!!" He screams. Our teacher begins playing "Sexting" by Blood On The Dance Floor. I cover my ears, along with Matt, Johnny, Jimmy, and Syn. I know, it's weird. You've never seen a Scene kid to cover their ears up when Blood On The Dance Floor is playing. She stops it and plays Avenged Sevenfold. (They're in High-School, but I know they haven't recorded any albums. Just pretend, ducklings. (;)


xD I know, I know. They haven't recorded any albums since they're in high school, but you're gonna have to pretend my little pringle-ducklings. xD


i'm sorry but there ia a story called same name and about same shits.and yours is FAKE! shame yourself!you're stealing people's thinkings
Mrs.Baker Mrs.Baker
This is amazing!!! I love it!!! :)