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Blinded in Chains

Why Can't I Catch a Fucking Break?

He was speechless and also motionless, apart from his steady flow of tears and his mouth gaping like a fish. “Babe, say something?” I asked, still holding out the ring to him. He swallowed and smiled the widest I’ve seen him smile, nodding furiously.

“Of course baby! Oh my god, yes!!” he exclaimed, jumping forward he tackled me to the ground, attacking my face, neck and lips with kisses. Chuckling I brought his hand in front of us, putting the ring onto his finger; kissing that ring then cupping his face gently and kissing him as passionate and as loving as I’ve ever kissed anyone before.

I just can’t fucking believe that I’m engaged, especially to Zachary, he’s just too good for me and also super amazing plus he’s one sexy motherfucker to top it all off. I pulled away, catching my breath I looked into my fiancé’s eyes, smiling widely.

“You’re mine now, baby.” I said, kissing the tip of his nose lightly.

“I love you, forever and always, Bri.” He replied, a light blush creeping onto his face. I smirked and stroked his cheeks.

“Forever and always, I’ll love you, Zee.”

We walked home a few hours later, after another round of sex, of course. I took a deep breath and opened the door, allowing my fiancé to go through first; I sort of need a moment to collect my thoughts before I tell dad and Suzy about mine and Zee’s recent engagement.

Taking his hand we walked into the lounge room where they plus Brent and McKenna were all sitting down watching a movie. Clearing my throat to get their attention, I dragged Zee with me to sit on the edge of the coffee table.

“What’s up, son?” dad asked, ripping his gaze off Suzy to speak to me.

“Well… uh, Zee and I… have so- …” I started to say but was cut off by Zee.

“Brian proposed to me a few hours ago… naturally I said yes, so here we are.” Zee said, practically beaming. I squeezed his hand gently, glancing at him out of the corner of my eye, smiling.

“Wait, what? Brian… proposed? Don’t make me laugh, Zacky!” Brent chuckled, not really believing a word that he’d just said.

“Yes I fucking proposed, bro, don’t believe me? Take a look at the ring on my fiancé’s finger.” I spat, hating the fact that he thinks that I’m a complete asshole, which would be true if I didn’t have Zee in my life. Brent got up, coming over to where we were sitting to have a look at the ring, his jaw falling down in shock as he took in the sheer beauty of it.

“Holy fucking shit! How much did it cost!?”

“Brent! That’s none of your business!” Suzy scolded, frowning slightly.

“Suze, don’t worry about it. Let’s just say that whoever I sold all my pot too, pretty much got ripped off.” I replied honestly, scratching the back of my hand.

“Well, are you both serious about this, like are you both 100% committed to this relationship or soon to be marriage? Like you both aren’t gonna wake up one morning like 'what the fuck have I done?', or even are you both sure that you’re gay and you both don’t want a woman in your lives?” dad asked us, I looked at Zee then back to dad.

“Dad, trust me I’m 100000% sure about my love for Zachary. Seriously I don’t want anyone else other than him. I’m going to be the best husband that he deserves and also I’ve been his best friend for years, I know exactly what he likes, what he doesn’t, how to please him and how to love him. Trust me, I won’t let this fuck up. He’s safe as long as I’m around and he knows that I’ll always protect him.”

“Yeah, Brian that’s the same for me. I’ve loved Bri for god knows how many years and I’ve always been his best friend. I’m absolutely sure about my love for him, I know that whenever he’s around that my father won’t get to me. I am and I want to marry your son.” Zee said, taking my hand in his.

“Well, I don’t know about you, honey but I approve. I know for sure that Brian and Zachary will make this work.” Suzy added, getting up she hugged both Zee and I.

“Yeah, okay. Zach I can see that you love Brian and the same for you Brian. It’s just the way that you both act around each other is pretty sickening at times but it’s just that fucking adorable. I suppose that you both can have my approval as well…. There’s really no point in asking Mac or Brent as you know they’ll say yes.” Said dad, he wrapped his arm around Suzy’s shoulder.

“So Zach, can I see your ring that Brian brought for you?” Suzy asked. Zee nodded, getting up to show them his ring. I could hear them gasping, I hope it’s because of the beauty of it, not because it’s some butt-ugly ring.

I pulled Zee into my arms once we went upstairs to bed; he was pretty quiet which is unusual seeing as though he’s always talking.

“What’s the matter, baby?” I asked him, kissing his hair.

“Nothing, just still shocked that I’m your fiancé now and that in a matter of a period of time, I’ll be your husband."

“You better believe it, plus guess what.”

“What, babe?”

“I can’t wait for the honeymoon.” I whispered in his ear, telling him goodnight I leant my head on the pillow. He giggled and rested his head on my chest, drifting off to sleep.


I love this so much please update!

Synerella Synerella