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Then I Will Grant You A Chance.

"You're such a bitch"

Zacky's POV*

Once I knew Nessa was inside I decided to ask this guy a few questions.

"Listen I don't know you but why are you bothering my girlfriend?! Do I have to kick your ass for answers or are you going to just tell me the truth?" I said angrily.

"First off, 'Zacky Vengeance' , is it? Nessie is-" I cut him off there.

"I'm pretty sure she told you not to fucking call her that, so I won't allow you to say it either... Now continue..."

"Okay, Vanessa is just being dumb right now. She'll come back to me, she has before. I didn't come looking for her for no reason. Maybe you should talk to your girlfriend, as it being, she hasn't even told you about me and I've been out here for a couple weeks." He smiled and walked away.

"Hey! You better not show your face around here again! I will beat the shit out of you!" I yelled to him. All I could hear was him laughing. This wasn't funny. I don't even feel comfortable leaving Nessa here at all now. But if he was a problem, why didn't she tell me about it sooner?
I walked inside the apartment and found Nessa crying on the couch. My first instinct was to hold her close to me and comfort her, so I went to go sit next to her and hold her. She was crying into my neck. I could feel her tears soaking up my shirt. This was my job as her boyfriend though. She held onto me pretty tightly, slowly starting to calm down a bit. So I wasn't going to bombard her with questions just yet. When she was ready she would tell me about it.

" Zacky, listen... That was Jason Anthony. He was my high school boyfriend after you guys had left school. I stayed with him for a few years. He never treated me good at all. He was a nightmare. My whole family was worried about me the whole time I was with him, I lost whatever friends I did have. He broke almost all of my stuff. To make things worse and as to why I hate him with every fiber in my body, is because he had got me pregnant then pushed me so hard into a wall I miscarried the baby." She began crying even more.

At first I didn't know what to say. She was pregnant before? And he put his hands on her? That asshole was going to pay! How could anyone be so fucked up to Vanessa Andrews? If only I took my chance a long time ago, she probably would have never had to go through this.

"So is that why you've been avoiding us?" I asked her.

"I was afraid, he's been watching me since I ran into him at the club. I don't even know how he found me or why? He thinks I would go back to him. Why would I go back to a monster?" She cried.

"Don't worry baby. He's not going to come around again." I pulled her close and held her. Right now just wasn't the time to tell her my news. She was already going through alot..

Gena's POV*

I felt proud of myself. Soon everything will go back to how it should be. Zacky is my man, yeah he fucked up but I'm sure he'll learn his lesson once this is all over with. His rightful place is with me. Even all the publicity says so too. So I'm just doing everyone a favor right now. I was walking around the mall when my cell started ringing. It was Jason.

"Hello my little helper." I answered.

"Listen Gena, I don't want to do this anymore. She's happy and he seems happy with her. Yeah I want Vanessa back, I feel horrible for everything I did to her but I'm not going to do it this way." he said to me over the phone.

"Jason snap out of it. This is just what needs to happen if you really want her back. Other than that she will always choose him over you. So shut up and stick to the plan. You want Vanessa back right?" I smiled proving my point.

"You're such a bitch." Jason said before he clicked.

I continued on my celebration shopping spree. Yet again happy with myself, phase 2 will be next. I noticed a pair of familiar faces across the store. They had noticed me too, so they headed towards me. It was Matt and Valary.

"Hey Gena!" Val gave me a hug.

"Hey you guys, back from tour already?" I asked Matt.

"Nope, just visiting my Val. And Zack's with Vanessa." he replied.

"Oh how lovely.." I said disgusted.

"Chill out G, you guys have been apart for a while now. You broke it off with him anyways." Val said.

"Yeah I know. I am chill though, I just wanted to apologize to him but he hasn't been around." I lied. "Anyways, I have to go I have a nail appointment. So hopefully I'll catch you soon? Chelle's wedding is coming up." I smiled then walked away. Maybe I should apologize to Zack, that way we are on good terms when the shit hits the fan. Besides, Cassie should be leaking her pregnancy soon. I'm sure he hasn't told her yet.


Just a filler. Might be posting the next chapter tonight.. Stay tuned!


This was great! I so cannot wait to read the sequel!

Tinkerhell_6661 Tinkerhell_6661

love it so much

I absolutely loved this story! You did a great job (: Super excited about the sequel! ^_^

A7XFoREVer6661 A7XFoREVer6661

Thank you!(:

EllieVengeance EllieVengeance

This story was great! Going to start reading the sequel now :D

raibsvengeance raibsvengeance