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Brave Eyes

“Are you sure you want to do this?” asked Gates with concern as he and Izzy sat in the black C-class Benz that had just pulled up outside the small café that Izzy was supposed to meet Tuck at.

Izzy wrung her hands nervously as she glanced out of the tinted window, her eyes immediately landing on Tuck who was lounging at one of the tables looking handsome and carefree.

“Yes. I need to do this. He tried to manipulate me. He’s up to something. We both know that.” Said Izzy finally, her grey eyes determined. “This game ends now.”

“Signor Camachio will be seriously ticked off if he finds out that his dear godson is up to no good.” Smirked Gates as he looked towards Tuck who seemed to have been oblivious to their presence. “When this whole thing goes up in smoke for Tuck you need to get out of there as fast as you can. The man has a few loose screws in that tiny brain of his.”

“Ok. It was good of Signor Camachio to help us out today.” Sighed Izzy as she prepared herself to exit the vehicle.

“He had no choice. Tuck may be his godson, but we’re his strongest allies in the states. He won’t forsake that.” Pointed out Gates as Izzy smiled thinly at him. “I’m going to be waiting on you Blackburn. If anything goes wrong, I’ll be at your side before you can blink.” Gates leaned over and pecked Izzy gently on the cheek. She turned to him and smiled, flushing slightly.

“Thanks Bri. Here goes nothing.” Muttered Izzy, her cheeks warm. She stepped out into the brilliant sunlight, her knee length dress blowing lazily in the afternoon wind. She shielded her eyes with sunglasses as she made her way to the café, her high heels clicking against the cobble stoned ground.

Izzy took a steadying breath before she plastered a smile onto her face as she approached Matt Tuck. She had planned this conversation so many times in her head that she was sure she knew exactly what she was going to say to the handsome blue-grey eyed man sitting at the table in front of her. Now that she was less than three feet away from him, all her preparation flew through the window and butterflies bombarded Izzy’s stomach.

“You’re late.” Drawled Tuck as Izzy took the seat opposite him.

“Didn’t know that you were keeping track of the time.” Replied Izzy, unfazed by Tuck’s condescending tone. “But I’m here now aren’t I?”

“Yes you are.” Mused Tuck gesturing towards Izzy. “Can I get you anything?”

“No thank you.” Answered Izzy politely. “I much rather discuss the matter at hand instead of pretending to be cordial.”

“As you wish.” Quipped Tuck as he leaned back into the wicker chair he was sitting in. “Please enlighten me as to what you have decided.”

Izzy regarded Tuck coldly; the tone of his voice irritating her beyond words. She swallowed her sarcasm and took another steadying breath.

“You are a liar Mr. Tuck and I have no time for the likes of you.” Stated Izzy simply, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

“A liar you say? Do tell me how you have arrived at such a conclusion.” Sneered Tuck, continuing to lounge in his chair.

“I don’t need to go into that. We both know that you only said what you did the other night because you thought that I would help you. But I won’t. You have given me no reason to trust you and just because Slipknot has threatened you doesn’t make me want to sympathize.” continued Izzy, aware of the tension in Tuck’s posture. His eyes flashed menacingly as he regarded Izzy, making her blood crawl.

“So you have no desire to find out what really happened to your father?” enquired Tuck curiously, leaning forward, his elbows resting on the table.

“I know you have nothing to offer me about my father. And even if you did, I’m not interested. You made your bed Tuck, now lay in in.” advised Izzy firmly.

Tuck reached for Izzy’s hand and before she could retract it, he had it in his firm grasp. She winced in pain as he increased the pressure on her hand.

“You’re hurting me Tuck.” Said Izzy softly as Tuck gave her a wicked smile.

“Am I now?” asked Tuck innocently as Izzy tried to pull her hand free from his hold.

“Yes. Stop!” Izzy commanded as Tuck continued to smile at her. He released her hand as Izzy sighed in relief. Her fingers tingled unpleasantly. Tuck got to his feet and threw a few euros onto the table.

“You disappoint me Isabel. Perhaps something more distressing has to happen before you take me seriously.” Threatened Tuck even though his voice was soft and gentle.

Izzy got to her feet, anger flashing through her body. Tuck grabbed her arm and pulled the black haired girl to him. She let out a cry of pain as he held her roughly, her eyes darting wildly towards the blacked out Benz from which Gates was now emerging.

“Take your hands off me you pathetic fool!” snapped Izzy her eyes met Gates’ angry ones in the distance.

Tuck’s warm breath tickled Izzy’s ear as he pulled her closer to him. Her back was flush against his chest and he chuckled darkly, making the hairs on Izzy’s neck rise.

“Just remember, you brought this upon yourself.” He whispered before pressing his lips against her skin.

With that, he walked away from Izzy, shooting Gates a sinister smile as he approached him. Tuck knew that he wouldn’t have gotten Izzy to believe him, but everything was falling into place just as Taylor had predicted. The only thing left to do was put the second part of the plan into motion.


Izzy fell into a fitful sleep that night, her thoughts bombarded by her meeting with Tuck earlier. There was something predatory in the way that he had looked at her and the threat that hung over her head was doing nothing for her nerves. If Tuck was being serious then it meant that she was not safe. Tuck already had allegiances with Signor Camachio so it wouldn’t be hard for him to infiltrate the house. Izzy continued to toss and turn, her dreams filled with Tucks eyes and a cold menacing laugh that belonged to Jake Night. It had been months since she had last dreamt of Night and his resurface in her mind could be anything but good. Frustrated, Izzy pulled herself out of bed and made her way downstairs, in search of a midnight snack to take her mind off of everything.

As she approached the kitchen, she heard soft voices and Izzy crept closer as a terrifyingly familiar voice floated through the air. The hairs on the back of Izzy’s neck stood up as panic seized her.

“You know what must be done Camachio. I have no time for games.” Came Night’s smooth voice from within the kitchen. Izzy forced her feet forward, hiding within the darkness of the shadows.

“Come now Master Night, you know that you cannot come here demanding such things.” Reasoned Signor Camachio, his voice wary yet firm.

“You have three days to get me the girl otherwise you would have brought upon yourself an all out war. You don’t want anything to happen to your precious grand-daughter do you?” threatened Night silkily.

“How dare you come into my home and threaten me.” Hissed Signor Camachio angrily.

“Then get me the girl and this will all be over.” Snapped Night in reply.

“You know I cannot oblige that request. You have nothing to offer me that I could possibly want.” Retorted Signor Camachio, his voice lethal.

“Perhaps, but it would be in your best interest to give her to me. You have three days.” Warned Night.

Izzy heard the shuffling of footsteps and she shrank deeper into the shadows, her heart pounding painfully in her chest. Jake Night was in Italy and what was worse, he was in the house that Izzy was supposed to be safe in. The conversation between Signor Camachio and Night left Izzy terrified and shaken. When the house was once again quiet, Izzy silently made her way upstairs in search of Gates. With a trembling hand, she entered his room, not even bothering to knock. He was asleep, his soft snores indicating as much. Izzy crept closer to him, and shook him with her own quivering hand.

“What’s the matter?” he croaked as he cracked open an eye.

“Get up Brian, we need to get out of here.” Whispered Izzy urgently, afraid that her voice would carry and that someone would hear her.

“What do you mean?” asked Gates groggily as he pulled himself upright in the bed.

“Jake Night was here.” Cried Izzy softly. “He was threatening Signor Camachio. I think, I think he wants me.”

Gate shot out of the bed, almost knocking Izzy sideways in the process. She gave him a disdainful look as he began pulling on a pair of basketball shorts over his boxers. Izzy blushed and tore her eyes away from Gates’ toned chest as he walked towards her, half dressed, hair tousled, his expression serious.

“Tell me everything.” He ordered softly, pulling Izzy down onto the bed so she could sit. Izzy recounted everything she heard and by the time she was finished, her hands had begun to tremble violently and tears prickled at her eyes.

“I thought I was supposed to be safe Brian!” cried Izzy as Gates put his arm around her. “How could he be here? In this house?”

“I’m going to get to the bottom of this.” Growled Gates angrily. The whole point of bringing Izzy to Italy was so she would be safe and away from the spotlight. Word had clearly gotten around of her whereabouts which ruffled each one of Gates’ nerves. “I’m going to get Jimmy. Lock my door when I leave. Don’t open for anyone. I’ll knock three times so you’ll know its me.”

Izzy gave Gates a tearful look before throwing her arms around him. He sighed softly as he stroked her hair, the feeling that everything was crashing down around them overwhelming him. Usually, they were on top of their game but ever since Izzy had arrived, things for the entire gang had taken a turn for the worse. Their drugs, arms and other illegal goods were still booming in the market but the unwanted attention from their rivals was putting them all on edge. No one blamed Izzy for that fact. Shadows knew what he was getting into when he had agreed to take Izzy into protective custody. He had known that others were interested in her but what he hadn’t realized was how far that interest would have gone. Previously it had only been Jake Night that was interested in Izzy. Now it was almost every other rival that A7X had.

Gates pulled himself free from Izzy and brushed his lips gently against her forehead. She gave him a weak smile and followed him to the door. As soon as he disappeared down the hallway, Izzy locked the door and leaned against it, letting out a sigh of frustration. A few minutes had passed by when Izzy heard small vibrations coming from somewhere on Gates’ bed. She walked over and found his phone, Shadows’ name flashed across the screen. Without thinking, Izzy answered the call.

“Gates, you need to get Isabel back home.” Came Shadows’ deep voice. “Jake Night and Taylor are working together and it seems as if Tuck is in on it to.”

Izzy felt as if her knees would give out. “Matt?” Izzy said softly.

“Isabel?” replied Shadows, his voice confused. “Why are you answering Gates’ phone?”

“Jake Night was here, Brian went downstairs to find out what’s going on.” Answered Izzy, her voice shaking.

“Isabel, Vengeance was able to hack into Taylor’s security system and we have enough evidence indicating that Tuck, Taylor and Night are working together. If Night is in Italy, then….” Said Shadows hurriedly, but a loud crash from downstairs caused Izzy to jump and let out a small scream. “What is it?” asked Shadows, his voice laced with concern. A gunshot rang out and Izzy let out a soft sob. There was a pounding on the door of Gates’ bedroom and instinctively, Izzy knew it wasn’t Gates.

“Hide. Now.” Commanded Shadows through the line.

Izzy jumped up as the pounding on the door continued, another gunshot ringing out through Signor Camachio’s home. Izzy scrambled under the bed, pressing herself firmly against the wall.

“Matt?” whispered Izzy softly

“Everything will be alright Isabel.” Said Shadows, his voice rough and low.

The bedroom door burst open and Izzy held her breath, afraid that whoever was in the room would hear her breathing.

“Where is she?” barked an unfamiliar voice.

“I told you she’s not in here.” came Gates’ voice, sounding lethal.

There was a shuffling of footsteps and Izzy swallowed the whimper that threatened to escape from her lips. She could barely make out Gates’ bare feet as well as two pairs of booted ones. Shadows was silent on the other end of the line and Izzy was thankful for it. Silently praying, Izzy watched as the intruders moved around the room, clearly searching for her.

“She’s not in here.” Growled another voice that sounded oddly familiar but more menacing that the first. There was a moment of silence. “Did you check under the bed?”

Izzy’s blood ran cold and she heard Shadows suck in a breath on the other end of the line. The bed sheets were ripped back and Izzy’s terrified grey eyes were met by cold blue grey ones that glinted maliciously as a victorious smile crept onto his face.

“No. She’s not under here.” said Matt Tuck, his eyes boring into Izzy’s. Confused Izzy regarded him from where she was, unsure as to why he had lied. “Maybe she’s downstairs?”

An irritated huff escaped the first man’s lips and Izzy heard more movement followed by a body hitting the ground. The bed sheets were put back into place, concealing Izzy once again. The room had gone quiet but Izzy stayed where she was.

“Isabel?” whispered Shadows after a few seconds. Izzy’s heart felt like it would burst out of her chest as hot tears cascaded down her cheeks. Her breathing was erratic and painful as her brain tried to process everything that had just happened. Relief and confusion coursed through her body as the seconds ticked by.

The bed sheets were once again ripped away and worried chocolate brown eyes found Izzy.

“He’s here. Brian is here.” cried Izzy, sliding the phone towards Gates who caught it. Izzy curled herself into a tight ball as terrified sobs raked her body.

After a few minutes, Izzy was able to pull herself together and crawl out from beneath the bed and into Gates’ arms. She buried her face in Gates’ chest as he wrapped his arms securely around her as they sat on the floor of the bedroom. He rocked her back and forth, cooing words of comfort that neither of them believed.

The thundering of footsteps echoed in the hallway and both Izzy and Gates stiffened as the footsteps approached the room.

“He’s dead.” roared Jimmy as he burst into the bedroom with Dana in tow.

“Who’s dead?” questioned Gates as both he and Izzy relaxed.

“Signor Camachio. We need to get the fuck out of here.” said Jimmy anxiously. “We need to get out of here now!”



I was so excited to see this story had been updated! It's easily my favorite continuing fan fiction I've ever read. Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
Deeks27 Deeks27
This story is amazing!! Pleasee update!
synful7plague synful7plague
Please please update this story again it's fantastic!
I loved this. Marvelous! Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon please~