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Chances and Choices

Shadows took a deep steadying breath before he stepped into Gontier’s elaborate office. Vengeance was two steps behind him, exuding an eerie calm that only he could wear so well. For three days, the two of them had brooded over their argument that would defend their position against Slipknot. Both men felt confident about their position and knew they would come out of the hearing victorious.

Gontier sat behind his large oak desk, his black hair stylishly disheveled. Taylor was already lounging in a chair in front of Gontier’s desk with a smug expression plastering his face. Shadows ignored him, knowing that Taylor was infamous for his mind games. Shadows settled himself into his seat next to Taylor, giving Gontier a respectful nod of his head. Vengeance stood behind Shadows, his hand resting casually on the back of Shadows’ chair. Both men noticed that Taylor had come alone which was slightly disconcerting.

“Gentlemen, we all know exactly why we are here today.” began Gontier lazily as he leaned back into his chair. “Your actions have both lead you here and I must say, both of you were definitely out of line.”

Shadows bristled slightly at Gontier’s words but maintained his calm façade.

“Really and truly, I need not hear either of your sides. Taylor you were wrong in your actions as were you Shadows. This ridiculous game that you two have begun to play will end now.” continued Gontier looking between both men.

Taylor regarded Gontier coldly, knowing that the death of one of his men would not matter to Gontier. Shadows may have killed a member of Slipknot but Taylor knew that there was no way Gontier would side with him. The outcome of their meeting was already set in Gontier’s mind and his verdict would be in Shadows’ favor. Taylor had walked into Gontier’s office prepared for that judgment but that did not mean that he wouldn’t exact his wrath upon Shadows for claiming one of his men’s lives. He would have to be discreet about it for Gontier would definitely have his men keep a watchful eye on him.

“Shadows, you actions were rash and obviously stupid, but seeing as how the attack upon your property was so grievous in nature, plus your woman was compromised, your reaction is justified.” said Gontier unenthusiastically as he waved his hand carelessly in the air as he spoke. His reference to Izzy as Shadows’ ‘woman’ did not go unnoticed by the three men in the room. Taylor chuckled softly under his breath and Vengeance stiffened slightly.

“Taylor, you are expected to cover the costs of all damages incurred by the fire by the end of the month.” Stated Gontier, his voice bored. “And Shadows, you will pay for the funeral costs of the man you killed.”

Shadows expected as much from Gontier and paying for the funeral of the filth he had slain was nothing for him. Gontier motioned for the three men before him to take their leave. Taylor was the first to rise from his seat, sending murderous glares at both Shadows and Vengeance who continued to ignore him.

“Shadows, a moment, alone.” Said Gontier as Shadows began to rise from his own seat. Vengeance quirked an eyebrow but left the room, snapping the heavy wooden door shut behind him.

“I’ve been hearing some interesting things about you recently.” announced Gontier as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his desk.

“Oh?” responded Shadows knowing exactly what Gontier meant.

“Interesting things about Miss Blackburn.” declared Gontier as he regarded Shadows with mild curiosity.

“What sort of things?” asked Shadows calmly. “You know as well as I do how much information can be twisted to suit one’s position.”

“I am well aware of that fact Shadows.” Snapped Gontier “I much rather hear it from you. What, pray tell, is all this fuss about?”

Shadows stared at Gontier trying to keep the ice out of his eyes as he carefully considered what he wanted to say. The last thing he needed was Gontier of all people to take an interest in Izzy. It would make matters more complicated than they already were.

“Miss Blackburn is under my protective custody as per her father’s final request.” Answered Shadows, his voice cool and reserved. He had no inclination to offer further information but he knew that Gontier would continue asking questions.

“The infamous Winston Blackburn.” Remarked Gontier, his tone shifting from bored to amused.

“The very same.” Replied Shadows carefully.

“I’ve noticed that you’ve gone through great lengths to ensure her safety Shadows. You must bring her for me. I would very much like to meet her.” Smiled Gontier as his eyes bored into Shadows’, as if daring him to protest.

“Miss Blackburn is currently on vacation.” Said Shadows coldly “But when she returns I will oblige you in your request.”

“Excellent.” Chimed Gontier as he leaned back into his seat. “I look forward to meeting this beauty that seems to have caused quite the stir throughout the country.”


The rain fell gently onto the ground almost soundlessly as Izzy made her way quickly through Signor Camachio’s grand home. The elderly gentleman had made it quite clear that there was nowhere in the house that was restricted and that Izzy was free to roam around as she pleased. She pulled her sweater closer to her chest as she stepped out onto the terrace overlooking a sweeping vineyard and sighed loudly knowing that no one would hear her. It had been such a long time since she had felt so alone.

Her heart ached for Shadows as she put a cigarette between her lips and lit it. Earlier she had taken one of Gates’ cigarettes from the pack that he had lying around on the breakfast table. She inhaled and closed her eyes as she relished in the blissful feeling of nicotine coursing through her system. She rarely smoked, but it was when the world was too much with her did she find the urge. The last time she had put a cigarette to her lips was after her father’s funeral.

“You know that that shit is bad for your health right?” came Gates’ soft melodic voice from her right. Izzy jumped slighty in surprise and tried to hide the cigarette even though Gates had already seen it.

“Yeah, well, you’re one to talk.” She retorted, taking a small pull.

“I, my tiny friend, am a lost cause.” He said, a smile hanging from his thin lips as he lit a cigarette of his own.

“Clearly. You have that shit tattooed on your knuckles.” laughed Izzy as she exhaled a plume of smoke.

“Obviously, because Marlboro is the best cigarette known to man genius.” He quipped, taking a long drag.

“Didn’t know you were such a connoisseur of cigarettes in the first place Bri.” smiled Izzy as she took another pull.

“I’m more of a Marlboro connoisseur if I do say so myself.” Joked Gates as he looked out to the vineyard.

“Whatever floats your boat my friend. Whatever floats your boat.” said Izzy sarcastically. “By the way, have you seen Jimmy and Dana for the day?”

Gates regarded Izzy for a moment as if she were insane before cracking a huge smile. “Those two have been in their room all day attempting to procreate.”

“Young love.” Sighed Izzy as she outed her cigarette.

“It’s slightly scarring because my room is right next to theirs.” Grimaced Gates as Izzy laughed at him.

“Your poor ears!” she giggled as Gates shot her an incredulous look. “Invest in some noise cancelling head phones the next time we go out.”

“Duly noted.” shuddered Gates as took a long drag of his cigarette.

The two of them lapsed into a comfortable silence. The thing Izzy liked most about Gates was that he never badgered her to share her feelings, even when it was obvious to both of them that something was bothering her. He would wait until she let him into her head rather than forcing the point and Izzy was always grateful for that. After a few minutes of the two of them watching the steady February rain, Izzy turned to Gates and gave him a weak smile which he returned with a puzzled expression on his face.

“Can we do something tonight?” asked Izzy, preparing for a negative response. They had been in Italy for three days and the most Izzy had done was explore Signor Camachio’s grand estate.

Gates’ puzzled look vanished almost instantaneously as he gave her a dazzling smile.

“Thank the Lord!” he exclaimed loudly while flicking his cigarette into the air away from the terrace. “I thought we’d be cooped up here forever!”

The expression on Izzy’s face was quite similar to the one Gates had just moments before. He laughed and gave her a huge hug, lifting her off her feet and spinning her around.

“Um. O-kay? Are you high?” stammered Izzy as Gates placed her gently back on her feet before releasing her from his hold.

“No Izzy, I am not. But I’ve been dying to get out of this house since the moment we got here!” he replied enthusiastically. “Jimmy is usually my partner in crime but it seems as if he has better things to do with his time than get shitfaced with me.”

“Better things like attempting to procreate with Danes?” snorted Izzy as the two of them walked back into the house.

“Exactly. So you can be my wing woman for tonight.” beamed Gates as they walked through one of the many hallways of Signor Camachio’s home.

“Oh no! I’m not helping you pick up any women tonight!” warned Izzy as she smacked Gates playfully on the arm.

“Who said anything about picking up women? I’ll be with the most beautiful girl in Italy.” Grinned Gates as Izzy flushed a deep crimson color. “Does the truth make you blush Blackburn?” asked Gates as he took in the color that stained Izzy’s cheeks.

She gawked at him unabashedly and knew she probably looked ridiculous doing so. Gates winked at her before climbing up the stairs and Izzy continued to stare.

“Be ready by seven ok? That gives you three hours do to your lady things.” called Gates over his shoulder as he disappeared down the hallway that would take him to his room.

Izzy shook herself mentally and sighed. She needed to get out of the house and relax. Ever since she had arrived in Italy, her thoughts were tormented with worry for Shadows. Padding her way up the stairs she thought about the kiss that they had shared in his office. She could still feel his soft lips against hers when she closed her eyes. Izzy missed Shadows more than she wanted to admit to herself but she knew that he would be fine. He could handle himself for he had been doing just that even before he had met her. Izzy rifled through the closet and searched for an outfit to wear. She and Dana had gone shopping for clothes yesterday since neither of them had packed any suitcases as per Shadows’ request.

Settling on a black skirt and grey top with black pumps, Izzy headed to the shower and took her time washing her hair. Feeling refreshed after her shower, Izzy made her way to Dana and Jimmy’s room dressed in some sweat pants and a baggy t-shirt. She pressed her ear to the door and when she heard no sounds of obvious love making, Izzy knocked twice.

The door flew open and Izzy was greeted by a beaming Jimmy, his clear blue eyes sparkling and his grin devilish.

“What brings you to this neck of the woods Izzy?” grinned Jimmy as Izzy rolled her eyes playfully.

“If it’s not too much trouble, I need to borrow my dear friend Dana. I promise to return her to you so you can continue your sexcapades.” Teased Izzy.

“No! She’s mine! Mine I tell you!” growled Jimmy, his eyes twinkling. “Just kidding!”

Dana appeared in the doorway next to Jimmy, her hair messy and her cheeks flushed. She grinned sheepishly at Izzy who rolled her eyes again. She grabbed Dana’s hand and pulled her away from Jimmy’s room and towards hers.

“Have her back before the stroke of midnight Blackburn!” bellowed Jimmy at their retreating backs.

“Whatever you say boss.” called Izzy over her shoulder as she ushered Dana into her bedroom.

When the door was closed Izzy turned to Dana who was gave her a knowing look.

“Hot date tonight Izzy?” asked Dana mildly, pointing to the outfit that Izzy had laid on her bed.

“Something like that. Gates and I are going out for some drinks.” chuckled Izzy as she plugged in her blow dryer.

“Finally!” exclaimed Dana, causing Izzy to jump at the sudden outburst from her friend.

“What the hell?” muttered Izzy

“You and Gates! The man is practically head over heels for you. You two would be so good together.” Squealed Dana excitedly.

“We’re just friends Danes. Besides, I don’t see him like that.” Insisted Izzy as she sat infront of the vanity mirror in the corner of her room.

“Why don’t you give him a chance? The man is sex in jeans and you know he adores you.” Gushed Dana, perching on Izzy’s bed.

“I don’t need to give him a chance. I don’t have feelings for him.” responded Izzy firmly.

“What are you afraid of Izzy. You have an actual shot of being happy with him.” reasoned Dana as her gaze met Izzy’s in the mirror. The pieces of the puzzle quickly fell into place as Dana saw the flickering emotions pass through Izzy’s eyes. “Are you still holding out for Shadows?” asked Dana finally.

“It’s not that I’m holding out, I just…I can’t….” began Izzy, her voice soft as she tried to find the right words to express what she felt inside.

“You can’t let him go?” Dana finished Izzy’s sentence knowingly and gave her a thin smile.

“I don’t think I want to.” Stated Izzy, her voice barely a whisper.

“Izzy, you know, deep down, that it won’t work with Shadows.” Dana’s voice was filled with concern for her friend. “I can’t tell you who to love or even begin to fathom what your heart wants, but I can tell you that Gates can make you happy. I can see it in the way he looks at you.”

“I wish I could just stop feeling what I feel for Shadows. It hurts to be around him but I just can’t seem to stop myself.” Admitted Izzy sadly. Dana got up from the bed and made her way to Izzy. She placed her hands on Izzy’s shoulders and gave her an encouraging smile.

“I’m sure you will see it for yourself tonight Izzy. But if you want my two-cents, I’ll be more than happy to offer it to you…free of charge because you’re my friend.” Dana said lightly causing Izzy to smile weakly at her in the mirror.

“Let me hear you’re free of charge two-cents then.” Smiled Izzy

“You need some time to yourself, just to think, away from these men. You need to take time to figure out what you want otherwise you’re just going to be unhappy. I don’t want that for you, you deserve happiness. Just think about what you want, what you need.” Offered Dana who at that moment, sounded wiser than anyone her age.

“You’re right Danes.” Said Izzy after a few moments. “I need some time for myself. Who knows, maybe I will be able to see things differently.”

“That’s the spirit!” beamed Dana as she squeezed Izzy’s shoulders gently. “Now let’s get you ready for tonight!”


The bar that Gates had chosen was chic and modern, cramped wall to wall with people dressed to the nines. He placed his hand gently at the small of Izzy’s back and guided her through the throngs of people around them. Signor Camachio had insisted that they take a security detail, who were positioned strategically around the bar. They ordered their drinks and made small talk but Izzy felt nervous on the inside. She knew Gates was in love with her, which made tonight even more awkward. The looks, the small smiles, everything he did, was born out of his affections for her and it was tonight that Izzy had finally begun to see them for what they really were. Gates really was in love with her and he was always there when she needed someone; like a knight in shining armor. They pushed their way through the crowd and found an empty corner. Izzy had a sinking feeling that Signor Camachio’s men had seen to it, possibly removing the occupants so that Gates and Izzy could sit down.

The music was loud, the beat hypnotic. Gates and Izzy talked and laughed as the night carried on, their hands never empty and their conversation never faltering. Their bodies were so close together that it seemed as if they were trying to mold into each other as they spoke into each other’s ear over the blaring music. Their gazes would meet time and time again; the air around them seemed to be filled with a constant static that hummed pleasantly between them. Izzy was so close to Gates that the honeysuckle scent of her skin consumed his senses as her lips brushed wickedly close to his ear as she spoke to him about her plans to re-start the bookstore. He fought back the sensations that the proximity of her body brought to him. Never had he been so close to her and she seemed to be comfortable being as close as she was. Her hand rested casually on his knee as they spoke and Gates bit back the urge to kiss her.

“Dance with me.” He commanded after their sixth drink. Gates got to his feet gracefully and held his hand out for Izzy. She placed her smaller hand in his and Gates’ slender fingers wrapped around her hand. He pulled her through the crowd and finally, they found a spot. Their bodies moved together to the steady beat of the bass. Izzy pressed herself closer to Gates as the people around them moved their bodies to the music. Izzy looked up at Gates and noticed that his chocolate colored eyes were swirling with an array of different emotions; some she recognized, others lost to her. He held her to him, his hands on her waist, guiding her movements against his body, the sweet friction causing blinding pleasure to course through Gates’ body. Again, he resisted the urge to kiss the raven haired beauty looking up at him with almost expectant eyes which were dark and clouded.

Without thinking of the consequences, Gates leaned down and kissed Izzy gently on the lips and moaned when she returned it. Her fingers wound into his hair and in that moment, Gates had everything he wanted.


Izzy felt around her bed the next morning, her head foggy and pounding. The sunlight filtering into the room did nothing to help the situation. She groaned out loud and her hand felt around the bed for her cell phone. Feeling her way around, her hand brushed something warm. It was in that moment that Izzy jumped out of her skin, panic coursing through her in her dazed state. Grey eyes searched the bed, pulling back the blankets to reveal a shirtless Gates, his tattooed chest rising and falling gently as he snored loudly. Izzy looked down at herself and quickly realized that she was wearing nothing but her lacy bra and underwear set.

She prodded Gates with her index finger while pulling the blankets securely around her. Her head was spinning from the obvious hangover that she was now sporting after a night of drinking copious amounts of alcohol. Gates groaned and muttered incoherently in his sleep, shifting slightly before letting out a loud snore.

Izzy tried to think back to last night, but after her sixth drink, everything was a colorful blur. She had no proper recollection of how she and Gates ended up half naked in her bed and Izzy had a sinking feeling that in their drunken state, the two of them had quite a wild night.



I was so excited to see this story had been updated! It's easily my favorite continuing fan fiction I've ever read. Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
Deeks27 Deeks27
This story is amazing!! Pleasee update!
synful7plague synful7plague
Please please update this story again it's fantastic!
I loved this. Marvelous! Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon please~