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Torture and Shy Smiles

Waves of relief crashed over Izzy as Tuck pulled Shaddix off of her, his gun trained on the back of Shaddix’s head, his hand steady, his eyes cold. Shadows and Gates screeched to a halt in front of Carlos’, both men jumping out from the escalade, guns drawn, and expressions serious. Gates bound Shaddix’s wrists tightly with cable ties and roughly threw him into the vehicle. Shadows made his way quickly towards Izzy, each of his steps purposeful. He gathered a shaking Izzy into his arms, rocking her gently in a rare display of affection. Izzy relaxed in Shadows’ arms, allowing the hazel eyed man to hold her as he cooed soft, gentle words of comfort. Peering around his shoulder, Izzy’s eyes found Gates’ and he gave her a small smile and a swift nod of his head. His eyes burned into hers as he beckoned Tuck over, the two men exchanging words quickly. Gates’ eyes never left hers as he spoke with Tuck.

“I’m sorry for leaving the house.” Izzy said softly into Shadows’ chest, her eyes shining with fresh tears.

“I guess I brought this upon myself.” Shadows’ replied, his voice gentle. “I shouldn’t have treated you like a child.”

“You were only looking out for me.” Izzy’s tears cascaded down her cheeks as she looked up at Shadows, whose mouth was pressed into a thin line as his hazel eyes flickered with emotion.

“You should have been safe with Jacoby.” Muttered Shadows bitterly, turning his head to the Escalade in which Shaddix was now seated. “He turned and we had no idea.”

“He played us all Shadows.” Said Izzy reasonably. “The man is a damn good actor.”

There was silence for a moment hanging between both Izzy and Shadows as they stood next to Shaddix’s Charger. Slowly, Shadows released Izzy only to take her hand in his and lead her towards Gates and Tuck.

“Thank you.” Shadows said to Tuck, his words cold and clipped.

“I happened to be pulling in. Right place, right time?” mused Tuck, his eyes flickering to Izzy and then back to Shadows. “I trust that you accept fully that I am on your side.”

Shadows tensed, his entire body rigid as he regarded Tuck with his head cocked to the side. Shadows slid on his aviators, concealing his eyes and the doubt that lingered in them. Tuck’s outright display of protectiveness towards Izzy spoke volumes and after their meeting two weeks ago, Shadows wanted to believe that Tuck was really on their side. But something about the man just screamed bad news. Shadows couldn’t outright deny Tuck, especially now, after having ultimately saved Izzy. He would have to be frugal in what information he gave to Tuck for Shadows had a sinking feeling that Tuck, despite his actions, was up to no good. Gates had tried to reason with him, stating that Tuck appeared genuine and that his intentions were true, but Shadows’ sixth sense was screaming otherwise. In any instance, Bullet for my Valentine would prove to be a useful ally and for that reason alone, Shadows was willing to put his screaming sixth sense on hold.

“Yes Tuck. I have no doubt in you.” Shadows’ lie was smooth and calculated. “Now, I have matters to attend to with our dear friend Jacoby.” Shadows’ hazel eyes flashed with something dark and sinister as he climbed into his Escalade.

“Would you mind taking Izzy back to the mansion?” asked Gates casually, clasping Tuck’s shoulder with his ink adorned fingers. Gates trusted Tuck but he knew that Shadows didn’t share the same sentiments. Knowing that putting Izzy in the same vehicle with Shaddix was a terrible idea, the only option available was Tuck. “We’ll follow you.” Gates gave Izzy a quick reassuring peck on the cheek before climbing into the blacked out Escalade.

As soon as Gates climbed into Shadows’ Escalade, he pulled out his cellphone and got additional security detail to follow Tuck’s car. Shadows was tense knowing that Izzy was with someone he didn’t fully trust but Gates tried his best to reassure his friend that Tuck having to take Izzy home was, in a way, a test for Tuck. Throughout the entire 10 minute ride home, Shadows was tense, his knuckles white as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. It wasn’t until they arrived at the mansion did he visibly relax. He watched as Tuck helped Izzy out of the vehicle, opening her door for her and proffering his hand. Shadows saw Izzy flash Tuck a small yet fearful smile as Tuck’s fingers wrapped around her hand gently.

Turning his attention to Gates, Shadows gave his second in command a wary smile.

“Let’s get this show on the road then.” Both men turned to Shaddix with malicious smiles on their faces. “You brought this upon yourself J when you decided to work for Night.”
Shaddix didn’t beg nor did he plead as Shadows and Gates hauled him out of the Escalade roughly. He knew very well what they intended to do to him; what they did to anyone that double crossed them. A tremor of fear radiated throughout Shaddix but he steadied his nerves as the two men dragged him towards the basement of the vast A7X mansion.

Shadows threw Shadddix roughly onto the cold hard ground in one of the cells in the basement. The walls were a dull grey and the single fluorescent light bulb dangling from the ceiling flickered ever so often. Shaddix pulled himself to his feet as Shadows, Gates and now Vengeance watched him like hawks. Jimmy joined them, dragging a chair into the cell, placing it in the middle of the room. He grasped Shaddix by the scruff of his neck and forced him to sit. With dexterity and expertise, Jimmy bound Shaddix to the chair with thick lengths of rope and then stepped back to admire his handiwork.

“How long have you been working for Night?” asked Shadows, his voice soft but lethal. He cracked his knuckles as he advanced towards Shaddix who regarded him with cold, vacant eyes, his mouth pressed into a thin hard line. Shadows’ fist connected with the right side of Shaddix’s face and Shaddix groaned in pain. “Talk you fucking cunt!” Shadddix spat at Shadows’ feet, earning him three more blows to the face.

Vengeance stepped forward, idly playing with his switchblade. He ran the tip of the wickedly sharp knife along Shaddix’s forearm. “I’m not afraid to bleed you dry.” Said Vengeance venomously. “So start talking.” Shaddix remained steadfastly quiet and Vengeance pressed the blade into his former friend’s skin, relishing the feeling of skin slicing. Blood seeped out of the fresh gash in Shaddix’s forearm and he winced in pain knowing that Vengeance had intentionally missed one of his major veins. “You won’t like it if Rev starts on you, so talk!” threatened Vengeance, his eyes shining with malice.

“Three weeks.” Gasped Shaddix as Vengeance pressed the tip of the switchblade into his shoulder, stabbing callously through muscle and sinew.

“What have you divulged?” snarled Shadows, his hazel eyes dark.

“Nothing.” Breathed Shaddix as Vengeance chuckled darkly behind him. “I’ve told him nothing yet.”

“Liar!” roared Shadows, striking Shaddix again, causing the bound man to groan in agony. “What have you divulged?”

Jimmy stepped in, his eyes cold, all traces of his good nature and kindness vanishing with each step that he took towards Shaddix who watched the transformation in the blue eyed man with wide fearful eyes. By the time Jimmy had crossed the room, his entire being had shifted and changed. His eyes were hollow depths of cold blue and the smile on his face was nothing short of malevolent. He was no longer Jimmy. He was The Rev.

“Do you know what we do to liars and double crossers?” breathed The Rev, leaning close to Shaddix.

Words failing him, Shaddix nodded.

“Good.” The Rev’s voice was barely a whisper, “Start talking or you won’t make it out of this room alive by the time I’m through with you.”

Shaddix’s blood ran cold. He had bared witness to The Rev’s cruelty only a handful of times in the past. “I was supposed to infiltrate and bring the girl to Night.”

The Rev let out barking laughter, his eyes cruel as he pulled brass knuckles from his back pocket and slid it onto his fingers with wickedly slow movements. He clenched his fist, and without warning, Shaddix felt pain explode behind his eyes as The Rev’s brass knuckles collide with the right side of his face.

“You already infiltrated you fucking idiot. We trusted you enough to walk in and out of our home as you pleased!” snarled The Rev. “What else have you been up to aside from your botched kidnapping attempt?”

“I was supposed to find out what Winston Blackburn left for the girl.” Panted Shaddix as he spat blood onto the floor.

“What did he leave for her Jacoby?” asked The Rev, looking back at Gates and Shadows who were standing behind him watching Shaddix with disdain. Vengeance positioned himself behind Shaddix so that he could help The Rev torture information out of their former ally.

“The information.” Wheezed Shaddix as Vengeance pressed the tip of the blade to his neck, applying small amounts of pressure. “The information about all your rivals, including Night. I was supposed to recover it.”

“Did you let your master know about what Winston Blackburn left for Isabel?” snapped Vengeance angrily.

“He knows that you possess something but he doesn’t know what. I was supposed to gather intel and take it back to him.” rasped Shaddix as Vengeance sliced into his neck. The Rev stared at Shaddix with muted fury swirling in his cold blue eyes. “He gave me two weeks.”

Shadows handed The Rev a gun, and before anyone could blink an eye, The Rev had put a bullet in Shaddix’s knee cap. Shaddix howled in pain, doubling over on himself, coughing and gasping for air as white hot agony tore through him. Before he could get a chance to recover, The Rev put another bullet into him, this time into his right shoulder. Screaming, Shaddix looked up at The Rev whose face was contorted with contempt and yet, a sinister smile tugged at his lips.

“Why would you turn on us? We’ve been brother’s in arms for seven fucking years?” The Rev’s voice was lethally soft.

“Night is gaining supporters. He’s talking of a revolution, Gontier’s reign will end soon and Night will take his place. Those who support him will have the spoils of the battle and gain higher positions within the ranks.” Explained Shaddix even through his ragged breathing.

“Night is a manipulative liar. He uses those he can to further himself. You are just a pawn.” Sneered Vengeance, his green eyes glinting wickedly. “There is no revolution, and even if there was, you will never see the rewards of your efforts.” Vengeance looked from The Rev to Shadows who nodded his head curtly. “All you will see is a bullet in your head from Night.”
Vengeance plunged his knife into Shaddix’s throat just as The Rev offloaded five bullets into his chest without so much as blinking an eye. Shaddix slumped forward, his body sagging against the ropes that bound his now lifeless form to the chair. Vengeance wiped the blade of his knife on his jeans as The Rev turned away from the bullet ridden body of his former friend.

“Get rid of his body.” Said The Rev coldly, stalking past Shadows who watched him head upstairs.

The Rev made his way through the mansion, instantly stopping in his tracks when he heard soft sobs from his left. He turned, his cold blue eyes landing on the trembling form of Izzy, slumped against a wall, tears cascading down her face.

“Jimmy?” cried Izzy, her eyes widening as she took his in blood splattered appearance.

The Rev stiffened as he struggled internally to flip the switch. Izzy regarded him with terrified eyes, her gaze lingering on the gun that he still clutched in his hand. Izzy closed the distance between The Rev and herself and without thinking, threw her arms around his neck, hugging him to her. Blood smeared Izzy’s clothes but she didn’t care. She could feel the tension ripple off of The Rev’s body as his hands hung limply on either side of him, but she continued to hold him until she felt his entire body sag and relax in her arms. His arms wrapped around Izzy’s body, crushing her to him.

“Back with me Jimmy?” asked Izzy softly, stroking his hair.

“Yes.” Jimmy’s voice was hoarse. He began to release Izzy from his hold.

“Good.” Izzy smiled weakly at him, her eyes still filled with tears. “I assume that that’s not tomato juice.”

“Not tomato juice.” Whispered Jimmy avoiding Izzy’s eyes. “I’m going to shower.”

Fifteen minutes later, Jimmy came down the stairs with a towel on his head and looked at Izzy, who sat on the second to last step, with sad eyes. His soft, sweet confused look called to Izzy on a deep elemental level as he sat on the step below her. She gazed at the back of Jimmy’s head, tears prickling her eyes as she realized that the man, who was her best friend, her confidant and her staunchest defender was filled with fragile alienation and innate self-loathing. Izzy gingerly took the towel off of Jimmy’s wet hair, watching with soft eyes as tiny droplets of water cascaded down the sides of his tattooed neck.

“Can I?” asked Izzy timidly.

Jimmy’s shoulders sagged slightly as Izzy began to gently towel dry his hair. “It’s been a long time since anyone ever did this for me.” He said shyly. “Actually, no one’s ever done this for me.”

“You know that I don’t care about what goes on when you…..um…flip the switch right?” said Izzy softly. “As long as you come back.”

“I’ll always come back Iz.” Replied Jimmy, his voice laced with sadness.



I was so excited to see this story had been updated! It's easily my favorite continuing fan fiction I've ever read. Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
Deeks27 Deeks27
This story is amazing!! Pleasee update!
synful7plague synful7plague
Please please update this story again it's fantastic!
I loved this. Marvelous! Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon please~