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Burning Bridges

For the next week, Gates was scarce, taking on multiple jobs just so he would be away from the mansion. Only Jimmy and Izzy knew the real reason for his absence and they both kept it to themselves. On numerous nights, Izzy would hear the front door close but by the time she pulled herself out of her bed, Gates was already shut away in his room. Izzy knew she had to talk to him, about everything but he just wasn’t giving her the chance.

Finally, on a lazy Sunday evening, Izzy waited and waited for Gates at the top of the marble staircase with a book in hand. She had been sitting in the same spot for almost three hours but she needed to talk to him and she was determined to do it tonight. Another hour passed, then another until at 9:17, the front door opened and Gates stepped into the mansion. His chocolate brown eyes instantly met her wide grey ones and a scowl appeared on Gates’ face. He purposefully walked towards the kitchen and Izzy scrambled down the stairs after him. She had practiced over and over what she would say to him when she finally got the chance, but now that she was ready to confront him, all her preparation flew out of the window.

Gates was taking off his black leather jacket just as Izzy entered the kitchen. His body tensed, as if he had sensed her but he didn’t bother to turn around. Izzy cleared her throat in anticipation, hoping to get Gates’ attention. He continued to ignore her as he placed his jacket over the back of one of the chairs at the breakfast table.

“Can we talk?” asked Izzy softly, her voice timid.

Gates turned around, giving her a polite smile that was both cold and distant. His eyes were dark and tired but he watched her like a hawk as she nimbly moved around the kitchen to sit on one of the bar stools.

“If you so desire.” His tone was cool and clipped.

Taking a deep steadying breath, Izzy gazed at Gates and bit her lower lip nervously.

“I wanted to talk to you about the other day.” she said carefully, aware that Gates would probably storm off once she brought up the topic. To Izzy’s immense surprise, he didn’t. He merely leaned against the kitchen counter and folded his ink adorned arms over his chest.

“There’s nothing to talk about Izzy.” he said coldly, his voice filled with disdain.

Izzy shifted uncomfortably in her seat as Gates continued to scrutinize her. She lowered her gaze and stared at her interlaced fingers that were on her lap.

“You know how I feel about you.” the anguish in his voice demanded Izzy’s attention. Her head snapped up and she looked at him, her cheeks flushing. “And now I know how you feel about Vengeance.” His brown eyes were bleak and he ran a hand through his dark hair.

Unbidden and unwelcome tears pooled in Izzy’s eyes and Gates’ eyes softened fractionally. Nonsensical pain stabbed at Izzy’s heart as the realization of how much of fool she really had been crashed down on her. Standing before her was the one man that had loved her unconditionally, that had been there for her time and time again. He was the man that risked his life for her without hesitation. He was the one who went above and beyond to make her happy. Jimmy had been right all along. Gates truly loved her and she had hurt him deeply. She had been a fool to carry things on with Vengeance. She had been weak and afraid of her own heart. Looking at Gates now, Jimmy’s words haunted her. You two are a match made in heaven and you know that, you just haven’t realized it yet.

“I feel nothing for Vengeance.” began Izzy, her voice strained and foreign even to her own ears.

Gates scoffed and shifted his position but his eyes remained on Izzy. His eyes become hooded and speculative, his mouth a hard, impassive line.

“How does one sleep with someone they feel nothing for then? Explain that to me.” his voice was unconvincingly nonchalant.

Those unwelcome tears escaped from Izzy’s eyes as she brushed them away, knowing that they made her weak. She couldn’t be weak now, no, not now. She needed to be strong.

“I can’t explain it to you. I can barely explain it to myself.” answered Izzy, knowing that those words sounded pathetic even though they were the most honest words she had to offer. Gates frowned at her, unimpressed and irritated.

“Well, this has been an enlightening conversation.” he snapped sarcastically, pushing away from the countertop he had been leaning against. “But I think I’ve heard enough for one night.” He began to stride out of the kitchen and Izzy frantically chased after him. He just about exited the kitchen when Izzy grabbed his arm. His entire body stiffened and he turned, looking down at her coldly.

“I know you’re angry Brian….” pleaded Izzy, her eyes brimming with fresh tears as she looked up at Gates.

“I’m beyond angry!” he all but shouted at her. “I’m fucking furious!” Izzy flinched at his outburst, her eyes widening in fear but Gates did nothing but watch her with unmasked disgust. “You’ve lost the right to call me by my name. You will refer to me as Synyster Gates from now on.”

With those words, he wrenched his arm out of Izzy’s hold and stalked away, leaving Izzy shocked and lost for words. Tearfully, Izzy stood in stunned silence, watching Gates’ back retreat further and further away from her. The front door opened and closed again and Izzy let her tears fall.

“Looks like your prince charming ain’t so charming after all.” came a cold sinister voice from the shadows. Izzy’s body tensed as Vengeance’s arms snaked around her waist, his plump snake bitten lips pressing against her neck. “You don’t need him, you never did.” he whispered against her skin, a smirk tugging at his lips. “You know that no one else here knows your needs the way I do.”

Izzy pulled away from Vengeance even though her body had begun to warm to his touch. Jimmy was right, all along; Vengeance was only concerned with himself. The sarcasm and cruelty that was underlying in his words jumped out at Izzy. Her blood boiled as Vengeance chuckled darkly, grabbing for her, pulling her body to his. He nipped playfully at her ear and Izzy’s body shuddered. Banishing the mind numbing lust that was threatening to overwhelm her, Izzy forced herself to pull out of Vengeance’s arms again, this time putting more distance between herself and the green eyed man who was now eying her in a predatory kind of way as lust and desire burned in his eyes. Tearing her eyes way from Vengeance’s, Izzy stalked off, heading upstairs, to find comfort and solace, knowing that the only place she would find it was with Jimmy.


Izzy had discarded the glass she had been using to drink her Jack Daniels and now opted to drink straight from the bottle itself. She had spent less than half an hour with Jimmy in his room when they had decided that taking a few drinks would help both of their nerves. An hour of drinking later, Jimmy had gone up to his room to talk to Dana who had called, promising to come down in a little while. Izzy sat in the living room surrounded by darkness, indulging in both self-pity and blatant wallow over the situation with Gates. She had found herself in the middle of a royal mess that she had singlehandedly created.

Taking a large gulp of the amber liquid, Izzy reveled in the feel of it burning its way down her throat. Her mind was cloudy and her senses significantly dulled by the alcohol coursing through her veins. She got up and stumbled over her own feet, crashing to the ground.

Gates opened the front door and heard a small crash come from the living room. Drawing his gun from the waistband of his jeans, he went to investigate. He knew Shadows and Christ were both a the strip club Darkness Falls attending to business and that Vengeance was at Johnny’s bar which was where he had just come from. Gates may have been joined by Vengeance at Johnny’s bar earlier but he didn’t mind. At the end of the day, he and Vengeance had been friends and brothers-in-arms for well over a decade. He may be angry with the green eyed man but he would never turn away his company. At any rate, Gates didn’t want to drink alone. Proceeding further into the darkness, Gates knew that the only people that were in the house were Jimmy and Izzy and judging from the darkness engulfing the first floor, Gates guessed that they were both upstairs.

There was a faint commotion coming from inside the living room, soft cursing cutting through the darkness. Gates flipped on the light switch and looked for the source of the noise. His eyes fell quickly on Izzy, who was a tangled heap on the floor, an almost empty bottle of Jack Daniel’s in her hand. He sighed and tucked his gun away and entered the living room.

Izzy blinked blearily as light flooded the living room. Her head was spinning and she vaguely recognized Gates approaching her. She cringed inwardly as she attempted to get to her feet but toppled over again, successfully bringing one of the sofa’s cushions down onto her head. She groaned in frustration and embarrassment as Gates chuckled from where he stood, watching her with an amused look on his face. He extended his hand out for Izzy but she swatted it away as she struggled uncoordinatedly to her feet.

She pushed past Gates and headed as best as she could in the direction of her room. She was vaguely aware of Gates behind her, a worried look on his face as he followed her up the stairs.

“Why are you following me?” slurred Izzy, her grey eyes clouded. Her head began to spin and her stomach roiled unpleasantly.

“Just making sure you don’t fall down the stairs and break your neck.” His voice held none of its previous anger but was impassive and tight, as if he was exercising immense control.

“You can stop following me now.” grumbled Izzy as they made it to the top of the stairs. She took a step forward and felt her entire world tilt. Gates wrapped an arm around her shoulders, rolling his chocolate brown eyes as he did and guided Izzy to her bedroom.

Izzy’s skin broke out into a cold sweat just as Gates flipped on her bedroom light. Her stomach heaved and Izzy broke away from Gates, rushing to the bathroom. Her body, unable to contain the alcohol forced into it gave out and Izzy began to vomit spectacularly into the toilet. Gates pulled back her hair, sweeping it into a makeshift ponytail with his hands as Izzy continued vomiting, her body trembling violently. She vomited over and over again as Gates stood behind her, rubbing her back gently until finally, she stopped. Groaning, Izzy pulled away from the toilet bowl that she had been clutching onto and flushed it. She leaned back against Gates who pulled out a handkerchief, handing it to Izzy who gratefully accepted it. He helped her to her feet and led her to her bed. Swamped with shame and disgust, Izzy refused to look at Gates even when she felt his gaze upon her.

“I’m never drinking again.” moaned Izzy as she fell back onto her pillows.

“We’ve all been where you are right now Izzy and believe me, our experiences have been ten times more dramatic than yours.” said Gates dryly as he helped Izzy under the covers.

“I’m sorry.” muttered Izzy, still not meeting Gates eyes.

“You have nothing to be sorry for Izzy. Trust me. It’s alright. At least you were home and not at a bar.” chastised Gates, folding his arms across his chest.

“Thank you.” murmured Izzy as her eyelids fluttered closed. “Maybe one day you can forgive me.” Gates’ eyebrows shot up. “Jimmy was right. I never realized what I had until now.” Izzy continued to mutter as consciousness slipped away from her. “You really are everything I could have ever asked for.”

Gates regarded Izzy with a puzzled look on his face. He felt the color rise in his cheeks as a soft snore escaped Izzy’s lips. His eyes softened as Izzy slept, lulled into a dreamland after ingesting copious amounts of alcohol. I small smile crept onto Gates’ lips as he left the room in search of some Advil. He may have been cold and cruel earlier but now he felt somewhat guilty about it. There was no doubt in his mind that his earlier interaction with Izzy had spurred her to drink. Returning to the room with a glass of water and two Advil, he placed both items on Izzy’s bedside table. He leaned down and brushed his lips against Izzy’s forehead. When he straightened up, he realized that he was being watched. Turning, Gates’ eyes landed on Jimmy who was lounging idly against Izzy’s doorframe, a smirk tugging at his lips as his clear blue eyes twinkled.

“Looks like someone’s drunk off their ass.” said Jimmy, a large smile creeping onto his face.

“Mhmm…found her on the floor in the living room.” replied Gates, walking towards Jimmy.

“You know that she’s trying her best right?” asked Jimmy as the two of them headed back downstairs.

Gates looked at Jimmy from the corner of his eye. He wanted to believe that Izzy was trying, that maybe he still had a chance of winning her heart but deep down, he couldn’t shake the feeling that Vengeance still had his claws sunken into her.

“If you were around this week you would have seen it for yourself, but hey, there’s always tomorrow!” sang Jimmy happily.


The next morning Izzy opened her eyes and instantly shut them as the bright morning sunlight engulfed her room. Her head pounded and her mouth tasted something similar to a sewer. She groaned as images of Gates holding back her hair while she vomited flashed in her mind. Cringing, Izzy covered her head with a pillow as her face flushed with shame.

A soft knock on her bedroom door sounded more like pounding and Izzy groaned again. She peeked out from beneath her pillow and saw Christ entering the room, in a dress shirt and dark wash jeans. His hair was disheveled and he wore a small smile.

“Morning sunshine!” he beamed at her as Izzy threw her pillow at him.

“Why are you shouting at me?” complained Izzy, shooting Christ an annoyed look that he seemed oblivious to.

“Someone’s got a nasty hangover.” observed Christ with a small laugh. He pointed to the Advil on the bedside table. “Those should help.”

“Why are you here so early in the morning?” asked Izzy, reaching for the two tablets and the glass of water.

“It’s past ten and Shadows wanted to see you after you’ve had breakfast.” stated Christ shortly.

“Why?” asked Izzy curiously, gulping the water in an attempt to quench her thirst.

“Something about the bookstore.” shrugged Christ. “By the way, should I wear a tie?”

Izzy gave him a shrewd look as she pulled herself out of bed.

“Depends on where you’re going.” she said simply as she padded towards the bathroom.

“A meeting with new clients.” offered Christ as he looked at Izzy expectantly.

“Then forget the tie. You’re a badass not an accountant. You don’t need a tie.” replied Izzy, her voice slightly hoarse.

“No tie then. Thanks. See you downstairs.” chimed Christ as he exited Izzy’s room with a small smile on his face.

Ten minutes later, Izzy entered the kitchen in a pair of fresh pajama bottoms and an oversized Guns ‘n’ Roses t-shirt that she had stolen from Jimmy when they were in Italy. Head still pounding, Izzy poured herself some cereal and chose to sit at the bar top portion of the kitchen rather than at the table where Vengeance and Jimmy were currently sitting having their breakfast. Vengeance shot her a burning look that did not go unnoticed by Jimmy who scowled darkly into his glass of juice. Izzy promptly flushed and busied herself with pouring out some milk into her Lucky Charms.

Gates sauntered into the kitchen, with a wicked gleam in his eyes. He approached Izzy who was unnaturally preoccupied with shoveling cereal into her mouth at an alarming rate. Vengeance looked up and choked on his breakfast at the sight of Gates placing a chaste kiss on Izzy’s temple. Izzy looked up at Gates and gave him a confused look. He flashed her a dazzling smile to which Izzy responded to by smiling weakly. His eyes burned into hers and the intensity of the look made Izzy’s breath hitch in her throat. She had never seen that look before and found it to be a look she would love to see over and over again. At that moment, Izzy realized how beautiful Gates’ eyes really were-captivating, intelligent, deep and dark; dark with secrets that Izzy found herself wanting to discover more than anything. She wanted to know Gates, really know him and try even though fear of the unknown terrified her. She was terrified to get her heart broken again but something deep inside of her told her that Gates would never hurt her the way Shadows and Vengeance did.

“I forgive you.” he breathed in her ear, his voice warm and slightly seductive. Izzy flushed a deep shade of crimson. “Are you blushing Miss Blackburn?”

“It’s an occupational hazard. You’re well aware of the fact that I blush all the time.” answered Izzy softly, not trusting her voice. In her drunken state last night, she had said the things she really wanted to say to Gates in the kitchen the afternoon before. Apparently, he had let go of his anger enough to listen to her drunken ramblings, possibly realizing that she was speaking the truth.

“I like it when you blush. It makes you look so…..innocent.” he whispered, his warm breath tickling Izzy’s ear. He walked away as Izzy stared after him, ignoring Vengeance who was gawking unabashedly at both Gates and her. Jimmy was positively beaming as he turned to clasp Gates on the shoulder as he took his usual seat. Stunned, Izzy continued to stare with her mouth hanging open slightly. Perhaps Gates really did have a change of heart and maybe she was too.



I was so excited to see this story had been updated! It's easily my favorite continuing fan fiction I've ever read. Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
Deeks27 Deeks27
This story is amazing!! Pleasee update!
synful7plague synful7plague
Please please update this story again it's fantastic!
I loved this. Marvelous! Can't wait for the next chapter! Update soon please~