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I'm Never Letting You Go


I took a deep breath, a breath of freedom, and marched over to the front desk. I was unsure of what I would say, or if they'd even believe me, but I prayed that they would, I hoped that they would type my name into the computer and my name would pop up, pop up as a missing girl.

"How can I help you?" An officer asked in a monotone voice, he seemed bored and un- amused to be there.

"H- hi, um, I uh, I was k- kidnapped a- and I j- just got a- away." I was stuttering again, I always did when I was nervous or upset. The officer's head snapped up and looked me in they eye, his own gaze softened as he scrutinized me, he seemed to believe me. Instantly, he picked up the phone and dialed numbers, shouting into the reciever, demanding more officer's to get over here. Everything was happening so fast. In the next few minutes I was moved into another, quiet room, a blanket was draped over me, and a steaming cup of coffee was placed in front of me. A different officer than earlier was sitting across from me.

She was a woman, with long, black, flowing hair, and an olive skin tone. Her eyes were a warm, brown and they were gazing into mine. She had her hands placed in front of her, she looked like she was in a trance, deep in thought.

"We're going to sit you down in here and let you calm down, once you're ready, we're going to bring you back out front and we're going to enter your information into the system and we're going to see what comes up. Sound like a plan?" I knew, deep inside, that this woman was trying to help me, but I couldn't help but hate her. She was using the voice that made me feel like a child, a small, stupid, incompitent child.

"Yeah, that sounds great, look, I think I'm ready to get started. I just want to go back home." I tried to restrain the bitch tone that was trying to seep into my voice. I got up from my rickety, wooden chair a picked up my steaming cup of coffee. The woman looked stunned at my sudden eagerness, slowly but surely, she got up from the chair and walked in front of me, opened the door and lead the way back out. Though this time we didn't go out to the busy, bustling front, we walked in the opposite direction.

We entered a dark room that had a wall of computers and in the middle of the wall, sat one man, one very skinny, pale nerd. He swiveled in his chair and came face to face with me. Instantly, he took my picture and sent it to the computer. Then, without even saying one word to me, he started typing away on his keyboard.

"Name." A monotone, scratchy voice drifted towards my ears.

"Ho- Holly Sinir." He instantly put it into his computer, within seconds a bing came from the computer and my picture, the one from school last year, popped onto every screen. Every picture had the word MISSING in big bold letter at the bottom. I drew in a sharp breath, what saw me shocked me, I guess my facebook message got around...

The man then turned to me and got up from his chair. This man towered over me, he was a giant, he was also very skinny, making him look even taller. He took long strides towards me and stopped right in front of me. My eyes met his chest and I literally, had to look up at him.

"Okay, I want you to go sit down in the chair and put in all the information that you can remember about your kidnappers. Do you think you're ready to do that?" I almost wanted to laugh at his voice, he sounded like a 13 year- old boy who's balls hadn't dropped yet.

"Um, sure, I can try." I walked on wobbly legs towards the pictures of my face and sat down. On one small screen, there were questions, there had to be a million of them, though they all seemed to be pretty simple.

How many attackers were there?
How many men were there? I only ever saw three, but surely there had to be more, right?
Let's just skip this one.

What were their names?
Brian, Shadows, Jimmy. Were those their real names? Or were they fake names?
Let's just skip this one too.

Wow, these were harder than I thought. "Um, I don't think I can answer any of these, I don't know the answers." The tears started to pool in my eyes when I realised just how useless I truly was. I couldn't even send my attackers to jail. "I- I - I j- just wan- want to go ho- home." I wailed, I didn't care that I was blubbering, I didn't care that that I was stuttering again, I didn't even care how ugly I looked, I just wanted to go home. I broke down, I don't know what made me do it at that particular moment, but I snapped, I fell to shambles infront of complete strangers.

I was immediately ushered from the room, an officer came to stand in front of me, ushering me into a tinted window car. He sat down beside me and just kind of stared at me. Finally, getting annoyed, I huffed and turned around to look back at him. My eyes boar in his just as his striking green eyes pierced through mine. His appearance shocked me, bright green eyes, and piercings, septum and snakebites. I didn't know police officers were allowed to have piercings. After a while he stuck out his hand towards me.

"I'm detective Baker, I'll be escorting you to the airport tomorrow. I also spoke to the officer back in you hometown and you don't know how happy we are to have found you." He seemed really nice, but the thing that threw me was the we, what did he mean we? Though I immediately pushed it from my mind and the rest of the night passed in a blur.


Please update! I just started reading this today and I love it!

Please please PLEASE UPDATE!!!!

S_Poindexter S_Poindexter
I like this, :)
this is so good!
frankie_a7x frankie_a7x